Random Network
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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
IRCnet #nonechokasten 5
Libera.Chat #linux-omap → irc.libera.chat (https://libera.chat) #linux-ti ; this is a backup 5
freenode #ubuntu-kernel 5
Libera.Chat #dhall 5
DALnet #sh3lls Services: Eggdrop/psyBNC/BNC/Shoutcast/VPS | Website: http://www.CoreShells.Net | Notice: Account will be terminated on DALnet SAbuse like idle bots/fillers| E-mail: Support@CoreShells.net 5
freenode #ircv3 5
freenode #lazarus-ide 5
Libera.Chat #python-doc Let's talk about Python documentation 5
freenode #minetest 5
QuakeNet #italy 5
Libera.Chat #pld http://www.pld-linux.org | Th TODO http://ep09.pld-linux.org/~pldth/main-ready-test.txt | http://ep09.pld-linux.org/~pldth/lint-PLD.txt | GIT Howto http://www.pld-linux.org/dokuwiki/howto-git | Wait patiently for the answer (even 1-2 days) 5
freenode ##sqlite 5
Undernet #diapers Welcome to #Diapers! Have fun and play safe. No /msg without asking. G-rated and ages 13+ welcome. No co-channeling with #incest. 5
freenode #wikimedia-mobile 5
QuakeNet #northcon 5
SkyChatz #master [21:54:51] -ChanServ- [#ZNC] Example : !request aa mel@mel.Org SkyChatz Irc.SkyChatz.Org 7000 5
Undernet #chatromania w e l c o m e to #ChatRomania ( ChatRomania ) 5
QuakeNet #nl 5
Undernet #earthsea 5
QuakeNet #xs4all.q3 == -X-S-4-A-L-L-.-Q-3- =2= 5
freenode #afra 5
Rizon #silent.army ۩۞۩ WELCOME TO OFFICIAL CHANNEL OF SILENT ARMY http://j.mp/17IZe2g ۩۞۩ Order : - , Side : - ۩۞۩ Drop Zone : - 5
Libera.Chat #antix The Unofficial antiX Linux community. (Have patience to wait for answers) 5
Libera.Chat #e.fr Le canal de discussion pour les mordus d'Enlightenment et des EFL || EFL 1.20.7, Enlightenment 0.22.3, Terminology 1.2.1: https://www.enlightenment.org/download 5
freenode #filezilla 5
freenode #revspace 5
Undernet #ad&d 5
IRCnet #turku42 5
freenode #in.tum 5
DALnet #tunisie.com loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool 5
IRCnet #brasil 5
IRCnet #edesauttajat 5
SkyChatz #userhelp 5
QuakeNet #dayz 5
IRCnet #keller 5
IRCnet #netsplits.it 5
Undernet #firewall 5
SwiftIRC #brightershores https://discord.gg/swiftirc | Christmas event! 5
Libera.Chat #archlinux32-devops 5
IRCnet #greatpatriots 5
freenode #rockylinux 5
OFTC #ogon-project Ogon Project - a fully featured RDP server for Linux | https://github.com/ogon-project/ogon 5
OFTC #mch2021-volunteers Must Contain Heaven - https://wiki.ifcat.org/Team:Volunteers 5
DALnet #mircscript mircscript 5
IRCnet #ssah.fi 5
freenode #shackspace 5
OFTC #debian-gdpr 5
freenode ##zsh 5
QuakeNet #dizmo 5
Libera.Chat #wikinews-es 5