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Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #rockylinux-sig-storage 5
Libera.Chat ##fpc-alt FreePascal Offtopic. Rules: Treat your fellow channel inhabitants as you'd like to be treated. 5
Libera.Chat #fluorplast De e kanske vår mina bekanta 5
Libera.Chat #protoweb 5
Libera.Chat #nethackathon NetHackaton Fall 2024, September 13th-15th :: https://nethackathon.org 5
Libera.Chat #n1livz4ever 5
Libera.Chat ##foxtopic awawawawawa (fox sounds) 5
Libera.Chat #vencord the cutest client mod for discord | https://vencord.dev/ | .dev/discord 5
Libera.Chat #atari8-dev Atari 8 development discussion. 5
Libera.Chat #legion-sagrada Descansa la Legión bajo un manto de calma. Ya no hay lucha, solo memoria, y en su descanso, su sacrificio se honra. ---- Monumenta, Lukecody, -sasha-, Sargento, Alabama, Bradford, Hasley, Bedivere, SrCerberus, Villalaso, nombres que resuenan en el viento, eternos en las páginas que dejaron. 5
Libera.Chat #d78 5
Libera.Chat #opensuse-bar https://meet.opensuse.org/bar - come say hi and have a lot of fun! 5
Libera.Chat #find-work Personal advice utility for Gentoo package maintainers | https://find-work.sysrq.in/ | Bridged to Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#find-work:sysrq.in 5
Libera.Chat #blindoe 5
Libera.Chat #opensuse-admin-alerts openSUSE infrastructure monitoring alerts - https://alerts.infra.opensuse.org/ - notifications in this channel are still experimental 5
Libera.Chat #openmw-android Channel rules: https://rentry.co/omw_rules 5
Libera.Chat #openmw-dev-lua Channel rules: https://rentry.co/omw_rules 5
Libera.Chat #openmw-robowind 5
Libera.Chat #openmw-vr Channel rules: https://rentry.co/omw_rules 5
Libera.Chat #miraheze-meetings Welcome to Miraheze Meetings, a semi-monthly meeting where Miraheze and the community meet to talk about all things Miraheze! | Next meeting: 9 June, 14:00 (6PM UTC/2PM EDT) | More info: https://miraheze.wiki/m/6mu | Participation in this channel is subject to our Code of Conduct: https://meta.miraheze.org/m/PA | Channel is logged | When no meeting is in session, channel is muted. 5
Libera.Chat ##minthtml MintHTML: A markdown converter/renderer for Windows. https://github.com/sweeistaken/MintHTML 5
Libera.Chat #clok-question 5
Libera.Chat #world-chat Welcome to #world-chat! A place for people from all over the globe. Chat in English please. Leave a message and be patient; we're usually busy working in real life. We'll reply when we can. 5
Libera.Chat #err0r ERR0R :: troubleshooting and solving common computer software problems :: bot status: Coming Soon :: speak Russian or English 5
Libera.Chat ##progolf Life is pain. 5
Libera.Chat #ps2dev 5
Libera.Chat #mediaberry [Publicly logged at https://irc.vitali64.duckdns.org/lc/mediaberry] Mediaberry is an open platform for Smart TVs and digital media players. 5
Libera.Chat #manlug Manchester (UK) Linux User Group, scaring kernels since '94 5
Libera.Chat #nevet This is the channel for the development of the software that runs nevet: https://github.com/jottinger/streampack 5
Libera.Chat #clok 5
Libera.Chat #monero-twitter 5
Libera.Chat #ripencc unofficial RIPE NCC & friends channel 5
Libera.Chat #go-matrix 5
Libera.Chat #thunderirc 5
Libera.Chat #vortex Club Vortex — https://vortexed.com/ 5
Rizon #* > > > 12:00 AM Sat, Mar 01, 2025 1 Font 1 Updating each 60 minutes 5
Rizon #info https://www.techradar.com/news/data-of-30-million-wordpress-users-leaked-by-top-cloud-accounting-firm 5
Rizon #dnd 5
Rizon #shitpost #SHITPOST - we cant into technology help || Chan Info - https://pastebin.com/M8DBz1YD || peenis 5
Rizon #mhf God Meme 2013 Part I: Trap City - new memes for consideration || (padz) http://i.imgur.com/axDIok4.gif || (clai) i put 2013 in the topic even though its 2016 lmfao 5
Rizon #winmx WinMX P2P unofficial IRC chat and support channel based on the Community Patch, Windows 10 Tested and working - Client: https://patch.winmxconex.com/ - Forums: https://forum.winmxworld.com/ 5
Rizon #mafia ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ PRETTY topic!! Also, get on /server irc.darenet.org and join #Mafia to help us test (and play) the MafBot Alpha Build ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 5
Rizon #psychiatry Welcome to #psychiatry, please enjoy your stay. You will end up feeling better in the long run, I swear. 5
Rizon #netplay https://tanasinn.vip/games/netplay | Matrix room: #netplay:matrix.org 5
Rizon #nevodka nevodka fan club! 5
Rizon #la [Welcome] Toonami Jetstream rips available! [Triggers] !list !voiceme [Site] http://www.laprojects.net [Releases!] Prince of Tennis / MAR / Mega Man SF / BoBoBo / Eyeshield / Blue Dragon dubs Help us, help you -- Servers/Appreciation welcome ))<>(( PACKERS 2010 SUPERBOWL CHAMPS! PACKERS 14-1 http://tinyurl.com/kickjunk 5
Rizon #ukraine UKRAINE IS A COUNTRY 5
Rizon #/vr/men All talk of CRTs and console/games up to 1999 is allowed. Dreamcast is included. Please read the rules: http://pastebin.com/RyqRBacf Funposting (and any posting) is allowed! 5
Rizon #rmch Public channel for #rice mod discussion. | Please don't lurk. | https://i.ibb.co/MSW2Bwn/Windows-Terminal-210315184017-A3e.png 5
Rizon #/mu/chella /mu/chellapaloozaroo Winter 2018 | Winter has been POSTPONED until further notice - stay tuned | Radio https://chiru.no:8080/live.mp3 | Matrix room: https://tinyurl.com/muchella | Fleet Foxes : TBA | Lineup: https://imgur.com/a/4ES5FG1 | Downloads: https://mega.nz/#F!VQdXCAbI!XO2jvWUpGIwzL5VL45qM_A 5