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Network Name Topic Users
IRCnet #joki kevättalvi 6
SkyChatz #empire The Empire Strike Back! - type jo to join playing uno ..type /quit if u bored with kc life 😎😊😴 6
QuakeNet #dmdirc Join us in #dmdirc on libera.chat! Or stay here. Here is good. 6
Rizon #jax-test 6
SkyChatz #kiwiirc 6
IRCnet #mbaari 6
freenode #exorg 6
Libera.Chat #ubuntucinnamon Home of the Ubuntu Cinnamon flavor | This channel implies use of the Ubuntu Code of Conduct and is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ 6
Rizon #nitemare moo 6
SkyChatz #kongsigelap 6
DALnet #kampus 6
freenode #manjaro-unregistered 6
Libera.Chat #fluorplast De e kanske vår mina bekanta 6
Libera.Chat #nethack-ops 6
SkyChatz #botserv 6
Libera.Chat #alephone /!\ hálfhesturdýr 🐴 hangout /!\ 💩🤖 6
Libera.Chat #duplicity 6
Libera.Chat #wikiforge 6
Libera.Chat #unvanquished-fr Unvanquished : Jeu libre Extraterrestres vs. Humains | https://unvanquished.net | Discord: https://discord.gg/7zqaXm5 | Le canal principal est #unvanquished 6
IRCnet #surabaya 6
SkyChatz #alamanda 6
IRCnet #jogja 6
freenode #elementary 6
freenode #clschool 6
IRCnet #idlerpg 6
Libera.Chat #dialup.world We're a dialup ISP! | http://dialup.world | Currently, only calls from USA are supported | If you need help, ask and wait. Responses could take up to 24 hours 6
freenode #radio Website - www.clubbingradio.com | IOS - https://tinyurl.com/y6h62za9 | Android - https://tinyurl.com/yxcrmwpe 6
freenode #anonchan 6
freenode #dwbouncers FOR ZNC Request: -| https://bouncers.darkworld.network |- 6
Libera.Chat #pi-network welcome to #Pi-Network ..The First Digital Currency You Can Mine on Your Phone.. 6
Libera.Chat #twitter++ Toon's Piet stinkt en ranten over Spotify, maar dan free in plaats van lee 6
Libera.Chat #rockylinux-sig-fasttrack SIG/FastTrack - https://sig-fasttrack.rocky.page | https://git.resf.org/sig_fasttrack/ 6
QuakeNet #nexuiz 6
IRCnet #hiphop 6
Rizon #linustechtips Welcome to the unnofficial (formerly official) Linus Tech Tips IRC Channel | http://www.linustechtips.com | Please wait at least 60 minutes for an answer before leaving! | Currently Managed By Cajs - Nice to meet you! 6
Libera.Chat #indico Indico - Your (literally) swiss army knife event management system! - https://getindico.io | https://talk.getindico.io (Forum) | https://github.com/indico/indico (GitHub) | Try it out at https://sandbox.getindico.io 6
Rizon #cmangos The CMaNGOS project: www.github.com/cmangos - Forum: www.cmangos.net - Have a question? Read www.workaround.org/getting-help-on-irc first! Notification channel #cmangos.dev - Welcome. Official discord is created -> https://discord.gg/nSaXpCn 6
OFTC #zkvm KVM/QEMU/libvirt + s390x 6
Rizon #yukkuri Years ago I recognized my kinship with all living things, and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on the earth. I said then and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it; while there is a criminal element, I am of it; while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. 6
Rizon #d-addicts Asian Drama Discussion .:. *NO FSERVES* *NO SEED REQUESTS* *NO SPAMMING* .:. forum: http://www.d-addicts.com/forums/ .:. wiki: http://wiki.d-addicts.com .:. tracker: **gone** .:. 6
SkyChatz #senawang Welcome to #senawang | Selamat Hari Raya 2024, siapa ada buat open house weii?? 6
Libera.Chat #suckless-es Grupo dedicado para los amantes del software minimalista y eficiente. Siéntete libre de compartir conocimientos y experiencias sobre la filosofía Suckless. | Grupo de Telegram t.me/suckless_latam | Matrix #suckless_es:matrix.org 6
IRCnet #maxihost 6
IRCnet #dnb 6
QuakeNet #ddrace 6
SkyChatz #cinta 6
Libera.Chat ##jrpg All about japanese roleplaying games (JRPGs): Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Valkyrie Profile, Etrian Odyssey, Chrono Trigger, Kingdom Hearts and more 6
Rizon #dropout #Dropout: Mangadex is dead. so I guess the channel will be more active (maybe), so feel free to chat up a bit. See https://dropout.mangadex.com/ for releases. 6
DALnet #ucl UCL 6
freenode #lunarbnc Welcome to #LunarBNC! 6