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Network Name Topic Users
IRCnet #kimppasuihku 5
Rizon #mp3-punk Use !list @find || RIP OiNK 10.23.2007 NEVER FORGET || RIP WHAT.CD 11.17.2016 NEVER FORGET || RIP ICQ 06.26.2024 NEVER FORGET 5
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-ch 5
Libera.Chat #seamonkey-releng SeaMonkey RelEng/Ops channel | Release: 2.53.20 5
Rizon #vipquality THAT POST WAS VIP QUALITY! 5
Rizon #/vr/_netplay I only keep this channel up so I can use the dice bot 5
QuakeNet #projectreality.fi 5
Libera.Chat #tms-samp Welcome to TMS SA-MP IRC channel! All buddiez welcome ^__^ 5
Libera.Chat #porn 5
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-il EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of Illinois | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 5
Libera.Chat #rogercasino 5
freenode #peertube 5
Libera.Chat #3liz-qgis 5
Rizon #wiiuhacks Welcome to Wii U Hacking and Homebrew IRC! (Be prepared to wait a couple hours after asking a question here, if you don't recieve an answer post in the Q&A!) 5
Libera.Chat #cvn-it-scan Canale antivandalismo it-Wikimedia wiki | help, voice, info or staff: #countervandalism | Vedi anche: #wikipedia-it-vandalism | <https://it.wikibooks.org> <https://it.wikinews.org> <https://it.wikiquote.org> <https://it.wikisource.org> <https://it.wikiversity.org> <https://it.wiktionary.org> <https://scn.wikipedia.org> <https://scn.wiktionary.org> 5
Rizon #animevortex i swear somebody's still here... really... don't join-part 5
Libera.Chat #pkgbuild 5
Libera.Chat #hypothesis 5
Rizon #brasil _<@>_ Seja bem vindo (a) ao #Brasil _<@>_ 5
freenode #secp256k1 5
Rizon #girlschannel 芸能、恋愛、ファッション、グルメ、などなど、毎日が楽しくなる話題がいっぱい。女子の女子による女子のためのおしゃべりコミュニティ「ガールズちゃんねる」へようこそ。 5
Rizon #tribalzone We moved to irc.retronode.org #lunacy 5
IRCnet #zooparty 5
Libera.Chat #libreau LibreAustralia: weekly virtual meeting at 20:00-21:00 Wednesday AEDT (UTC+11) https://libreau.org/upcoming.html 5
Libera.Chat #kyriasis Welcome to Happy Thoughts, inc. -><- ALL HAIL DOCTOR ACHILLEAS 5
Libera.Chat #bots 5
QuakeNet #cheers 5
Rizon #hisouden Outdated channel, see: #hisouten 5
Rizon #rogerradio ROGERradio///ROGERvision ® 24/7 Radio/Video Stream ® 320k/128k/64k Shoutcast @ https://tinyurl.com/ROGERradio ® ODYSEE stream @ https://tinyurl.com/ROGERvision ® Request Line !OPEN! ® Type $help for more information ® Powered by Super Sexy Roger brand DSP ® electronic, hiphop, chiptunes, drumnbass, metal, indie, music, radio, video, streaming, cryptocurrency, gambling 5
Libera.Chat #chia Chia Network, the proof of space cryptocurrency. This is a community channel, official chat and support is on Keybase 5
Libera.Chat #openmw-modding Discussion about game modifications and how OpenMW handles them || Channel rules: https://rentry.co/omw_rules 5
Libera.Chat #sfztools Open SFZ Tools | https://sfz.tools | https://github.com/sfztools 5
Rizon #meta 5
Rizon #dogstar Dogstar Industries Ltd. iOS and MacOS developer 5
freenode #geekup 5
Rizon #techno Tune of the day(s) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fwi1qgSaxZY 5
Libera.Chat #haskell-infrastructure-private 5
Libera.Chat #nepal Welcome to Nepal. https://nepalchat.xyz 5
Rizon #fatpeoplesuck BMI >=25 must send verification pic | Fatties, sympathizers, pedophiles, and minors will be banned | No overt racism | Voiced users are verified not fat | You can verify with Swoledamort, billdred, or kcaleesi. mm nice 5
Libera.Chat #pinephone 5
Libera.Chat #longturn 5
Libera.Chat #fedora-3dprinting 5
Rizon #xj220c Merry Pissmass, you filthy animals / and a pissy newyear 5
Libera.Chat #grisp The GRiSP project https://www.grisp.org developer resources https://www.grisp.org/resources.html Github https://github.com/grisp Tutorial https://github.com/grisp/grisp/wiki 5
freenode #/r/nyc 5
Rizon #msxasm Official MSX Assembly Page channel. MAP is back at http://map.tni.nl/ 5
Libera.Chat #fysi Wiki & Discussions: https://github.com/fysiweb/team 5
Rizon #animeindex Anime Index Torrent Tracker ~ http://tracker.anime.hologfx.com/ ~ 5
Rizon #sage SAGE IS DEAD | http://lupin.sagesubs.com | try @find [CRC of file] 5
Libera.Chat #coolmic-meeting 5