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Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #fedora-selinux 6
Libera.Chat ##cs@rwth <pedro3005> mh_le, holding onto crushes for more than a few weeks has like a 99% chance of disaster which goes up to 100% if u decide to 'confess ur feelings'. So dont do that. 6
Libera.Chat #org-mode-fr 6
DALnet #irssi Irssi v1.4.5 has been released - https://irssi.org/download/ | Irssi Scripts available at - https://scripts.irssi.org | If you have a question, please ask here and wait patiently. 6
TechNet #uk boats and ho's | Today is my last day of using aerosol deodorant. Roll on tomorrow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLLQFLXz6VE 6
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-pipeline 6
Libera.Chat #lava-docker 6
Libera.Chat #gentoo-soc-mentors 6
TechNet #quiz Type quiz to start a game 6
IRCnet #hashish 6
TechNet #techznc Welcome to #TechZNC | Status: ON | The official ZNC of TechNet 6
Rizon #noliferadio #NoLifeRadio :: Welcome to NoLife-Radio, The Video Game Music Channel :: Listen at NoLife-Radio.com 6
Libera.Chat #mingw-w64 Welcome to #mingw-w64 | The main project page is on https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/ | Please be patient when seeking help, you may also join #mingw-w64 on irc.oftc.net for help 6
TechNet #cheers !topic welcome to #Cheers PLEASE ENJOY YOUR GAME ALL WELCOME 6
DALnet #chatroom Stats page: 6
Libera.Chat #g0v 6
Libera.Chat #fli4l-ci 6
Libera.Chat #latex-de 6
Libera.Chat #shutter Shutter - screenshot tool | https://shutter-project.org/ | When asking a question, please wait a while 6
TechNet #ircdriven IRC Driven :: https://www.ircdriven.com :: The website is considered out of beta status at this time as most features have been built :: Seeking networks and assistance with Python development :: IRC Driven is 17 years old! 6
Libera.Chat #diaspora-de Deutscher diaspora*-Support-Channel und Entwickler-Treff (go to #diaspora for english support) | diaspora* ist ein verteiltes soziales Netzwerk, welches Dir Schutz über Deine dort veröffentlichten Informationen bietet. 6
Libera.Chat #tari-dev 6
Libera.Chat #hmailserver Welcome to the UNOFFICIAL hmailserver IRC channel. You must be registered and identified with nickserv or voiced to talk. 6
DALnet #pindi Welcome To #Pindi Eid Mubarak to you and your family. May the guidance and blessings of Allah be with you and your family... 6
Libera.Chat #zsh-syntax-highlighting Syntax highlighting for interactive zsh | redrawhook (#749) merged 2020-08-09; please update to latest master | Latest release: 0.8.0 (2023-12-18) | Beta support for themes is available on the themes branch; comments encouraged | <Mikachu> it would be cool if you could 6
Libera.Chat #linuxswitch 6
IRCnet #malung 6
Libera.Chat ##brogue 6
Libera.Chat ##matlab Unofficial MATLAB help channel || Don't ask to ask. Please be patient, the channel moves slowly || Pastebin +3 lines: http://pastebin.com/ || Also check out #octave 6
Libera.Chat #linuxgamecast Welcome to Shatrealm! | LGC Weekly every Saturday at 8:30PM-ish Eastern! | Watch us at http://www.linuxgamecast.com/live You need a full 10 inches in a room with the five dudes | type !s to pitch a show title| Go to http://vote.linuxgamecast.com to vote 6
Libera.Chat #fli4l-dev 6
ChatNPlay #movies What are you watching? | Share with the channel what you've been watching. | Whatever you say, try to avoid spoilers. | Plex Server: Z210 (message KnownSyntax for access) 6
Libera.Chat #temporaldeadzone 6
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-spam-bot-channel 6
QuakeNet #lanparty.de 6
QuakeNet #german-bash.org 6
Libera.Chat #facebook Meta, formerly Facebook. This is a channel for technical discussion between developers. Visit facebook.com/help if you are having issues with Facebook unrelated to Platform. To report Platform bugs, log the URL, repro steps, etc in the bug tracker: https://developers.facebook.com/support/bugs/, then link the bug in the channel to discuss. ==THANK YOU AND WELCOME TO #FACEBOOK== 6
ChatNPlay #minecraft ChatNPlay Minecraft Bedrock Server - Server Hostname: minecraft.chatnplay.org (IPv4) - Mode: Survival Mode (Normal) 6
Libera.Chat #berlin General chat for Berlin/DE 6
Libera.Chat #plymouth Plymouth boot splash 6
IRCnet #jezus 6
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-zh-biomed 維基百科生物及醫學群︰與Telegram群 @Wikipedia_zh_bio_and_med 及Discord群77n7vnu (https://discord.gg/77n7vnu)互聯。 6
QuakeNet #dtg.4on4 6
Libera.Chat #yocto-channel-support To join #yocto you need to have SSL or TLS enabled when connecting to irc.libra.chat. Also you nick needs to be registered. 6
DALnet #liverpool Welcome to #Liverpool Last Match: Liverpool 2-0 Newcastle United. Next Match: Paris Saint Germain (A) UCL. 6
Libera.Chat #libocon LibreOffice Conference | Main Chat | September 23-25 | https://conference.libreoffice.org 6
Libera.Chat #wrongplanet-ops WrongPlanet.net Operator Help Channel * Respect all users * RULES: https://wrongplanet.chat/rules | This channel now enforces a no idling rule. If you are not an op, and don't have something to ask of the operators, please do not remain in this channel. 6
Libera.Chat ##bicycles bicycles 6
Rizon #ruri Welcome to Ruri Subs |Packlist: http://tinyurl.com/ayvvfpq| www.ruri-subs.info | Projects: Shining Hearts, HakuRei, Beast Saga | OVA : HakuoukiOVA, Letter Bee Academy | Releases: Ara208, LBA08, Sai03, HakuOVA05, Hearts10, HakuRei02, LOS90-114, BS37-38, Buddha 6
QuakeNet #cy.et 6