Undernet |
#haventrivia |
After 20+ years on Undernet the clone ban has forced me to move trivia | do /server irc.rizon.net and join #haventrivia if you want to play. jax |
5 |
EFnet |
#vmware |
5 |
SkyChatz |
#hitz |
.::(Mz)HitzFM http://www.mzhitzfm.listen2myradio.com @ |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#project-m36 |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#wikibooks-sr |
Добро дошли на IRC канал Викикњига на српском језику! D:D | Посетите: https://sr.wikibooks.org/wiki/Главна_страна | Скорашње измене: irc://irc.wikimedia.org/sr.wikibooks | Викимедија Србије: https://rs.wikimedia.org https://wikimedia.rs |
5 |
DALnet |
#up |
Welcome to the University of the Philippines (#UP). Always stay HIGH...and UP in the sky!!!! |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#securty |
+++ The exclusive semaphore is owned by another process +++ join #droplist for crazy drops omnomnom |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#gnome-release-team |
5 |
IRCnet |
#coppie |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#pothos |
5 |
IRCnet |
#tuttoirc |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#cvn-bn-scan |
Welcome to countervandalism channel of Bangla Wikimedia projects. Here you can monitor all edits from all Bangla Wikimedia projects. | Source (join directly if the bot is down): irc://irc.wikimedia.org/#bn.wikipedia | For Bangla Wikipedia article contest visit #wikipedia-bn | Enjoy your stay. |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#titandev |
Loliés! | *yiff* | https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/titandev |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#bitmetas |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#alteeve |
Alteeve developers |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#bodhi |
5 |
#tmw-br |
O jogo TMW-BR voltou à ativa | https://tmw-br.scall.org | Escreva o nome completo da pessoa no chat para chamar! | Recuperação conta: https://tmw-br.scall.org/faq.html#account_recovery |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#freifunk |
5 |
freenode |
#turku.hacklab.fi |
5 |
EFnet |
#ahs |
{American Horror Story - S12 (Delicate) sucked as badly as imagined. WTF has happened to this series?} -- {shared from irc.IRC4Fun.net / IRC4Fun.net} |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#macbidouille |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
##cccp |
|☭|Союз Советских Социалистических Республик | |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#politics |
5 |
Undernet |
#tim |
Dear friends, I inform you that unfortunately Tim is no longer alive, he died on July 9th because he was beaten by other dogs and then poisoned by idiots! |
5 |
HybridIRC |
#cuckold |
5 |
freenode |
##physics |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
##spoonfed |
5 |
Rizon |
#dankar |
Everyone views the world through their own subjective will, the world you think of is merely your minds interpretation |
5 |
SkyChatz |
#jiwakacau |
welcome to #jiwakacau Express Your Feelings Here ! |
5 |
QuakeNet |
#mix.eu |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#reichwaffe |
5 |
DALnet |
#ajuda |
Bem-Vindo(a) ao #Ajuda | Para auxilio com registro de nick Digite !Ajuda | Parcerias: #Brasil #BR #Portugal #Help #DALnetAyuda #IRCAyuda #Ayuda #Servicios #HTML #mIRC | Estatísticas de Usuário: http://ajudadalnet.mooo.com/ |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
##techcavern |
TechCavern: Community Edition || Website: https://techcavern.net/ || Telegram: https://telegram.me/TechCavernCE || Discord: https://discord.gg/reVdTtU |
5 |
freenode |
#qt-quick |
5 |
SkyChatz |
#netchat |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#anpe |
5 |
Undernet |
#cherrychapstick |
5 |
Undernet |
#italia |
Questo è il mitico, storico #italia: trattalo bene e divertiti ;) |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#wownero |
GO TO #wownero oftc.net instead! |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#microsoft |
5 |
EFnet |
#wiidevot |
5 |
EFnet |
#lgbt |
{######### Welcome to LGBT! -- (shared from irc.IRC4Fun.net / IRC4Fun.net) #########} |
5 |
Undernet |
#goa |
5 |
Rizon |
#tulpa.mods |
Tulpa.info moderation channel | Mods have +o (mod/mods gets their attention) | Don't spam, try to be civil | Always talk to the mod in question first | Banlist: http://goo.gl/eQ8p86 | Anonymous Feedback: http://goo.gl/Sd9pFK | Big logs? http://www.0bin.net | Rules (Aug 6 2015): http://bit.ly/16M2iEa | Wait a bit for a mod to notice you. No hi and leave. |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#webos |
Please head to #webos on Freenode for the community webOS channel |
5 |
freenode |
#ngircd |
ngIRCd • https://ngircd.barton.de | https://www.bsdforall.org | https://donations.afnet.us |
5 |
Libera.Chat |
#wikipedia-zh-physics |
維基百科物理群︰與Telegram群 @wikipedia_zh_physics 及Discord群77n7vnu (https://discord.gg/77n7vnu)互聯。 |
5 |
Undernet |
#kicevo |
Kicevo, the paradise city. |
5 |
Rizon |
#/vr/men |
All talk of CRTs and console/games up to 1999 is allowed. Dreamcast is included. Please read the rules: http://pastebin.com/RyqRBacf Funposting (and any posting) is allowed! |
5 |
SkyChatz |
#irc4fun |
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