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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #smxi Welcome to #smxi! We are currently at irc.oftc.net #smxi but may also be here.... 5
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-otrs-es 5
freenode ##investments 5
Libera.Chat #basic Welcome! Talk about MS BASIC, GW-BASIC, PureBASIC, Cerberus X, or any other BASIC variant here. 5
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-danmark Wikimedia Danmark er den danske afdeling af Wikimedia Foundation, se https://dk.wikimedia.org 5
Libera.Chat #openmw-shaders Graphical shaders for OpenMW || Channel rules: https://rentry.co/omw_rules 5
OFTC #mch2022-logistics 5
Libera.Chat ##ruby-de Ein Channel der in fossilen Schichten Reste der deutschsprachigen Ruby-Community enthält | No public logging 5
Libera.Chat #piano Piano playing & music 5
freenode #opensuse-kde 5
Libera.Chat #wesnoth-mp-lobby-stable Wesnoth MP Lobby Logging Channel (Stable Version) | Moderation Interface: "lobby: my server message" (needs voice) or "lobby: /kick spammer" (needs op) | Public Logs: https://irclogs.wesnoth.org 5
Libera.Chat #prepedia Bye freenode! Welcome to Libera.Chat! | Aktuelles: Nichts Neues | Technik: Nichts Neues | Bitte hab etwas Geduld, falls du nicht gleich eine Antwort auf deine Frage bekommst. Wir sind nicht immer am Rechner. Warte einfach etwas. Abends ist fast immer jemand hier. 5
Libera.Chat #mageia-board 5
Libera.Chat #brickset 5
freenode #openvswitch 5
Libera.Chat #3liz-lizmap 5
Libera.Chat #voidlinux-xbps 5
Libera.Chat #archlinux.org.pl Witamy na kanale polskiej społeczności Arch Linux. | Discord: https://discord.gg/AnG2Kv6axS 5
OFTC #ovh 5
OFTC #inferno 5
Libera.Chat #linuxlab-pw Oficjalny kanał spotkań z cyklu Linu.X-lab | https://linuxlab.pw/ 5
Libera.Chat #system7today Welcome to System 7 Today! | Stay here for a while and someone will get back to you 5
Libera.Chat #linuxpmi We are the undead! https://gitlab.com/julia.longtin/LinuxPMI/-/wikis/home (https://linuxpmi.org/ content upon request) 5
Libera.Chat #sap 5
Libera.Chat #ckpool 5
Libera.Chat #nsrt NSRT 3.4 Released! | No official site available at the moment | Download from: http://nsrt.nachsoftware.org/files.php 5
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-mo EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of Missouri | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 5
OFTC #df-staff Salon du staff Debian-Facile (ici, on ban les gens) 5
Libera.Chat #monte 5
SwiftIRC #playstation e5e5e5PlayStation Channel - https://playstation.com/ - News: New PS5 Slim consoles released, with higher storage (1TB) and extendable disc drive. Backplates are NOT compatible. e5e5e5PS Portal is now released and ready to be paired with PS5 consoles. 5
OFTC #localslackirc Channel for developing localslackirc (IRC gateway for slack) https://github.com/ltworf/localslackirc | Available on Debian ∧ Ubuntu 5
Libera.Chat #blinkenlights Välkommen till Blinkenlights IRC kanal! - http://old.blinkenlights.se/ || Blinkencamp 2010 (2011): http://old.blinkenlights.se/forum/topic2158/page1/ || Blinkenöl 2012: http://old.blinkenlights.se/forum/topic2187/page1/ || blinkenlights.se since 2004-04-08 5
Libera.Chat #sbug Subcarpathian BSD User Group / Podkarpacka grupa użytkowników BSD / Podkarpatská skupina užívateľov BSD 5
OFTC #osm-sotm-video SotM 2021 Video Team | Video Streaming: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/State_of_the_Map/VideoStreaming | Volunteers: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/State_of_the_Map_2021/volunteers | Streams: https://test-building.amilis.ch/ | Website https://2021.stateofthemap.org/ 5
OFTC #libvirt 5
OFTC #pythran 5
Libera.Chat #voidlinux-fr 5
Libera.Chat #lug/ip 5
Libera.Chat #python-gsoc-bc 5
OFTC #openstack-meeting-4 5
Libera.Chat #cvn-zh-sw 增加白名单:zhswMonitor wl add <用户名> [x=持续时间] [r=理由] | 增加黑名单:zhswMonitor bl add <用户名> [x=持续时间] [r=理由] 5
OFTC #vhs Vancouver Hack Space (VHS) :: Unmonitored channel - please use https://talk.vanhack.ca/ :: https://vanhack.slack.com/account/gateways :: 1601 Venables St 5
Libera.Chat #phillylinux Go to #plug 5
Libera.Chat #yabause Yabause, A Beautiful And Under-rated Saturn Emulator | 0.9.15 has been released! | This is COOL | Our new home! 5
Libera.Chat #0 5
OFTC #coopetition Welcome to #coopetition | Revision: hd71c3768 (r19287M) | STAGE: waiting for competitors | http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?t=42572 | Download: http://www.openttd.org/en/download-head-to-head | Source: http://hg.openttd.org/developers/yexo/head-to-head.hg | ladder: http://mz.openttdcoop.org/ladder 5
freenode #dracut 5
Libera.Chat #alephone /!\ hálfhesturdýr 🐴 hangout /!\ 💩🤖 5
Libera.Chat #quassel-weechat 5
Libera.Chat #alaska https://i.imgur.com/wyaJhrb.jpg 5