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Network Name Topic Users
Newnet #photography Talk about the art and science in optically capturing a real world moment in a picture; no matter of analog or digital technology; no matter you're wannabe, amateur, or professional. 5
Newnet #hashnix 5
SwiftIRC #tmrd https://youtu.be/w1RldYPnNVc http://i.imgur.com/3nK3siI.png <{Tt}Mike> i can get gold just like that http://i.imgur.com/B9kS8DX.png http://i.imgur.com/otNEd7j.jpg -- http://i.imgur.com/3K6DUsP.jpg - https://i.imgur.com/VoAjzfi.jpg - https://i.imgur.com/NJm8Cmw.png - https://youtu.be/kZtdAa_9vw8 5
Libera.Chat #subjam 5
Libera.Chat #gnu-health Welcome to GNU Health, the Libre digital Health ecosystem. https://www.gnuhealth.org 5
Geekshed #reapercon Welcome to ReaperCon! Please ask your question and someone will answer when they are available. // Peer, Kin & Zetacon may or may not be here. Check the userlist. // GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Th3GrimRipp3r/ReaperCon/ 5
Geekshed #freekie Welcome to #freekie .:|Song of the Moment ::Fix You - Coldplay |:. .:|Freekie is sleeping. E-mail/txt is the best way to reach him atm |:. .:| O.o|:. 5
Libera.Chat #mer https://sailfishos.org/community/ states #sailfishos is officially on OFTC, this channel can be ignored 5
Geekshed #eddieslife247 Anything and Everything! | https://eddieslife247.co.uk/ | https://twitch.tv/247geekcast (Live 24/7 Sharing Geeks and there activites 24/7 on twitch!) Join now at https://discord.geekcast.co.uk/ and apply to be a streamer to share your geeky nature! 5
Libera.Chat #dragonbox-games we now return to scheduled programming - type .duck or .goose 5
IRCnet #muinaistekniikka 20.3. Ark. kenttätyöesittely Hesa, 22.3. Eura esihistoria, 4.4. Ark. Tieteidentalo Hesa, 5.4. Pirkanmaan alta, 17.5. SKAS Satakunnan muinaisjäännösretki 13.-15.6. Hämeen markkinat, 26.29.6. Turun markkinat, 5.-6.7. Pirkkalan markkinat 11.-13.7. Tall 5
IRCnet #speaker's_corner 5
IRCnet #ssah.fi 5
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-uk 5
Libera.Chat #dsv DSV@NOD | Mailinglista: dsv@fishface.se. Pm tomodachi för join | http://dsv.noring.org/ | http://sec10.blogs.dsv.su.se/ | http://barkod.se | Gratis saker: https://ptpb.pw/o9ZP 5
Libera.Chat #freedesktop-sdk Freedesktop-SDK! https://freedesktop-sdk.io/ https://gitlab.com/freedesktop-sdk/ 5
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-bd Official IRC channel of Ubuntu Bangladesh | Mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bd | Forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=409 | Launchpad: http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bd | Channel Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | pastebin:paste.ubuntu.com | screenshot:imgur.com | register nick and ask in #libera-cloak for an unaffiliated cloak 5
IRCnet #kochanki_adminow 5
IRCnet #karrat 5
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-commons-abuse-log All AbuseFilter hits on Commons; use `!subscribe commons.wikimedia.org [filter id]` to get notified for given filter; Documentation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:MusikBot/AbuseFilterIRC 5
IRCnet #kimppasuihku 5
IRCnet #zooparty 5
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-meta-abuse-log All AbuseFilter hits on Meta (including global); use `!subscribe meta.wikimedia.org [filter id]` to get notified for given filter; Documentation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:MusikBot/AbuseFilterIRC 5
IRCnet #italy Benvenuti su #Italy | Accesso per utenti IT (380) | Server: spadhausen.irc.it (IPv4/6+SASL) 5
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-library 5
IRCnet #otit.2022 5
IRCnet #cisco 5
IRCnet #atnog 5
IRCnet #metal 5
IRCnet #turunwappuradio 5
Libera.Chat #game-factory Welcome to #game-factory, churning out games since 2021. 5
IRCnet #otit.2021 5
IRCnet #uloc 5
IRCnet #taytkk 5
IRCnet #hardware.fin 5
IRCnet #utale 5
IRCnet #gnuher.de 5
Libera.Chat #carbslinux Carbs Linux https://carbslinux.org | logs: https://irclogs.carbslinux.org 5
IRCnet #nlnog-bot 5
Libera.Chat #weblate Weblate, web based localization platform, discussions, see https://weblate.org/ 5
IRCnet #kanaquiz 5
IRCnet #cnb-bensalenkkarit 5
IRCnet #alhonet 5
IRCnet #otit.anime 5
IRCnet #io-tech.fi 5
IRCnet #kewlers 5
IRCnet #shakki 5
IRCnet #sid64 5
IRCnet #$b$^$-$a$c$s$m$k(b 5
IRCnet #$b$$$l$o$d$fn"(b 5