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Network Name Topic Users
KampungChat #quiz -(*--[#][Q][U][I][Z] 5
Libera.Chat #freenet-dev 5
RetroNode #video Welcome to digital video support channel! || CD/BD/DVD/VHS ripping, editing & re-encoding || DivX/XviD, MPEG-1/2/3/4, H.264/AVC, H.265/HEVC || Avidemux, AviSynth, FFMpeg, Gordian Knot, HandBrake, MkvToolNix, VirtualDub, etc. 5
KampungChat #singapore Welco,00me ,00t,00o,00 ,00#,00s,00i,00ng,00a,00pore Republic of Singapore | Selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan dan selamat berpuasa 5
Libera.Chat ##tesla All discussion about Tesla the car company 5
RetroNode #80s Remember the good old 1980s? When things were so uncomplicated? I wish I could go back there again, and everything could be the same... | New Wave Radio: http://newwaveradio.org/ 5
UnifiedChat #casino Welcome to Casino! 5
Libera.Chat #cython 5
RetroNode #news News feeds about software and other things 5
Libera.Chat #elsconf 5
Libera.Chat #dongle "NEW TOPICS ARE CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL | <Shadowed> God damn Tek, I almost asked "Where is Tekkub's tekticles"" 5
Libera.Chat #nimworks General discussion of all things related to Nim.Works. Bridged to #nimworks:envs.net, logs are kept indefinitely. 5
OFTC #namecoin Namecoin: censorship/hijacking resistant naming system | NO TRADING | Dev discussion in #namecoin-dev | You must register with OFTC NickServ to speak | https://www.namecoin.org/ | https://namecoin.bit/ | Bridged to Hackint + Matrix + Libera 5
RetroNode #linux Linux-related (GNU/Linux, Android, other) Help & Support 5
Libera.Chat #web-social 5
Libera.Chat #brmic 5
OFTC #openttd.notice OpenTTD Notice Channel || No more SVN! Long live https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD || Moderated, no talking! 5
OFTC #rsyscall http://rsyscall.org/rsyscall/ - https://github.com/catern/rsyscall 5
KampungChat #oren WelCoMe To #oren - Link Redio - http://orenchatroom.blogspot.my Atau http://kcfm.my 5
Libera.Chat #snoonet 5
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-zh-language 中文维基百科语言分群,与Telegram群 @wikipedia_zh_lang 以及 Discord 服务器 https://discord.gg/77n7vnu 互联。 5
KampungChat #jiwang 5
KampungChat #alamanda (r)(r)(r)(r)(r)(r)(r)(r) Kesederhanaan adalah pengalaman yang sangat berharga di dunia. - Leonardo da Vinci (r)(r)(r)(r)(r)(r)(r)(r)  f þ§y£ôîñç †èçhñòlógy Development Team  5
Libera.Chat #kawa 5
KampungChat #ainishosting Welcome to #AinisHosting | Server [ Xeon = Up ] | [ Website= http://www.ainishosting.name.my ] | For more info type !menu !bank !admin | | Sms/call for Detail +60125398276 5
Libera.Chat #sprc Good, old times and still not discussing any SoCs :) 5
KampungChat #unolegends [ U ][ N ][ O ][ L ][ E ][ G ][ E ][ N ][ D ][ S ] @ KampungChat 2018 WILD Draw Five! 5
RetroNode #italy e andiamo di proverbi - A chi più amiamo, meno dire sappiamo. 5
KampungChat #ctc <> Crack The Code <> !ctc "!code your answer" to answer 5
RetroNode #feminism Welcome to #feminism. Try to stay on topic, no speech is censored. Antifeminist movies: Swept Away (2002), Sexmission (1984), The Taming of the Scoundrel (1980) | rtn0's theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnCVm6ibsi4 5
DarkWorld #behomebeforedark | [Current Auction: Blessed-Ankh] 5
Libera.Chat #crashlab https://crashlab.nl/ 5
RetroNode #retronode-ru Официальный канал поддержки и обсуждения сети RetroNode на русском языке 5
Libera.Chat #smplayer SMPlayer Support Channel 5
HybridIRC #groupcall 5
HybridIRC #groupcamcall 5
OFTC #animalrightsmovement 5
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-fi-offtopic 5
HybridIRC #hottychat 5
HybridIRC #_sluut_hnndu 5
HybridIRC #mmff_blr 5
HybridIRC #incest3 5
HybridIRC #44dd 5
HybridIRC #pc 5
HybridIRC #wherbyy 5
Libera.Chat #angband-dev 5
HybridIRC #muslimbull 5
HybridIRC #cf Welcome to #cf You can save https://kiwiirc.hybridirc.com/#cf to directly come here! Or you can use /msg NickServ AJOIN ADD #cf Locked yourself out of room? Use /msg ChanServ INVITE #cf | Find interesting stats at https://stats.hybridirc.com/cf | Use /mode username +Rc to avoid notice abuse 5
HybridIRC #radiogetswild 😀 Welcome to Radio Gets Wild Internet radio family friendly chat room 🤩 Chat with the DJ and enjoy the tunes ⏰ Shows every Thursday 8pm till 11pm UK. time 🥰 Please use respect and kindness to chatters at all times 🎵 Use the listening links NOT the radio player in the left panel of this chat 😊 Thank you 🎧 Listening links https://rockingdave.radio12345.com or http://rockingdave.radiostream123.com 5
Libera.Chat #haskell-emacs 5