Random Network
* related to indexed networks only

Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #ubuntucinnamon Home of the Ubuntu Cinnamon flavor | This channel implies use of the Ubuntu Code of Conduct and is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ 6
Libera.Chat #fluorplast De e kanske vår mina bekanta 6
Libera.Chat #wikiforge 6
IRCnet #idlerpg 6
IRCnet #jogja 6
OFTC #uclibc-ng 6
freenode ##economics 6
OFTC #unix-fr welcome to #unix-fr Enjoy ur stay 6
Libera.Chat #dialup.world We're a dialup ISP! | http://dialup.world | Currently, only calls from USA are supported | If you need help, ask and wait. Responses could take up to 24 hours 6
Libera.Chat #pi-network welcome to #Pi-Network ..The First Digital Currency You Can Mine on Your Phone.. 6
IRCnet #surabaya 6
freenode #space 6
Libera.Chat #rockylinux-sig-fasttrack SIG/FastTrack - https://sig-fasttrack.rocky.page | https://git.resf.org/sig_fasttrack/ 6
Asylum #pot-heads The Stonership 6
Libera.Chat #suckless-es Grupo dedicado para los amantes del software minimalista y eficiente. Siéntete libre de compartir conocimientos y experiencias sobre la filosofía Suckless. | Grupo de Telegram t.me/suckless_latam | Matrix #suckless_es:matrix.org 6
DALnet #jawa Welcome 6
Rizon #ptfg Pony Transformation General | https://derpy.me/PonyTF | Current Thread: http://boards.4chan.org/mlp/thread/32151241 | Inhabitants: http://imgur.com/a/p4xgT | No spoilers for 24 hours. | Discord: https://discord.gg/fHkrQDg 6
Libera.Chat #atari8 All Atari 8 bit and none of The Other Stuff, It's 8 bit Atari users and related discussions. Grab a drink and settle on in. We're glad to have you! 6
Libera.Chat #gbdev-asm 6
Libera.Chat #opensuse-bar https://meet.opensuse.org/bar - come say hi and have a lot of fun! 6
Libera.Chat #find-work Personal advice utility for Gentoo package maintainers | https://find-work.sysrq.in/ | Bridged to Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#find-work:sysrq.in 6
freenode #pleroma 6
Libera.Chat #ruslug 6
IRCnet #mbaari 6
IRCnet #joki kevättalvi 6
Libera.Chat #opensuse-admin-alerts openSUSE infrastructure monitoring alerts - https://alerts.infra.opensuse.org/ - notifications in this channel are still experimental 6
OFTC #keyd keyd development (please submit issues to https://github.com/rvaiya/keyd/issues)' 6
Libera.Chat #chatsansar Welcome to ChatSansar. https://chatsansar.com 6
Libera.Chat ##matrix-therapy Hate something about Matrix chat protocol? Angry after a regression or a long standing bug report? Share your pain here! Please act kindly towards others in a civil way and keep this room kid-friendly! Secret aim: channel constructive energies towards reporting and fixing issues. Bridged to https://matrix.to/#/#matrix-therapy:matrix.org xmpp:matrix-therapy@conference.movim.eu 6
IRCnet #lp3 6
IRCnet #phyrexia 6
Libera.Chat #nax #nax :: ##mirc #bnc4you #dennis #eggdrop #go-nuts #hexchat #idlerpg #idlerpg-ng #ircnow #ircv3 #irssi #libera :: znc? /q nax 6
IRCnet #slovensko 6
IRCnet #absolutistit 6
OFTC #printk dmesg.printk.net is now operational. http://home.mightymouse.net/newfan/ && 2.36875 GBP to Natwest Acc: 43197752 Sort: 60-15-49 or cheque to the address on invoice.jpg pls 6
IRCnet #popfm.hu 6
IRCnet #pornhub 6
Libera.Chat #fediverso benvenutx! verne è un bot caricato a "Stupidità Artificiale" e parla solo inglese (non badate a lui :) 6
Libera.Chat #gbowne1 The place to chat about tech and ClassicOS and programming with gbowne1 6
OFTC #2f30 6
Libera.Chat #manlug Manchester (UK) Linux User Group, scaring kernels since '94 6
DALnet #shia Welcome To #Shia@Dalnet. Stay Calm ❤️ 6
Libera.Chat #highiq Discussion about Intelligence, IQ, and in particular High IQ | Exchange opportunity for affected people | Languages: EN/DE 6
Rizon #unifi UniFi Ubiquity 6
Rizon #philadelphia Philadelphia, PA 76ers, Eagles & Flyers! 215 6
freenode #esp8266 6
Libera.Chat #teal.fm general discussion for the in development music tracker built on ATProtocol: teal.fm | this channel is bridged with the teal.fm Discord server 6
Libera.Chat #wikigg-rcfeed Recent Changes feed for wiki.gg wikis | https://wiki.gg | wikigg-rcbot keeps this channel running | Wikis in onboarding and changes done by bots are not logged here | Contact @alex4401 or email irc-support@wiki.gg in case of trouble 6
Libera.Chat #coderanters ~A cold-hearted, angry place for programmers who hate other people's code.~ Case of a moondays? 6
freenode ##mysql 6