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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
freenode #philadelphia Philadelphia, PA 76ers, Eagles & Flyers! (215) 5
Rizon #starwars 5
IRCnet #torun 5
Rizon #templeos-irc Talk about TempleOS. | Ask God something and say !bible or !God. 5
freenode #mpc-hc 5
Libera.Chat #monochrome https://perkele.cc/software/monochrome | version 1.4.4 5
Libera.Chat #b0rg we are the b0rg. you will be 4551m1la70r3d. 5
freenode ##chatland 5
Rizon #walletbot 5
Rizon #monero " Welcome to the unofficial Monero IRC Rizon Channel | Desktop Wallet: https://getmonero.org/downloads/#windows or https://getmonero.org/downloads/#linux | Block Explorer: https://localmonero.co/blocks | Monero & Monero GUI Wallet 'Fluorine Fermi' released!! - Use https://bitpapa.com // https://unstoppableswap.net/ // https://bisq.network or www.tradeogre.com to buy/sell" 5
Zeolia #lgbt Salon des fiertés : discussions dans le respect et la courtoisie 5
Libera.Chat #packer-tool 5
Zeolia #lecture Le salon de la lecture et des amoureux des livres 5
Libera.Chat #alcove Le chan des anciens Alcoviques 5
freenode #limnoria https://github.com/ProgVal/Limnoria 5
Libera.Chat #redwarn RedWarn general communications channel | Status: OK | Latest: RW 16.1 | In development: RW 17 (0.2.0) | Voiced are WP:RW/TEAM | WP:RW: https://w.wiki/uZF | WP:RW/IRC: https://w.wiki/3N7P 5
freenode #unix All UNIX Systems # 5
freenode #juliaca |||[Bienvenidos a #Juliaca Ciudad de los vientos - amistad latino universal - esto es IRC Freenode "Juliaca Peru" arriba chat]||| 5
Rizon #wallbase Whats officially left of Wallbase (R.I.P.) || http://www.twitter.com/wallbase || WH is the new WB! http://alpha.wallhaven.cc || ♪ Carry on my wayward son... ♪ || unostat = score / losses * total_games /100 5
Rizon #wallstreetbets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9oI_8YG6Vs 5
Rizon #tkd If only Africa had more mosquito nets, then every year we could save millions of mosquito's from dying needlessly of aids. - Jimmy Carr 5
Libera.Chat #blvuug Channel for the Blind and Low-Vision Unix Users Group <https://blvuug.org/>. Pastebin: <https://paste.xogium.me/> (thanks Xogium!). 5
Rizon #oddprotocol Oddprotocol | Team on IRCNow The Open Network (https://ircnow.org) - Type !bnc for a free bouncer, !shell for a free shell account, Type !help for instructions ★·.·´¯`·.·★ just love #oddprotocol ★·.·´¯`·.·★ 5
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-mo EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of Missouri | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 5
Libera.Chat #fedora-desktop 5
IRCnet #uo 5
IRCnet #gamers 5
IRCnet #larocca 5
Libera.Chat #smxi Welcome to #smxi! We are currently at irc.oftc.net #smxi but may also be here.... 5
Libera.Chat #mps-youtube 5
Libera.Chat #qtractor Qtractor, an audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer | https://qtractor.org | Latest release: 1.5.3 (mid-winter'25) 2025-02-09 | Git: https://github.com/rncbc/qtractor | Snapshots: https://www.rncbc.org/snapshots/#qtractor | Archive: https://www.rncbc.org/archive/#qtractor 5
Libera.Chat #armbian-commits armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | Github/Jira feed | This channel is moderated. You may not chit chat here :-) 5
freenode #paris Bienvenue a #Paris ! 5
freenode #indonesia Welcome to #Indonesia , This is a chat Channel, Feel free to Chat and Park, Need Ops please contact Founder. 5
Libera.Chat #libravatar Free your avatar 5
freenode #desktopmasters Place for Technicians to share information and skills in Linux and Windows. Also support for #DesktopMasters scripts and apps. 5
Libera.Chat #webappsec Web Application Security Discussion Channel | Pentesting/Code analysis/Bug bounty/Pretty much anything else related to webappsec. 5
Libera.Chat ##depression This channel exists to support people with depression, as well as their loved ones. Please be respectful. 5
Libera.Chat #gentoo-tw 5
Rizon #freecode #freecode - Home of Coding Warriors | Happy bday Fuhrer Speed | Speed now has a degree and this is scary. 5
IRCnet #elm 5
IRCnet #mla 5
IRCnet #paranormal.de Paranormal Deutschland e.V. ‑ http://paranormal.de/ 5
IRCnet #quiz.de 5
Libera.Chat #amiganews.de Der offizielle amiga-news.de Support-Kanal | Nur echt mit der Net(t)iquette! http://www.amiga-news.de/netiquette.shtml 5
Rizon #trivia-world ¸ø¤°'°¤ø¸ WeLcOmE tO #tRiViA-wOrLd ¸ø¤°'°¤ø¸ 5
IRCnet #thailand 5
IRCnet #vwbus 5
Rizon #unochan .: It's UNO time! :. http://uno.site11.com/ .: Uno-Chan v4.06 (080208) :. !uno !unocmds !unogamble :. Note: 1. Prolonged uno usage will cause dislike towards it. 2. Instead of saying a rule sucks, turn it off. If Uno is not in the user list it''s useless to send commands. 5
IRCnet #slackware.de 5