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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Undernet #botosani Wellcome to Botosani ( Www.Botosani.Ro ) 69
OFTC #debian-devel-br Canal Matrix: #debian-devel-br:matrix.debian.social | Reunião Semanal: Quintas às 19h no https://meet.debianbsb.org 69
Libera.Chat #fedora-social This is not a support Channel |​ Fedora end user support is in #fedora |​ ≋≋≋ Welcome to Fedora™'s Professional Bacon Social Realm ≋≋≋ | See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LiberaCloaks to request a cloak 69
Libera.Chat #kde-fm KDE File Management 69
DALnet #cianjur <><><> Welcome to #cianjur @DALnet - have a nice chat & enjoy your stay <> 69
EFnet #iphone [eN.iphone] | news on feeds | visit #football #bball #baseball #hockey #stocks #24/7 69
Libera.Chat #crawl Play Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup online now! Type ??online for instructions, ??lg / !lg for play stats | PM Sequell for long queries | http://crawl.develz.org | FooTV game replays: ??footv for instructions | #crawl-dev for dev discussion, #crawl-offtopic for offtopic 69
EvilNET #psychz 'Visit https://www.psychz.net/ for Dedicated Servers, Colocation, Private Cloud, DDoS Protection | For VPS visit https://www.photonvps.com/ 14 LOCATIONS' 69
DALnet #turkiye Welcome to #Turkiye 69
Libera.Chat #devuan-offtopic #devuan-offtopic Where offtopic topics are on-topic. | https://devuan.org 69
Libera.Chat #pihole Topic for #pihole is "Welcome to #pihole | Official Forum: https://discourse.pi-hole.net/ | Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/pihole/ |"Topic for #pihole is "Welcome to #pihole | Official Forum: https://discourse.pi-hole.net/ | Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/pihole/ |" 69
Libera.Chat #nyxt Nyxt 3.12.0 https://nyxt-browser.com/latest-release | forum: https://discourse.atlas.engineer/ | discord: https://discord.gg/YXCk7gDKgJ | example configs: https://discourse.atlas.engineer/c/nyxt/configuration-expose 69
Libera.Chat #archlinux-fr Bienvenue sur #archlinux-fr | Dérivés d'Arch inconnus ici | Mises à jour, lisez les news : https://archlinux.fr | UTF-8 | HS: #arch-fr-off | Logs: https://irc.died.re/ 69
DALnet #dotbnc dotBNC.com :: Status: ONLINE :: Support: support@dotBNC.com :: Free ZNC !request <ident> <mail> :: #/ #|hax| #dennis #sauk #enker 69
DALnet #linux Welcome to #linux! Behave like an adult... even if you aren't one. Register to speak. Have a great day! | RIP Zombo/_popeye_ 1964-2022 :( 68
IRC-nERDs #spacex This is the unofficial channel for SpaceX. | Next Launches: !launches spacex | https://www.spacex.com | https://reddit.com/r/spacex 68
Libera.Chat #ada Official Ada language community discussion | https://blog.adacore.com/announcing-the-2024-ada-spark-crate-of-the-year-award | Find Ada learning resources at https://ada-lang.io and https://github.com/ohenley/awesome-ada | Bot's a bit busted, normally ! invokes the wrath of Allegra, the channel bot, type !help 68
EFnet #seinfeld 'ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ Welcome to #Seinfeld enjoy your stay! 68
QuakeNet #england - - By joining this channel you agree to fight on Denmark's side, when America invade! - - Stop the fucking knife crime already! - - 68
KampungChat #mafia Be Nice Or GTFO! 68
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-mirrors For help, please use RT || Known issues: - || Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors || Although we idle here, please mail requests to RT: mirrors@ubuntu.com 68
Libera.Chat ##opengl OpenGL help and discussion -- https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL-Refpages/ -- https://docs.gl/ -- https://learnopengl.com 68
Libera.Chat #maemo Welcome to #maemo http://maemo.org/intro/ | https://web.archive.org/web/20230711204123/http://wiki.maemo.org/Community_Council | Source: http://wiki.maemo.org/Sources | Chanlog: http://reisenweber.net/irclogs/libera/_maemo (legacy: http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog )| #maemo-ssu is where the (few) devels and maintainers of the maemo-future meet 68
Rizon #rizonbnc Welcome to #RizonBNC, Rizon's official BNC channel | BNC status: EU: UP / US: UP | Before requesting, please read https://s.rizon.net/bncfaq and https://s.rizon.net/awaynicks | If the FAQ does not answer your question, please ask and wait patiently. 68
