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Network Name Topic Users
RetroNode #ritmm Добро пожаловать на канал музея вычислительной техники в Молдове (Retro IT Museum in Moldova) || Внимание, на канале установлен мост в Телеграм-группу (@ritm_m_chat) || Последний сюжет: https://youtu.be/8or4LriGAZA 6
freenode #openelec 6
Rizon #hongkong-movies =HongKong-Movies= |Movies:|Crypto Storm|Custom Frontlines 2024 |The Goldfinger|Sakra|Dramas|Call of Destiny|See Her Again|ICAC 2024|Happily Ever After|Darksdie of the Moon|Forensic Heroes 60| 6
DALnet #acrossthemiles ,%%`,%%`,%%`,% `A_esthetics : The love I prayed for; Now my favorite. ✨AvGT%,`%%,`%%,`%%, 6
RetroNode #80s Remember the good old 1980s? When things were so uncomplicated? I wish I could go back there again, and everything could be the same... | New Wave Radio: http://newwaveradio.org/ 6
OFTC #debian-superh Debian on the SuperH architecture | Working on debain-ports.org | Cross toolchain on emdebian.org 6
Libera.Chat #minetest-fr 6
Rizon #dankar Everyone views the world through their own subjective will, the world you think of is merely your minds interpretation 6
OFTC #chat Welcome to #Chat, a social and offtopic channel for sensible conversations. Mind the language. THIS IS A POLITICS-FREE ZONE! You have been warned. We reserve the right to remove annoying people. 6
OFTC #scs SCS - One platform - standardized, built and operated by many - https://scs.community/ 6
RetroNode #trivia TOP 10 PLAYERS - #1:rtn0 5948925 #2:black_roland 1785250 #3:CrystalMath 1765750 #4:Moebius 1271150 #5:indyZ 249300 #6:Myrhan 239175 #7:mikey 166775 #8:rondiaz 68400 #9:rtn0__ 44375 #10:Sm4||p0X 30975 6
OFTC #mitmproxy mitmproxy - https://mitmproxy.org/ - Join us on Slack https://slack.mitmproxy.org/ 6
Rizon #eh Eh? Eh. 6
RetroNode #computertech Welcome to #dave | This is Dave's channel on RetroNode 6
freenode #photogeeks 6
OFTC #reproducible-changes 6
IRCnet #$b%s%p!&%(%m%9(b 6
Libera.Chat #exercise Physical Exercise and Fitness: discussion and feeds | Rules: Identify with nickserv. Stay on topic. No public logging. | QA: https://fitness.stackexchange.com | Affiliated: #compmed #covid-news #nutrition 6
freenode #magento2 6
RetroNode #linux Linux-related (GNU/Linux, Android, other) Help & Support 6
OFTC #dvswitch DVswitch - http://dvswitch.alioth.debian.org 6
DALnet #virt-host Virtual Hosting Company - For All Of Your Hosting Needs - www.Virt-Host.Com 6
Libera.Chat #seafile Unofficial Seafile Channel | Best to use the forums at https://forum.seafile.com 6
freenode #freepbx 6
Libera.Chat #surfraw Shell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web // https://gitlab.com/surfraw/Surfraw 6
OFTC #psmn http://www.ens-lyon.fr/PSMN/ | https://www.ens-lyon.fr/PSMN/Documentation/index.html 6
Libera.Chat #microsoft 6
OFTC #english Given the pervasive pedantry-as-gamesmanship concerning grammar, spelling, punctuation and usage, #English seems in order. • Ask technical and non english topic in #Corsair or #Cyberia. 6
Libera.Chat #mathizen.net this is a test channel for ai stuff, RIP Jacey. Lolo is taking over. || for all bot generated content https://paste.mathizen.net || Work in progress when i have time https://mathizen.net 6
Libera.Chat #ratatouil mumble ebin.fr | les loutres pour les gens qui aiment la vie www.twitch.tv/marinemammalrescue 6
OFTC #proxmox #proxmox Unofficial Proxmox Channel | PVE Docs: https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs | PVE Wiki: https://pve.proxmox.com | PVE YouTube: https://youtube.com/ProxmoxVE | Discord: https://discord.gg/MBsjfHzRQB | Anything Proxmox related including Backup Server, Mail Gateway and Virtual Environment software can be discussed here! | Windows guest issues? Try our sister channel... #windowsnorules 6
Rizon #quinoa all my friends are dead 6
freenode #tasvideos 6
Libera.Chat #icecast-mentors 6
OFTC #namecoin Namecoin: censorship/hijacking resistant naming system | NO TRADING | Dev discussion in #namecoin-dev | You must register with OFTC NickServ to speak | https://www.namecoin.org/ | https://namecoin.bit/ | Bridged to Hackint + Matrix + Libera 6
OFTC #jollamobile 6
Libera.Chat #sigrok-dev 6
Libera.Chat #general 6
Libera.Chat #linux-ph Phlippine Linux Users' Group: http://plug.linux.org.ph/ | FB: https://web.facebook.com/groups/linux.ph | Lists: http://lists.linux.org.ph/mailman/listinfo/plug (old) https://groups.io/g/xlug (new) 6
freenode #ntp 6
DALnet #nixhelp Welcome to #NixHelp - Unix/Linux/BSD Discussion Channel 6
freenode #archlinux-aur 6
DALnet #oldies There is nothing new under the sun but there are lots of old things we don't know..! - Ambrose Bierce - 6
IRCnet #ndb 6
DALnet #oper WelCome to The UnOfficial #oper Channel at DALnet Network.. Thank you this is not an oper channel or a help channel wait the Voice to talk 6
EFnet #efnet.se 6
freenode ##devuan 6
Rizon #starzinger https://www.starzingerclub.com - Finns även på Facebook! - Alla DVDer är släppta och det finns seperata avsnitt att ladda ner också. Tack för att ni idlar! 6
Libera.Chat #thelounge-nl 6
IRCnet #christian-chat-chalice 6