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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
RetroNode #linux Linux-related (GNU/Linux, Android, other) Help & Support 5
OFTC #localslackirc Channel for developing localslackirc (IRC gateway for slack) https://github.com/ltworf/localslackirc | Available on Debian ∧ Ubuntu 5
Rizon #* > > > 12:00 AM Sat, Mar 01, 2025 1 Font 1 Updating each 60 minutes 5
OFTC #osm-sotm-video SotM 2021 Video Team | Video Streaming: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/State_of_the_Map/VideoStreaming | Volunteers: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/State_of_the_Map_2021/volunteers | Streams: https://test-building.amilis.ch/ | Website https://2021.stateofthemap.org/ 5
DALnet #sialkot WeLcOmE To #SiaLKoT | 5
CyberArmy #trivia Play Trivia, type .t2 ; Type .commands for help. Have fun! 5
OFTC #vhs Vancouver Hack Space (VHS) :: Unmonitored channel - please use https://talk.vanhack.ca/ :: https://vanhack.slack.com/account/gateways :: 1601 Venables St 5
DALnet #pub pub 5
IRCnet #kochanki_adminow 5
OFTC #coopetition Welcome to #coopetition | Revision: hd71c3768 (r19287M) | STAGE: waiting for competitors | http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?t=42572 | Download: http://www.openttd.org/en/download-head-to-head | Source: http://hg.openttd.org/developers/yexo/head-to-head.hg | ladder: http://mz.openttdcoop.org/ladder 5
DALnet #sousse 5
Libera.Chat #gentoo-meetings 5
OFTC #debian-eeepc Please go to #debian for support; http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEeePC is now EOL, please see https://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/debian-eeepc-devel/2013-July/004353.html 5
OFTC #coin maumau est de retour : il kick si le nick n'est pas dans sa whitelist (!whitelist) 5
DALnet #abuse-survivors A Safe Place for Survivors to Talk 5
OFTC #mch2021-volunteers Must Contain Heaven - https://wiki.ifcat.org/Team:Volunteers 5
DALnet #diabetic-survivors Support chat for all diabetics, abuse survivors welcome 5
OFTC #ogon-project Ogon Project - a fully featured RDP server for Linux | https://github.com/ogon-project/ogon 5
OFTC #bash-completion Bash-Completion 1.90 released! | http://bash-completion.alioth.debian.org/ | Contact us at bash-completion-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org ! 5
OFTC #ksg 5
IRC4Fun #dennis 5
OFTC #freedombox-ci 5
OFTC #debconf-bursaries DebConf bursary team channel. Reminder: Keep personal data confidential! 5
DALnet #serang Welcome to #Serang 5
OFTC #mch2022-terrain 5
DALnet #windows95 RIP Flying-Dutchman | Welcome to #Windows95. Windows 9x/NT/2Kx/ME/XP/Vista/7/8/10 supported. Please ask your question in channel, in English. Read this: http://jeff.jones.be/technology/articles/how-to-ask-for-help-on-irc/ No warez, cracks, serials, piracy, etc. 5
DALnet #karawang Welcome to #Karawang 5
OFTC #penguinslair Penguinslair is housed at http://penguinslair.org || GNU/Linux time-line: http://ln-s.net/+CfD 5
ChatNPlay #playstation PlayStation Channel - https://playstation.com/ - News: New PS5 Slim consoles released, with higher storage (1TB) and extendable disc drive. Backplates are NOT compatible. 5
DALnet #amor ✿ #amor siempre te amare alma Yery tisoc valer .......Adios si me lees llamame 941912863 5
OFTC #consfigurator Lisp declarative configuration management system | https://spwhitton.name/tech/code/consfigurator/ | https://spwhitton.name/doc/consfigurator/ | https://youtu.be/CSWaBYCPXO8 5
DALnet #hottub Welcome to #Hottub - Relaxing Chat 5
OFTC #oberon Discussions related to the Oberon Operating System(s), Programming Language(s) and Philosophy. -- http://people.inf.ethz.ch/wirth/ 5
OFTC #re2c re2c (https://re2c.org) -- a free and open source lexer generator for C/C++ and Go 5
DALnet #cibinong WELcome to my country Cibinong JawaBarat// awas covid19 jgn lupa pakai masker!!!!! 5
Libera.Chat #gentoo-keys 5
ChatNPlay #stats ChatNPlay Network Statistics - News: Channel & Nickname statistics are turned on by default - !top for channel specific stats, !gtop for network wide stats 5
OFTC #chrysalide Chrysalide - Reverse Engineering Factory focused on embedded systems - https://www.chrysalide.re - Still In Dev 5
DALnet #viciochat Bienvenidos(as) a #ViCioChaT Una comunidad de viciosos al chat IRC, dirigida para todo el MUNDO. Amigos & Conocidos del ayer, hoy y siempre. La vieja y nueva escuela. FACEBOOK GROUP @ViCioChaT RADIO https://zeno.fm/onda-global-mix 5
OFTC ##xdc2021 X.org Developers Conference 2021 has ended, thank you for attending! - Live Replays: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe6I3NKr-I4IkPzihwppKCMMqPSd04ihS - Videos are processing, checklist: https://hackmd.io/Ui-h80pqT0GRYxtglTQaHQ - Jitsi: https://meet.jit.si/ 5
DALnet #windows7 If you want help with Windows 7, any other Windows version or computer issues, describe the problem or what you need... http://www.wildbluedesign.net/dalnet/windows7/index.html | Please be patient in waiting for a response; don't ask to ask, just ask. | English only please. 5
DALnet #astorytime Happy Story Time :)....every Sunday at 10:00 p.m. E.S.T 5
EFnet #gorgor The Tyrant Lizard! He rises! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nNjEXlfTxo 5
OFTC #archlinux Welcome to #archlinux @ OFTC! (non-official channel) archlinux.org | bbs.archlinux.org | wiki.archlinux.org | bugs.archlinux.org | aur.archlinux.org 5
DALnet #ilocos WELCOME to #Ilocos! Stay & Have Fun❗💚 5
Libera.Chat #libcasa https://liberta.casa | ircs://liberta.casa:6697 5
Libera.Chat #uncyclopedia #uncyclopedia: Still here | Wiki: https://en.uncyclopedia.co | Discord: https://discord.gg/r3dbd8mUpH 5
OFTC #vienna 5
Libera.Chat #latex-de 5
ChatNPlay #fortnite Fornite - https://www.fortnite.com/news - Games modes like Rocket (League) Racing, Music Festival (Rock Band), Lego Fortnite (Minecraft), and more! - Epic Game Store (and Fortnite) now able to be sideboards in the EU on iOS! 5