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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #odoo 5
Libera.Chat #peoplesopen.net 5
DALnet #lion_and_kitten 5
OFTC #openstack-pl Oficjalny polski kanał o OpenStacku | https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/IRC 5
Undernet #kezdi Registered on Dec 24 2001 03:23:39 ( http://kezdi.info http://www.kezdi.ro ) 5
Libera.Chat #gentoo-se 5
freenode #qt-sdk 5
Libera.Chat #infini INFINI | Hébergeur libre, associatif, solidaire, non marchand, militant à Brest | CHATONS 5
OFTC #br Bem vindos ao canal #BR - O Canal de Todos Brasileiros - InterIRC Relay Chat 5
Undernet #blood Join #op and #power 5
IRCnet #ssah.fi 5
freenode #pipewire 5
freenode #opensuse-kde 5
Libera.Chat ##minthtml MintHTML: A markdown converter/renderer for Windows. https://github.com/sweeistaken/MintHTML 5
Libera.Chat #mongo The source-available cross-platform document-oriented NoSQL database. This channel is not sanctioned by MongoDB inc. Do good to others as you would have them do to you. 5
Libera.Chat ##jamiroquai We cannot change the past, but we can start today to make a better tomorrow. 5
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-il EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of Illinois | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 5
IRCnet #speaker's_corner 5
Undernet #legenda.ro Welcome ! 5
Undernet #iran 5
IRCnet #muinaistekniikka 20.3. Ark. kenttätyöesittely Hesa, 22.3. Eura esihistoria, 4.4. Ark. Tieteidentalo Hesa, 5.4. Pirkanmaan alta, 17.5. SKAS Satakunnan muinaisjäännösretki 13.-15.6. Hämeen markkinat, 26.29.6. Turun markkinat, 5.-6.7. Pirkkalan markkinat 11.-13.7. Tall 5
Libera.Chat #reddit-seddit Merry Slutmas 2023! Backup channel of Freenode's legendary #reddit-seddit community, serving out award-winning advice since 200X. Many of us are out sarging so stick around and you'll get the chance to become the best! 5
Rizon #film /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ WON'T YOU DISCUSS toxic masculinity and its negative effects on this channel AND THINGS ? /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ 5
Libera.Chat #devops-furries Semper ubi sub ubi 5
QuakeNet #2wai.soldat 5
IRCnet #slovakia 5
EFnet #crackheads BREAKING NEWS :jK drank cats ass coffee!!! 5
DesktopMasters #public Our Main Meeting Place. | Be sure to register your nick first with /NickServ HELP REGISTER 5
DALnet #💩 fflush(stdout); // #💩 5
CollectiveIRC #buzzard Welcome to #Buzzard 5
SkyChatz #mycinta |[ Welcome ]| to #Mycinta - Just type fantasy commands in channel : !CREDIT !MOTD !SERVERINFO !HELP or !CMD to know more. 5
DarkWorld #mamoon 5
EFnet #aflac 5
SkyChatz #hitz .::(Mz)HitzFM http://www.mzhitzfm.listen2myradio.com @ 5
Libera.Chat #sbopkg sbopkg: the SlackBuilds.org package browser | https://sbopkg.org | https://github.com/sbopkg/sbopkg | https://sbopkg.org/mailman/listinfo/sbopkg-users | sbopkg 0.38.3 is released 5
QuakeNet #winamp 5
Libera.Chat #chia Chia Network, the proof of space cryptocurrency. This is a community channel, official chat and support is on Keybase 5
SkyChatz #boxserv 5
DALnet #bgc 🇵🇭 Bonifacio Global City | 🚗🚌 We Play, We Work 🏢🚗💻 (bgc.undernet.ph | https://cristi.ne) 5
QuakeNet #quetta 5
EFnet #stavanger 5
QuakeNet #peshawar 5
DALnet #cihampelas DALnet:: Selamat Datang Di CihampeLas@dalnet [KOTA BANDUNG ...kota yg nyaman dan damai selalu ] THANK YOU 5
QuakeNet #helios 5
QuakeNet #mataram 5
EFnet #intercage 5
QuakeNet #jambi 5
EFnet #twisted :SLUTZZZ WELCOME 5
QuakeNet #pekalongan 5
QuakeNet #tasikmalaya 5