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  • Users: 13,828
  • Channels: 1,628 indexed
  • Top Channel:
    #alpine-linux (550)
  • Last Indexed: 3 hours ago
  • The Open and Free Technology Community aims to provide stable and effective collaboration services to members of the community in any part of the world, while closely listening to their needs and desires.
* related to indexed networks only

Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
QuakeNet #protu 5
DarkWorld #politics Its a General channel for politics discussions, everyone can share his views , debate and learn. 5
Undernet #fusion 5
freenode #verdecuprum 5
Rizon #tomodachi [Tomodachi] Blame Echo_C Edition ! Hmmm... Giant BonBons 5
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-commons-poty 5
Newnet #hashnix 5
Libera.Chat #qt-bugs 5
Undernet #interirc 5
SkyChatz #gengkapak 5
freenode #cloud-init 5
IRCnet #otit.2022 5
HybridIRC #games 🎯 Welcome to Games – Where Fun & Challenges Await! 🎮 Invite your friends! 5
Undernet #demon The love of power is the demon of mankind ! ( www.demon.nu ) 5
Undernet #sportklub 5
Libera.Chat #blue-nebula-dev Welcome to Blue Nebula development channel -- https://blue-nebula.org -- Please keep discussions limited to development and background work! 5
Libera.Chat #uva 5
SkyChatz #masja 5
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-no 5
EFnet #nova 5
freenode #qt-sdk 5
freenode ##rockylinux 5
Libera.Chat #owl-lisp 5
OFTC #communitydata-covid19 5
Libera.Chat #systemd-unregistered 5
QuakeNet #attax 5
freenode #sendmail Sendmail 8.17.2 - http://www.sendmail.org/ - see cf/README doc/op/op.ps in src, or http://www.mirbsd.org/manDOCS/sendmail.cf.htm http://www.mirbsd.org/manSMM/09.sendmail http://www.mirbsd.org/manSMM/08.sendmailop 5
Libera.Chat #grifon 5
DALnet #teenconnection Welcome to #TeenConnection - Enjoy your stay and have a nice chat! 5
OFTC #debconf-haifa Debconf 2024 in Haifa 5
freenode ##mono 5
QuakeNet #top 5
IRCnet #endrena 5
Libera.Chat #miraheze-interwiki-feed Global Recent Changes feed for Miraheze interwiki table changes | Stewards are either voiced or opped 5
IRCnet #slackware.de 5
Libera.Chat #ofono 5
Libera.Chat ##privacy 5
Rizon #nietzsche ⓘ Explosions and ubermensh... | 😂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbgl945KZjg https://youtu.be/fRpbRhKpIF8?t=1560 5
Libera.Chat #fluentd Fluentd Centralized logger and FluentBit - https://www.fluentd.org/ https://fluentbit.io/ 5
freenode #juju 5
IRCnet #gentoo 5
Libera.Chat #szaralinux Vagy csak kíméletlenül megválogatja barátait. 5
Libera.Chat #openmw-vr Channel rules: https://rentry.co/omw_rules 5
Libera.Chat #bitcointraders Placeholder for the #bitcointraders community on rizon. 5
Libera.Chat #alaska https://i.imgur.com/wyaJhrb.jpg 5
Libera.Chat #openmw-showcase Channel rules: https://rentry.co/omw_rules 5
Libera.Chat #quassel-weechat 5
Libera.Chat #openmw-example-suite OpenMW || Discussion related to OpenMW Example Suite and Template || Channel rules: https://rentry.co/omw_rules 5
Libera.Chat #alephone /!\ hálfhesturdýr 🐴 hangout /!\ 💩🤖 5
Libera.Chat #backuppc https://backuppc.github.io/backuppc/ 5