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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat ##jamiroquai We cannot change the past, but we can start today to make a better tomorrow. 5
IRCnet #buddhism 5
DALnet #cihampelas DALnet:: Selamat Datang Di CihampeLas@dalnet [KOTA BANDUNG ...kota yg nyaman dan damai selalu ] THANK YOU 5
Libera.Chat #infobot infobot 5
SkyChatz #ukhuwah 5
SkyChatz #atheme 5
Libera.Chat #neogeodev "We do stuff on Neo-Geo (Sometimes)." 5
Libera.Chat #guixcn Guix中文 | https://guix.org.cn | #guixcn-offtopic | t.me/guixcn 5
Libera.Chat #bitcointraders Placeholder for the #bitcointraders community on rizon. 5
Asylum #crazy-peeps Welcome to Crazy-Peeps, Come chat awhile with us 5
Libera.Chat #haskell-servant 5
IRCnet #idlerpg 5
freenode #glibc 5
QuakeNet #worldchat 5
IRCnet #uhw 5
IRCnet #animecoop 5
OFTC #yeoldeoldestable all ye horses, here be repose | 2 pints for the price of 1 | on the menu: old, old fish 5
Libera.Chat #redwarn RedWarn general communications channel | Status: OK | Latest: RW 16.1 | In development: RW 17 (0.2.0) | Voiced are WP:RW/TEAM | WP:RW: https://w.wiki/uZF | WP:RW/IRC: https://w.wiki/3N7P 5
Zeolia #lecture Le salon de la lecture et des amoureux des livres 5
Rizon #root root@root:~# _ 5
freenode #netbox 5
Libera.Chat #grisp The GRiSP project https://www.grisp.org developer resources https://www.grisp.org/resources.html Github https://github.com/grisp Tutorial https://github.com/grisp/grisp/wiki 5
Libera.Chat #shoutwiki Official ShoutWiki IRC channel | ShoutWiki is a free wiki hosting service designed for YOU! Express yourself! | https://www.shoutwiki.com/ | Site Status: Up! | MW 1.35 now available! (March 2023) 5
OFTC #v4l LinuxTV community official chanel is #linux-media (here at OFTC) 5
Libera.Chat #amigos <> <> <> El único canal con libertad de expresión <> <> <> 5
SkyChatz #mrsm 5
EFnet #rss.se 5
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-es-abusos 5
IRCnet #hoax 5
SkyChatz #blue 5
Libera.Chat #cvn-zh-sw 增加白名单:zhswMonitor wl add <用户名> [x=持续时间] [r=理由] | 增加黑名单:zhswMonitor bl add <用户名> [x=持续时间] [r=理由] 5
Libera.Chat #gentoo-tw 5
Libera.Chat #drupal-support The Drupal Community has reserved namespaces on a variety of platforms, but it is up to individual community members to choose where they want to collaborate. Find all our communication channels here: https://www.drupal.org/community/contributor-guide/reference-information/talk/tools 5
QuakeNet #hassmusik 5
Libera.Chat #owl-lisp 5
DALnet #seaview The one who abandoned you in the middle of the ocean has no right to know what happened between you and the sharks or how you managed to reach the shore. !!~ 5
Libera.Chat ##bzexcess Blog: http://BZExcess.com :: Get your BZFlag 2.4, while supplies last! :: Find servers close to you @ http://bzexcess.com/geolist/ 5
AfterNET #blackjet zem: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1069160/SKALD_Against_the_Black_Priory/ 5
SkyChatz #ceria 5
SkyChatz #shahalam 5
Rizon #dpchatroom The graveyard of the Drunken Peasants Chatroom|| A memorial to community memories || Banana that ass || Owned by NotTJ / Balthazar_Destroyer / Dr_DICK 5
Undernet #lxc 5
Libera.Chat #emerging-threats 5
Libera.Chat #smplayer SMPlayer Support Channel 5
Libera.Chat #turkusec TurkuSec :: https://turkusec.fi 5
SkyChatz #unolegends 5
AfterNET #pokemon Open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the Charizard. 5
Undernet #bv Welcome to the little Brasov ;) ( https://brasovcity.ro ) 5
SkyChatz #um Perempuan selalu dikaitkan dengan insan yg lemah , tapi bila Lelaki berhadapan dengan wanita. mereka antara yang paling lemah dari wanita =D ♥ ♥ 5
SkyChatz #irc4fun 5