Libera.Chat #devicetree 68
IRC-nERDs #prankcallradio Pranks from 1997-2006 | https://archive.org/details/efnet-prankradio-archive | https://www.youtube.com/prankcallradio |SOON LIVE 68
Libera.Chat #freeipa http://www.freeipa.org | June 10th, 2024 - IPA 4.12.1 and IPA 4.11.2 released, fix CVE-2024-2698 and CVE-2024-3183: https://www.freeipa.org/release-notes/4-12-1.html. Upgrade is recommended (RHEL and Fedora builds coming). 68
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-vrt Wikimedia VRT response team | https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/VRT | https://vrt-wiki.wikimedia.org | Don't post private information here | Agents are voiced | Please volunteer at [[m:VRT/Volunteering]] | STATUS: UP | https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T283400 68
Libera.Chat #gentoo-kernel Gentoo Kernel Project Channel | https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Kernel | testing #gentoo-kernelci https://gkernelci.gentoo.org | #gentoo-dist-kernel for primary Distribution Kernel Support 68
HybridIRC #zougla Kalwshr8ate sto #zougla. Sth selida https://chat.zougla.gr/policy mporeite na diavasete tous kanones leitourgias tou kanaliou. Erwthseis pou aforoun to kanali: /join #zougla-opers - Erwthseis pou aforoun ta Services: /join #help - Wiki: https://wiki.hybridirc.com/w/zougla 67
KampungChat #awek Selamat Datang ke #awek dengan limpah kurnianya masih lagi kita dpt mengeratkan ukhwah disini.. didalam keriuhan terselit kesunyian.. dalam kekasaran terselit kelembutan.. kita bersahabat saling melengkapi sesama sahabat. 67
DALnet #pontianak <><><>Selamat Datang Di Channel #pontianak @DALnet - NO!: Invite/Spam/Repeat/CAPS/Flood/Adv/BadWord - Register Nick: /ns register <password> <email> - Cegah Spam: /mode <nick kamu> +RC - Have a nice chat & enjoy here! :)<><><> 67
Libera.Chat #freebsd-desktop FreeBSD Desktop Teams & Projects live here! | https://wiki.freebsd.org/Desktop 67
IRC-nERDs #anime 67
Undernet #pampanga 67
Libera.Chat ##engineering we like to talk about making stuff | preferably in SI | '"The odds are good, but the goods are odd." ~ said by girls in engineering schools.' | sometimes it takes a while to get an answer - longer if you don't ask the question | <quiliro> it's been a while since the topic has changed 67
Libera.Chat #znc-dev The playground for ZNC developers | User support in #znc | Git: https://github.com/znc/znc/ | CI: https://travis-ci.org/znc/znc/ | Coverage: https://codecov.io/gh/znc/znc 67
Undernet #tacloban Welcome to #TACLOBAN. Home of the Happiest People in the World. City of Love, Beauty and Progresses ( www.tacloban.gov.ph ) 67
KampungChat #thailand ||||||||||Welcome To Thailand |||||||||| @KampungChat iRC Network Play UNO! !uno & Scramble !start Have Fun And Enjoy Your Stay.™ 67
DALnet #siantar Welcome to #Siantar @DAL.net "SAPANGAMBAI MANOKTOK HITEI" Games: BJ= .on Duck= .dor (management baru yang kehilangan op memo madguys) THANKS 67
DALnet #italy Welcome to #italy HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!! For FREE bnc /join #FreeBNC Channel. 67
freenode #android Welcome to #Android | https://source.android.com/ | Android 14 is now available. https://developer.android.com/about/versions/14 | https://www.android.com/ 67
Undernet #siargao Welcome to the Surfing Capital of the Philippines..Have Fun 😊 Everyone.God Bless ( https://www.ircsiargao.com ) 67
OFTC #ovirt oVirt 4.5.5 is now generally available! - Please register your nick to participate in this channel. 67
Libera.Chat #kakoune Kakoune - Mawww's experiment for a better code editor | v2021.11.08 - https://github.com/mawww/kakoune - https://kakoune.org | FAQ https://github.com/mawww/kakoune/blob/master/doc/pages/faq.asciidoc | follow https://www.reddit.com/r/kakoune/ | goodies https://huit.re/kakoune-goodies | community forums https://discuss.kakoune.com/ 67
Undernet #cservice 67
Undernet #craiova Bun venit pe #Craiova ( www.craiova.ro ) 67
Libera.Chat ##networking Protocol-Neutral Networking 67
QuakeNet #idlerpg /msg IdleRPG REGISTER <char name> <password> <ability(b, w, p or r)> <char class> Webpage: https://quakeirpg.abandoned-irc.net/commands.php (Help/Talkchannel: #irpghelp ) 67
Undernet #eminem 67