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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #povray Welcome to the unofficial Povray hangout! 6
Undernet #bukidnon 6
Undernet #helpless 6
DALnet #angie Welcome to Midget carneval! 6
OFTC #reproducible-changes 6
KampungChat #brunei Selamat Datang Ke [ ][ ][ ] Brunei Darussalam [ ][ ][ ] 6
Libera.Chat #wrongplanet-ops WrongPlanet.net Operator Help Channel * Respect all users * RULES: https://wrongplanet.chat/rules | This channel now enforces a no idling rule. If you are not an op, and don't have something to ask of the operators, please do not remain in this channel. 6
Libera.Chat #jellyfin-translate 6
SkyChatz #tawakal ****** #Tawakal Mutiarakata: "Belajar itu perlu berguru, Supaya tahu asal usulmu; Salasilah itu amatlah perlu, Laksana tali lurus bersatu." Makluman: Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Maaf Zahir dan Batin dari pihak admin@Tawakal ****** 6
Undernet #m&m 6
Libera.Chat #petalisp Elegant High Performance Computing | https://github.com/marcoheisig/Petalisp | https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23petalisp 6
OFTC #dvswitch DVswitch - http://dvswitch.alioth.debian.org 6
Libera.Chat #ghs Channel for Gothenburg Hackerspace | https://gbghackerspace.se/ | All creatures welcome 6
Libera.Chat #temporaldeadzone 6
Libera.Chat #zerotier 6
Undernet #seti Searching for extraterrestrial intelligence !!! ( http://setiathome.berkeley.edu ) 6
Rizon #jax-test 6
Libera.Chat #inetcc International Network of Classic Computers >> Project discussion and technical support >> NEW Gemini server online! gemini://retro.inetcc.org/ 6
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-quiets-zh 各维基计划中文频道共用的禁言列表 | 注意这里 +b 对应全域 +q | 如有疑问请前往 #wikipedia-zh-meta | 查阅禁言列表:/mode #wikimedia-quiets-zh +b | 另见英文频道的全域封禁:#wikimedia-bans 6
Rizon #sageru '0<<<Q "The Unholy Citadel of 6ch" community hangout 6
SkyChatz #canada 6
freenode #fusionpbx 6
QuakeNet #whatthemovie 6
QuakeNet #gaming Welcome to the Official Gaming Channel on Quakenet! Here you can Play any of your Favorite Games alone, or with your Friends - >Hands Up< 6
OFTC #pwmt pwmt.org | girara-0.3.5 | zathura-0.4.7 6
Undernet #elequi -- = Bienvenido a #ELEQUI = -- 6
Libera.Chat #manjaro-de-talk Willkommen im Deutschen IRC Channel #manjaro-de-talk - TOPIC: Hier kann Off Topic betrieben werden. Nur bitte keine Themen über Politik, Rassismus, Religion. 6
Libera.Chat ##blackberry 6
OFTC #hamradio Welcome to #hamradio! 6
Libera.Chat #archlinux-ru 6
QuakeNet #e3 6
Libera.Chat #freebsd-games FreeBSD Games & Gaming channel! 6
Libera.Chat #nim-offtopic 6
Libera.Chat #weblate Weblate, web based localization platform, discussions, see https://weblate.org/ 6
SwiftIRC #x - - - - - - - - - - - [#X - Dissussions without censorship. Religion, Politics etc topics are allowed!] - - - - - - - - - - - 6
DALnet #casual Welcome to #Casual | talk to each other in an informal and friendly way. 6
OFTC #namecoin Namecoin: censorship/hijacking resistant naming system | NO TRADING | Dev discussion in #namecoin-dev | You must register with OFTC NickServ to speak | https://www.namecoin.org/ | https://namecoin.bit/ | Bridged to Hackint + Matrix + Libera 6
Libera.Chat #omni4leo | OmniRom development chan for Sony z2,z3,z3c shinano devices | RoverBot is your OP, Derfy is your master and Diewi is the Boss. | This chan is logged on matrix (#freenode_#omni4leo:matrix.org) 6
freenode #unraid 6
OFTC #jollamobile 6
Rizon #england Welcome to #England !! Sure English Only !! Want Op? just ask... 6
freenode #cyberfriends ¸.·¤¨°^°¨~¤·.¸¤*C¤Y*B¤E*R¤F*R¤I*E¤N*D¤S*¤¸.·¤¨°^°¨~¤·.¸ | Welcome ..enjoy your stay.. (^_^;; | Wanna play uno? type !unocmds - !unohelp - Start game: !uno 6
Rizon #tanasinn Gm | https://tanasinn.vip j?????u?????st...?????....fe?????el...b??e?ee?? | Need an account? email archduke@gikopoi.com | Notice that IRC is not super active. Try hanging out for a while or leaving contact info 6
EFnet #cfl 🍁 CFL 🍁 6
Undernet #mild 6
Libera.Chat #odoo 6
Libera.Chat #apktool 6
freenode #ntp 6
Rizon #noliferadio #NoLifeRadio :: Welcome to NoLife-Radio, The Video Game Music Channel :: Listen at NoLife-Radio.com 6
Rizon #/m/subs [/m/subs] http://msubsreleases.wordpress.com/ |Dendoh 12| Getter Robo 51 | DDLs and releases on blog| https://xkcd.com/1782/ | Everyone is on Discord now. 6