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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
IRCnet #gentoo 5
IRCnet #tappara.fi Kärpät - TAPPARA 2-4 17 21 22 22 5
freenode #thinkpad ThinkPad - all the time, everytime! One you try, there is no way back... [For user in the channel message: Neo] 5
IRCnet #aalborg 5
IRCnet #gdynia 5
freenode #hannibalbot 5
Rizon #semilevel (っ´ω`)っ 🏩 // http://reimu.nl/contact // 4 year anniversary on Oct. 23! // this is like idlerpg but different 5
IRCnet #belgarath 5
Libera.Chat #wichitalug Linux user group for those in and around Wichita Kansas. | Off-Topic: #wichitalug-offtopic | Help: #wichitalug-help | Social Media: https://mastodon.online/@wichitalug | Calendar: https://share.mailbox.org/ajax/share/0ae3e4430dad864ea92ff33dad864a6c875b56ecf0c9bda1/1/2/Y2FsOi8vMC80Mw | Video conference room: https://meet.jit.si/WichitaLUG 5
IRCnet #roadtohell 5
freenode #christian-chat-chalice-net-5 5
IRCnet #buddhism 5
IRCnet #greatpatriots 5
IRCnet #nonechokasten 5
IRCnet #backups 5
IRCnet #wesp-dev 5
IRCnet #ubuntu-fi 5
freenode #coagul 5
IRCnet #caddyshack 5
IRCnet #funshack 5
IRCnet #irclub 5
IRCnet #ircpassage 5
IRCnet #irctalk 5
Libera.Chat #freaky Welcome to #freaky - Enjoy your stay. Friends can get a BNC. :) 5
freenode #elementary 5
IRCnet #melbourne 5
IRCnet #mirc4dummies 5
IRCnet #mirc_colors 5
IRCnet #mirc_lounge 5
IRCnet #mirc_rainbow 5
IRCnet #mirc_wavs'n'text 5
IRCnet #mircbeginners 5
IRCnet #netchat 5
IRCnet #newstalk 5
IRCnet #planetchat 5
IRCnet #txtworld 5
IRCnet #roqx 5
IRCnet #volekerho 5
IRCnet #palikkatakomo 5
IRCnet #jyväskylä 5
Rizon #film /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ WON'T YOU DISCUSS toxic masculinity and its negative effects on this channel AND THINGS ? /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ 5
Libera.Chat #tomahawk 5
Libera.Chat #kresus 5
IRCnet #mysticgrave 5
Libera.Chat #systemroles Linux System Roles - https://linux-system-roles.github.io/ 5
SwiftIRC #azu-nyan 5
IRCnet #tikh11 5
Libera.Chat #piano Piano playing & music 5
IRCnet #koli 5
IRCnet #perl.hu 5