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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
QuakeNet #portugal 6
Undernet #outlaw 6
Libera.Chat #metamage 6
Undernet #antidinamo Bun venit pe canalul unde toti se pisa pe dINAMO 6
Libera.Chat ##disruptek {.defecated.} 6
Libera.Chat #cfairies ⚧️ computer fairies / http://netizen.club/ ⚧️ | best viewed in 1024x768 6
EFnet #chatgpt 6
Rizon #noliferadio #NoLifeRadio :: Welcome to NoLife-Radio, The Video Game Music Channel :: Listen at NoLife-Radio.com 6
EFnet #nirvana 6
OFTC #doom64ex http://doom64ex.wordpress.com/ || Forums: http://z13.invisionfree.com/Doom64EX/index.php?act=idx || Twitter: https://twitter.com/SVKaiser || JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP - https://twitter.com/idSoftware/status/799022495978442754 || PowerslaveEX source code released: https://twitter.com/SVKaiser/status/816019151940702214 6
EFnet #dnbarena 6
Rizon #translators Translation Help Corner | Ask questions about difficulties you have with your work on a (Japanese) translation. | Please use Unicode encoding and be patient~. | Recruiting TLs will earn you a prompt kickban. You have been warned. >:/ 6
EFnet #m 6
Rizon #storyteller "Ghosty-Ghosty-Boo, Where Are You?" edition desu | ? ! 200 lolis for Account.| !Air,!Air <keyword>,!Aired Storytime: !storylog 6
OFTC ##bible 6
QuakeNet #fu 6
EFnet #kda "My beer! You never had a chance to become my urine!" 6
QuakeNet #irchelp 6
QuakeNet #redcode 6
Libera.Chat #admin-du-cul le chan des démissionnaires avérés de Smile 6
OFTC #zkvm KVM/QEMU/libvirt + s390x 6
Libera.Chat #tcbug 6
Undernet #painandpunishment 6
Undernet #mirc32.exe www.mirc.com ( https://www.mirc.com/get.html ) 6
Undernet #cyberparty 6
QuakeNet #toronto "welcome to the channel". 6
EFnet #cfl 🍁 CFL 🍁 6
Libera.Chat #dhall 6
Rizon #uno |||||||||| The UNO Channel! | !unohelp for rules/learn to play | You can play 1v1 with the bot, it has AI. | pass=s, draw=d, count=t, color=c, play=p. |||||||||| 6
Libera.Chat #diaspora-de Deutscher diaspora*-Support-Channel und Entwickler-Treff (go to #diaspora for english support) | diaspora* ist ein verteiltes soziales Netzwerk, welches Dir Schutz über Deine dort veröffentlichten Informationen bietet. 6
Libera.Chat #xcb 6
Libera.Chat ##mtgox-talk Vote for the MtGox Civil Rehabilitation Plan at https://claims.mtgox.com/ 6
QuakeNet #diablo3.fi 6
QuakeNet #stehcafe 6
OFTC #norske-tulle-gutter god dag 6
Libera.Chat #gadgetbridge Gadgetbridge, the free cloudless "companion app" for wearables: https://gadgetbridge.org/ | Official chatroom: #gadgetbridge:freeyourgadget.org on Matrix | Unofficial subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Gadgetbridge/ | News: 6
Rizon #/m/subs [/m/subs] http://msubsreleases.wordpress.com/ |Dendoh 12| Getter Robo 51 | DDLs and releases on blog| https://xkcd.com/1782/ | Everyone is on Discord now. 6
EFnet #!sxe _\|/_ Welcome to #!sXe _\|/_ http://hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com _\|/_ 6
OFTC #/r/openttd The former home of the Reddit OpenTTD Network | reddit.com/r/openttd 6
SkyChatz #hawkee 6
Libera.Chat ##ohio-news News for Ohio | Main discussion channel: ##ohio | Areas included: Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and: Akron, Alliance, Ashland, Canton, Chillicothe, Cuyahoga Falls, Dayton, Delaware, Euclid, Findlay, Hamilton, Kent, Lorain, Mansfield, Parma, Toledo, Warren, Youngstown, Zanesville 6
Libera.Chat #jellyfin-vue 6
QuakeNet #comhem 6
Libera.Chat #ravenports 6
EFnet #addnfo 6
OFTC #hardware #Hardware is for all your computer hardware discussions, problems, etc .. and both iOS and Android .. as long as you don't bitch about it! 6
QuakeNet #tulungagung 6
EFnet ##christian 6
Rizon #world4ch textboards are dead. Long live the textboard! :: http://xiongnu.org/overtext :: https://0chan.vip :: https://textboard.lol 6
Libera.Chat ##kerbalspaceprogram 6