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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #no-bad-guys 5
DALnet #perlis Welcome to the #PERLIS channel. Perlis, also known by its honorific title Perlis Indera Kayangan, is the smallest state in Malaysia. Happy 63rd Malaysia Independence Day 5
EFnet #add 5
DALnet #byebye not welcome in here unless you're an asshole 5
freenode ##whitequark 5
Libera.Chat #nixos-officehours 5
DarkWorld #mamoon 5
EFnet #th3g3ntl3man <ninecharz> if you have the password we can confirm the data transfer authorization code <f3l0n> tt0137523 5
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-hr Dobro došli na IRC kanal Wikipedije na hrvatskome jeziku! <:-) | Posjetite: https://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glavna_stranica | Nedavne promjene: irc://irc.wikimedia.org/hr.wikipedia 5
Libera.Chat #guixcn Guix中文 | https://guix.org.cn | #guixcn-offtopic | t.me/guixcn 5
Libera.Chat #zanzibar 5
SkyChatz #webchats 5
SkyChatz #ukhuwah 5
SkyChatz #atheme 5
DarkWorld #dwbots.pvt #DWBots.pvt - Private channel for DWBots Staff. 5
Libera.Chat #notthewtf 5
QuakeNet #medan 5
Undernet #animelover 5
freenode ##covid-19 5
Libera.Chat #i@eaiie Informatyka WIEiT@AGH przeniesiona z Freenode. 5
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-translation 5
DALnet #binus Welcome To #BiNus Bina Nusantara 5
SkyChatz #mrsm 5
IRCnet #kochanki_adminow 5
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-it-forum Canale italiano di servizio per lo staff del forum di ubuntu-it | Forum: https://forum.ubuntu-it.org | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoForum | Riunioni: Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoForum/Agenda | Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-it-forum 5
SkyChatz #blue 5
SkyChatz #ceria 5
DALnet #gangbang_room Welcome, straight, bi and tri sexed guests. This channel is open to sex with multiple partners. English speaking only. Enjoy your stay. This is an adult channel, 16+ age limit 5
EFnet #jeopardy .start to start a round | RIP Alex Trebek 5
SkyChatz #shahalam 5
SkyChatz #unolegends 5
SkyChatz #um Perempuan selalu dikaitkan dengan insan yg lemah , tapi bila Lelaki berhadapan dengan wanita. mereka antara yang paling lemah dari wanita =D ♥ ♥ 5
SkyChatz #irc4fun 5
Libera.Chat #2mb 2MB Solutions | https://2mb.solutions and 2MB Games | https://2mb.games | No spamming, on topic only please. https://2mb.games/contact-us for support. 5
SkyChatz #jiwakacau welcome to #jiwakacau Express Your Feelings Here ! 5
Libera.Chat #alteeve Alteeve developers 5
QuakeNet #kuburan 5
SkyChatz #endau |[ Welcome ]| to #Endau @ SkyChatz.Org - Respect Operators & Users - Fantasy : !CMD !HELP - Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/skychatz - Web Services : http://services.skychatz.org - Enjoy Your Stay , Thanks! 5
SkyChatz #gengkapak 5
Rizon #f #fruity | https://kthx.at | Owner of UNOBot | https://wiki.rizon.net/index.php?title=User:MAGIC13 5
SkyChatz #masja 5
Libera.Chat #nunchaku Nunchaku, veriT, Dolmen, SMT, etc. | Oida! | https://paste.isomorphis.me/ 5
freenode #freenode-unreg 5
SkyChatz #batupahat 5
SkyChatz #couples 5
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-fr-liverc 5
Libera.Chat #rockylinux-sig-storage 5
freenode #pipewire 5
SkyChatz #emoti 5