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Network Name Topic Users
CyberIRC #japan NO ASL HERE! Please type in English or Japanese (romaji) ONLY! Type !rules if you are new here! ** ++ 5
Rizon #artificialdiscord »ArtificialAiming Discord« DO NOT PM US [Tydus is in Europe, English Only ] [If he is not here, try again between 6am and midnight UTC] 5
OFTC #bajkonoer 🏠 ¡Killamanpas, aswan karumanpas! 🐍 ¡Ucrania suyupaq hatunchakuy! 🐉 Ima temapas allinmi, IRC bots nisqamanta aswan. 🤖 5
IRCnet #otit.2021 5
QuakeNet #spanishxj 5
Libera.Chat #lede-dev 5
QuakeNet #navi 5
freenode #paris Bienvenue a #Paris ! 5
Rizon #e-pub RIP Barkeep. | Please welcome Barmaid, she serves beer and food. Send Testware a PM if you want other commands. Cheerio. 5
Libera.Chat #cvn-zho 文言及汉语方言维基最近更改监视频道 | 增加白名单:zhoMonitor wl add <用户名> [x=持续时间] [r=理由] | 增加黑名单:zhoMonitor bl add <用户名> [x=持续时间] [r=理由] 5
freenode #juliaca |||[Bienvenidos a #Juliaca Ciudad de los vientos - amistad latino universal - esto es IRC Freenode "Juliaca Peru" arriba chat]||| 5
DALnet #tagbilaran Welcome to TAGBILARAN :D 5
Libera.Chat #coda http://github.com/ekmett/coda http://github.com/ekmett/cadenza 5
IRCnet #danubius.hu 5
IRCnet #txtworld 5
Rizon #mgcyoa FOR INQUIRIES, PLEASE PM Wander | IRC Rules: http://tinyurl.com/MGCYOA-Rules | Linkboard: http://mgcyoa.sync.in/MGCYOA | Thread: Down | AMGC 1.15 Update Vote: http://mgcyoa.sync.in/AMGCVote1-15 | AMGC 1.16 Discussion: http://mgcyoa.sync.in/AMGCupdate1 | OOC: #MGVentilation | RP: #TheWand&Circlet #Overcity #MGChronicle #MGPnP #MGCafe 5
Libera.Chat #intel-3d 5
Libera.Chat #cschat.tw 5
Libera.Chat #hp 5
Undernet #goa 5
Libera.Chat #ste||ar The topic is 'STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | we are moving to Discord, please join us over there: https://discord.gg/Tn9QuzVjvy 5
Libera.Chat #openwrt-adm Please read https://openwrt.org/irc 5
DALnet #irssi Irssi v1.4.5 has been released - https://irssi.org/download/ | Irssi Scripts available at - https://scripts.irssi.org | If you have a question, please ask here and wait patiently. 5
Libera.Chat #wikibooks-sr Добро дошли на IRC канал Викикњига на српском језику! D:D | Посетите: https://sr.wikibooks.org/wiki/Главна_страна | Скорашње измене: irc://irc.wikimedia.org/sr.wikibooks | Викимедија Србије: https://rs.wikimedia.org https://wikimedia.rs 5
Undernet #cool-canal Cea mai tare retea IRC /server -m irc.europeirc.eu sau direct de pe pagina ( www.Chat.EuropeIRC.eu mersi va asteptam cu un click sau de pe mIRC ) 5
freenode #indonesia Welcome to #Indonesia , This is a chat Channel, Feel free to Chat and Park, Need Ops please contact Founder. 5
Libera.Chat #gentoo-meetings 5
QuakeNet #tur! 5
Undernet #masterchannel 5
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-it-web Canale del Gruppo Web - dedicato alla gente che dovrebbe coordinare i lavori sul sito https://www.ubuntu-it.org ed intrusi | https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoWeb | Per il supporto tecnico /join #ubuntu-it 5
Libera.Chat #pingus 5
OFTC #v4l LinuxTV community official chanel is #linux-media (here at OFTC) 5
QuakeNet #salatiga 5
QuakeNet #pasuruan 5
IRCnet #mla 5
QuakeNet #maluku 5
QuakeNet #tasikmalaya 5
QuakeNet #pekalongan 5
QuakeNet #jambi 5
QuakeNet #mataram 5
Libera.Chat #pistorm-hardware 5
freenode #unraid 5
Geekshed #freekie Welcome to #freekie .:|Song of the Moment ::Fix You - Coldplay |:. .:|Freekie is sleeping. E-mail/txt is the best way to reach him atm |:. .:| O.o|:. 5
Libera.Chat ##lawless 5
Libera.Chat #marchaneon Subcanal. Otros: ##Marcha. KickBot's requests: ir a #KickBot 5
Undernet #lgbtq 5
Rizon #own3d The internet? We're not interested in it. 5
Libera.Chat #fedora-classroom RPM packaging classroom link: https://redhat.bluejeans.com/473822117/3398 5
DALnet #viciochat Bienvenidos(as) a #ViCioChaT Una comunidad de viciosos al chat IRC, dirigida para todo el MUNDO. Amigos & Conocidos del ayer, hoy y siempre. La vieja y nueva escuela. FACEBOOK GROUP @ViCioChaT RADIO https://zeno.fm/onda-global-mix 5
ChatNPlay #tv What are you watching? | Share with the channel what you've been watching. | Whatever you say, try to avoid spoilers. | Plex Server: Z210 (message KnownSyntax for access) 5