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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Undernet #belle 6
QuakeNet #redcode 6
Libera.Chat #g0v 6
Rizon #playtime Warning: Playtime may include any or all of the following; ear scratches, belly rubs, snuggles, teasing and hot, passionate sex. | There will be no lewding around Sunset's baby. Ever. 6
EFnet #reptiles 6
Libera.Chat #lxa https://linux-automation.com/ 6
QuakeNet #bnc4you 6
QuakeNet #bouncers 6
Undernet #androidirc Welcome to #androidirc - Enjoy your stay! 6
freenode #fpc FreePascal side channel for the flaming computer programmers and seditious people supporting Freenode! 6
IRC-nERDs #technicalmarisa We help people avoid surveillance and using privacy friendly alternatives · https://technicalmarisa.kyoko-project.wer.ee 6
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-quiets-zh 各维基计划中文频道共用的禁言列表 | 注意这里 +b 对应全域 +q | 如有疑问请前往 #wikipedia-zh-meta | 查阅禁言列表:/mode #wikimedia-quiets-zh +b | 另见英文频道的全域封禁:#wikimedia-bans 6
freenode ##lisp 6
QuakeNet #oulunyymit 6
Libera.Chat #bitwig 6
EFnet #hearthstone Welcome to #Hearthstone | "Don't open any packs until the pack changes go into effect" 6
DarkWorld #norway Ja her er vi ekteglade Nordmenn, her fra oss i skog og mark eng - L O L - Nyheter: GOD JUL OG ET GODT NYTTÅR =) 6
Rizon #blcknd irc.blcknd.network +6697 | !pack !bong !rounds 6
Undernet #zeus #Zeus Greek God of the Sky and Thunder, King of the Gods 6
Undernet #bestshells 6
EFnet #卍 6
OFTC #monero This channel is relayed to irc2p and Freenode. For the current channel topic, check Freenode. 6
IRCnet #laquila 6
Libera.Chat ##jrpg All about japanese roleplaying games (JRPGs): Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Valkyrie Profile, Etrian Odyssey, Chrono Trigger, Kingdom Hearts and more 6
freenode #freenode-bbs 6
Undernet #mirc_helpdesk ''Please ask your question in english in the channel, and wait for a reply. Please do not /msg the ops, thank you. (no help on Sex/Warez/Hack or mp3 ---> ban. : 6
freenode #radarr 6
IRCnet #popfm 6
freenode #atpfm 6
IRCnet #ctrl-l 6
Rizon #kl The Capital Of Malaysia Official Channel 6
Libera.Chat #openobject 6
QuakeNet #maverickservers 6
Libera.Chat #unvanquished-fr Unvanquished : Jeu libre Extraterrestres vs. Humains | https://unvanquished.net | Discord: https://discord.gg/7zqaXm5 | Le canal principal est #unvanquished 6
DALnet #aws #AWS : Amazon Web Services support & chat 6
QuakeNet #thp 6
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-ca Benvingut al canal dels projectes Viquimèdia en català || Entrades (9 mar 2025): Viquipèdia: 769998 / Viccionari: 603610 / Viquitexts: 9994 / Viquillibres: 2227 / Viquidites: 4088 / Viquinotícies: 4799 || Llegiu sobre el xat: / Read the rules: http://bit.ly/1NZLpOZ 6
Libera.Chat #lava-docker 6
QuakeNet #i 6
Rizon #nyoro~n #nyoro~n - your number one stop for colon three, yukkuri, and other really lame Japanese things from Futaba | Rizon! Hey, Rizon! - Do you know what nyoro~n means? - *.net *.split - nyoro~n | http://www.manga-youkai.com/Nyoro~n | shobo-n | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMack29kJlw | :3 | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zj--HFnTrAs 6
Undernet #socosmo Anger is a killing thing:It kills the man who angers,for each rage leaves him less than he had been before-it takes something from him. ( Can't let go of it ) 6
Libera.Chat #gentoo-mirrors 6
IRCnet #peteradio 6
Libera.Chat #mplayer-devel Welcome to the MPlayer dev channel | ask about MPlayer usage in #mplayer | Use SVN. 6
Libera.Chat #saltstack-formulas 6
SuperNETs #blackhole E N T E R T H E V O I D | The channel(s) you are trying to join are either in defcon mode or you are banned. Please wait to rejoin later or PM a channel operator. 6
Rizon #soylunausa <><><><><><><><> Welcome #SoyLunaUSA Chatters!! ❤ This channel is now closed, please join #BiaUSA, as we are moving there now. <><><> 6
OFTC #aide Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment | https://aide.github.io | stable version: 0.18.7 | ask your question & be patient (for some days) 6
Undernet #best 6