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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
OFTC #v4l LinuxTV community official chanel is #linux-media (here at OFTC) 5
EFnet #spamalot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE 5
OFTC #bpython bpython 0.21 -- http://www.bpython-interpreter.org/ | git clone https://github.com/bpython/bpython | https://bpa.st/ 5
QuakeNet #fu 5
OFTC #haiku-promo Discussion room for promoting Haiku. Yes, the operating system, you should try it out. | https://haiku-os.org | Matrix: #haiku-promo:matrix.org | XMPP: #haiku-promo%irc.oftc.net@irc.jabberfr.org 5
DALnet #♥ main usay bhool chuka, bhool chuka... main usay bhool chuka...baaT ay dill, na bharha' baywajah! 5
EFnet #germania 5
OFTC #pythran 5
OFTC #libvirt 5
OFTC #osm-sotm-video SotM 2021 Video Team | Video Streaming: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/State_of_the_Map/VideoStreaming | Volunteers: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/State_of_the_Map_2021/volunteers | Streams: https://test-building.amilis.ch/ | Website https://2021.stateofthemap.org/ 5
EFnet #cablemodemwarez 5
DALnet #submissive-moms For submissive mothers, tired of boring vanilla-men and crave the release of carnal insanity & surrender to Dom/mes that love them 5
OFTC #localslackirc Channel for developing localslackirc (IRC gateway for slack) https://github.com/ltworf/localslackirc | Available on Debian ∧ Ubuntu 5
DALnet #paranormal Share your experiences! 5
OFTC #debian-policy Debian Policy -- https://salsa.debian.org/dbnpolicy/policy/blob/master/README.md 5
DALnet #lombok Selamat datang #lombok 5
OFTC #fai NEWS: fai-project.org/FAIme | we encourage all to set their real name 5
EFnet #pens 5
OFTC #df-staff Salon du staff Debian-Facile (ici, on ban les gens) 5
DALnet #hell Before we call on artificial intelligence, why don't we do something about natural stupidity? 5
DALnet #la Welcome to #LA |Los Angeles| ENGLISH and SPANISH ONLY **No: Swearing Repeating Flooding Advertising Inviting. Need HELP? Ask an Op! or Join to #Help (en) #Ayuda #IRCAyuda (spa) #Ajuda (port) **Visit us: https://www.latimes.com/ 5
DALnet #arioli 5
DALnet #family 「 🎧 http://forumcerdas.net - live stream: http://radio.forumcerdas.net:8000/listen.pls 🎧 」 5
OFTC #wireguard 5
EFnet #uit 5
OFTC #haskell-by 5
DALnet #whatnot /\ [ Oᗪᗪᔕ & Eᑎᗪᔕ, ᗷITᔕ & ᑭIEᑕEᔕ, & ᗯᕼᗩTᑎOT! ] /\ 5
DALnet #balihack BaliHack 5
DALnet #info Which Kind Of Info You Need ? Welcome To Info@DALnet . Loading....... Please Be Patient..... Don't Msg Any @Op ..... Stay For More Information... Still Getting Errors. 5
EFnet #izmir 5
EFnet #greeks 5
EFnet #ankara 5
EFnet #constantinople 5
EFnet #zurna 5
RetroNode #linux Linux-related (GNU/Linux, Android, other) Help & Support 5
OFTC #openttdcoop.wiki Discuss the #openttdcoop wiki here | Rebuild Status: Style discussion, templates and bot scripting | http://reviewtest.openttdcoop.org/Help_talk:Style_guide 5
HybridIRC #doubleshots Conversation is the image of the mind. As the person is, so is their talk. ~ Publilious Syrus 5
OFTC #orga.news https://orga.news % https://wiki.ifcat.org/Orga.news 5
OFTC #armdev Poke at arm and x86 things until it does something useful. Yes I know the channel name is _ARM_ dev, but that doesn't mean we can't be flexible. 5
DALnet #@eggdrop EggDroP 1.10.0 Visit http://eggheads.org Scripts http://tclarchive.org https://ftp.eggheads.org/pub/eggdrop/source/1.10/eggdrop-1.10.0.tar.gz 5
RetroNode #health All about health! Exercise, diet, lifestyle, etc. Reminder: Sugar is bad for you | Fun vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au-Eetb7p5s 5
OFTC #debian-devel-id Indonesian-language developer channel. Used when #debian-id is busy. Not a support channel 5
EFnet #gorgor The Tyrant Lizard! He rises! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nNjEXlfTxo 5
OFTC #openttdcoop.nightly http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Soap | r27656 | !content, !update, !install, !restart, !getsave, !rcon <openttd command> 5
OFTC #vidalia Vidalia | https://www.torproject.org/projects/vidalia.html.en | GeoIP Server Down, Please use at least 0.2.10 | Source Code: https://gitweb.torproject.org/vidalia.git 5
OFTC #buildroot-commits 5
EFnet #tngnet 5
Libera.Chat #3liz-lizmap 5
DALnet #polska Polska Nasza Polska :) Jesli tutaj jestes to zostan na dluzej :) 5
Libera.Chat #voidlinux-xbps 5