QuakeNet |
#manga |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#kphotoalbum |
KPhotoAlbum developer and user channel - Please be patient when waiting for answers... |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#hakierspejs-offtop |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#spanishxj |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#pan |
|| 22 December 2021 - New Release - Pan 0.149 "Bellevue" - https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/pan/-/tags/v0.149 - Old versions https://pan.rebelbase.com/download/ - https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Pan || Precompiled older versions for Ubuntu etc. PPA: https://launchpad.net/~klaus-vormweg/+archive/pan - Pan mailing lists: https://pan.rebelbase.com/mailing)lists/ || |
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QuakeNet |
#navi |
5 |
Undernet |
#tanaweb |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#madiun |
no topic |
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QuakeNet |
#ueberton |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#admin |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#nörtit |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#dwshells |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#adium |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#turkunoise |
5 |
freenode |
#verdecuprum |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#kuburan |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#tngnet |
5 |
Undernet |
#philosophers |
Welcome to the Realm of Thought. This is a space for deep thinkers, seekers of wisdom, and lovers of philosophy |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#proxmox |
Proxmox help channel. Please state your question and wait -(Tech Support: https://my.proxmox.com/ ¬ Community Support: https://forum.proxmox.com/)- |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#epidemic |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#emop |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#spacebar |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#mym |
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QuakeNet |
#elegance |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#eolithic |
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QuakeNet |
#tbee |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#hölöttäjät |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#ketagromky |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#uncyclopedia |
#uncyclopedia: Still here | Wiki: https://en.uncyclopedia.co | Discord: https://discord.gg/r3dbd8mUpH |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#libcasa |
https://liberta.casa | ircs://liberta.casa:6697 |
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QuakeNet |
##peru |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#festungderkommentareauflautde |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#gentoo-keys |
5 |
IRCnet |
#jlf.fi |
5 |
IRCnet |
#linux.jp |
welcome to #linux.jp channel | Speak Japanese only |
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QuakeNet |
#p-e-r-u |
5 |
Undernet |
#gayjackoff |
Religion is like circumcision. If you wait until someone is 12yo to tell them about it, they probably won't be interested. |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#ndsf |
5 |
Zeolia |
#linux |
Aide linux - Retrouvez les parutions de Full Circle Magazine (https://www.fullcirclemag.fr) |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#salatiga |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#pasuruan |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#maluku |
5 |
SwiftIRC |
#finance |
How I Got Over My Fear of Investing and Started Saving for My Future: https://goo.gl/RMFgJC | Various referral bonuses: https://ryan.goldstein.tel/affiliate-links |
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QuakeNet |
#tasikmalaya |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#pekalongan |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#jambi |
5 |
Undernet |
#secureserv |
https://www.secureserv.pro Hosting Solutions |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#mataram |
5 |
Undernet |
#urlati |
Welcome to #URLATI - Just the same old re-runs. For more information, please visit our website. ;) ( www.URLATI.ro ) |
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Undernet |
#super-vps |
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