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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
freenode #v4l 6
Libera.Chat #crans Crans - https://www.crans.org/en | Crans is now 25 years old - https://25ans.crans.org/ 6
QuakeNet #lsd 6
IRCnet #otit.2019 6
QuakeNet #maverickservers 6
SkyChatz #hope 6
Rizon #absolutechronic _\|/_ #absolutechronic _\|/_ !etoke to smoke _\|/_ smoke weed _\|/_ ( .__.) . o O ( weed ) 6
Libera.Chat ##biohack 6
Rizon #warezcrew WAREZCREW SERViNG: MOViES TV APPZ PC-GAMEZ R0MZ EBOOKZ & MORE! Pirates Welcome! Looking for team members, XDCC Bots, fservs + ftps 6
IRCnet !n7adxanonymous Celebrate !anonymous Independence Day! Several Decades without the Lame Ops! 6
QuakeNet #tm-productionradio.intern 6
Rizon #sageru '0<<<Q "The Unholy Citadel of 6ch" community hangout 6
Libera.Chat #libgdx 6
Libera.Chat #mageia-chat Welcome, Bienvenue, herzlich willkommen, Welkom, bienvenidos, bem vindo, Croeso, добре дошли, Ласкаво просимо, Witamy w #mageia-chat on libera IRC network. 6
IRCnet #perl.hu 6
Libera.Chat #gardening 6
SkyChatz #friends 6
ChatNPlay #minecraft ChatNPlay Minecraft Bedrock Server - Server Hostname: minecraft.chatnplay.org (IPv4) - Mode: Survival Mode (Normal) 6
Libera.Chat #comedy Comedy 6
SkyChatz #chatterz 6
Libera.Chat #inimino 6
Libera.Chat #openrheinruhr OpenRheinRuhr - Ein Pott voll Software | Wir sind noch da! | https://openrheinruhr.de | Weitersagen: https://openrheinruhr.de/2021/11/06/orr-2021-me-fahrplan/ 6
Rizon #canv.as CANVAS IS BACK!~ish: https://scribbl.es | http://imgur.com/a/vjahD | List of quotes: https://pastebin.com/X9JF9qXj | http://steamcommunity.com/groups/o_q Where is everyone I miss you ;( | ( ´_ゝ`) 6
IRCnet #pornhub 6
Libera.Chat #sourceofmana-dev This is the development channel for Source of Mana. Bridged to #som-dev on TMW Discord. 6
OFTC #i18n-no "Forum for translators translating into Norwegian / Forum for oversettere til norsk | Epostliste http://lister.huftis.org/listinfo.cgi/l10n-no-huftis.org 6
IRCnet #popfm.hu 6
Libera.Chat #yabause Yabause, A Beautiful And Under-rated Saturn Emulator | 0.9.15 has been released! | This is COOL | Our new home! 6
IRCnet #absolutistit 6
Libera.Chat #ivozprovider IvozProvider - Multi-tenant Scalable VoIP Solution - http://github.com/irontec/ivozprovider 6
IRCnet #slovensko 6
freenode #nax 6
freenode #trujillo 6
IRCnet #phyrexia 6
IRCnet #netbsd.pl 6
SkyChatz #asiachat 6
Rizon #uno |||||||||| The UNO Channel! | !unohelp for rules/learn to play | You can play 1v1 with the bot, it has AI. | pass=s, draw=d, count=t, color=c, play=p. |||||||||| 6
Libera.Chat #goofballs the goofy chatbot channel 6
Libera.Chat #archlinux-multilib 6
IRCnet #lp3 6
freenode #preppers Welcome to #preppers 🌿 Discussing survivalist prepping: tips, gear, skills, and community resilience. Stay prepared, stay informed! 💡 | Channel Rules: https://wiki.freenode.net/view/Preppers | Please identify with NickServ (/msg NickServ HELP for assistance) | Survival pdf's: http://home.3nd3r.net/pdf/ 6
Rizon #party 6
TechNet #core core.technet.chat administration channel 6
QuakeNet #minetest Welcome to unofficial channel of #Minetest. For more info please visit ->> https://minecraft.darkworld.network <<- 6
Rizon #tanasinn Gm | https://tanasinn.vip j?????u?????st...?????....fe?????el...b??e?ee?? | Need an account? email archduke@gikopoi.com | Notice that IRC is not super active. Try hanging out for a while or leaving contact info 6
Libera.Chat #cryptpad Official CryptPad IRC channel | https://cryptpad.org | Please use our forum: https://forum.cryptpad.org | You can also find us on Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#cryptpad:matrix.xwiki.com 6
Libera.Chat #xbmc 6
Libera.Chat #saltstack-formulas 6
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-it-groups Canale dei gruppi di ubuntu-it | Tutti i gruppi sono benvenuti! | https://www.ubuntu-it.org/comunita/struttura | Per il supporto tecnico /join #ubuntu-it 6