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  • Users: 539
  • Channels: 85 indexed
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    #theshed (58)
  • Last Indexed: 2 hours ago
  • GeekShed is a free to use and family-friendly Internet Relay Chat network, capable of hosting chat rooms for a variety of purposes.
* related to indexed networks only

Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #brickset 5
Libera.Chat #wesnoth-mp-lobby-stable Wesnoth MP Lobby Logging Channel (Stable Version) | Moderation Interface: "lobby: my server message" (needs voice) or "lobby: /kick spammer" (needs op) | Public Logs: https://irclogs.wesnoth.org 5
Libera.Chat ##income Income source discussion. No such thing as passive income, only low maintenance income. 5
Libera.Chat #piano Piano playing & music 5
Libera.Chat #hellas Ελληνικό τσατ-ρουμ του Libera Chat - Ελάτε να μεγαλώσουμε την κοινότητα! :-) 5
Libera.Chat ##ruby-de Ein Channel der in fossilen Schichten Reste der deutschsprachigen Ruby-Community enthält | No public logging 5
Libera.Chat #ketochat 5
Libera.Chat #linuxlab-pw Oficjalny kanał spotkań z cyklu Linu.X-lab | https://linuxlab.pw/ 5
Libera.Chat #openmw-shaders Graphical shaders for OpenMW || Channel rules: https://rentry.co/omw_rules 5
Libera.Chat #system7today Welcome to System 7 Today! | Stay here for a while and someone will get back to you 5
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-danmark Wikimedia Danmark er den danske afdeling af Wikimedia Foundation, se https://dk.wikimedia.org 5
Libera.Chat #basic Welcome! Talk about MS BASIC, GW-BASIC, PureBASIC, Cerberus X, or any other BASIC variant here. 5
Libera.Chat #communication_interne mouifdi sur terre 5
Libera.Chat #sap 5
Libera.Chat ##darkside Welcome to ##darkside. A small chan for darker topics. Enjoy your visit. We trust what is said here will stay here. Respect and Trust are crucial. 5
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-otrs-es 5
Libera.Chat #nix-bitcoin 5
Libera.Chat #smxi Welcome to #smxi! We are currently at irc.oftc.net #smxi but may also be here.... 5
Libera.Chat #miraheze-feed-dev Recent Changes feed for dev.miraheze.org | #miraheze for assistance and #miraheze-cvt for counter-vandalism | Powered by FossBots | Bureaucrats and Administrators on the wiki may be opped upon request | Broken log link? Let us know in #fossbots 5
Libera.Chat #cvn-wp-nl Countervandalism voor https://nl.wikipedia.org/ | #wikipedia-nl | https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:CVN | Voice: https://w.wiki/JmR | Hulp: !mod hier, !staff in #countervandalism | Blacklist: "CVNBot12 bl add account/IP x=period in digits r=reason" 5
Libera.Chat #ckpool 5
Libera.Chat #moteros-gt 5
Libera.Chat #nsrt NSRT 3.4 Released! | No official site available at the moment | Download from: http://nsrt.nachsoftware.org/files.php 5
Libera.Chat #lrh 5
Libera.Chat #coda http://github.com/ekmett/coda http://github.com/ekmett/cadenza 5
Libera.Chat #sud-ouest https://sud-ouest2.org/ - Plateforme Associative d'hebergement mail a prix libre 5
Libera.Chat #wolfplex Wolfplex | https://www.wolfplex.org / | Nasqueron: https://agora.nasqueron.org/ | News: next AG to plan - https://www.wolfplex.org/wiki/Bulletin:Wolfplex_Hackerspace_ASBL/2023/05 5
Libera.Chat #autistenchat-mods 5
Zoite #subline Next full moon meeting podcast: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/subline-meetings-12025-03-25.2T0700Z | Last meeting video: 12025/02/24.1/subline-meetings 5m 9mb https://envs.sh/tG8.mp4 5
Libera.Chat #etezian 5
Libera.Chat #hsgr https://www.hackerspace.gr 5
Libera.Chat #april-gdtc Bugs traités par benj : 3 -> https://apr1.org/V3 ; La totale -> https://agir.april.org/projects/gdtc/issues (mise à jour manuelle) 5
Libera.Chat #blinkenlights Välkommen till Blinkenlights IRC kanal! - http://old.blinkenlights.se/ || Blinkencamp 2010 (2011): http://old.blinkenlights.se/forum/topic2158/page1/ || Blinkenöl 2012: http://old.blinkenlights.se/forum/topic2187/page1/ || blinkenlights.se since 2004-04-08 5
Libera.Chat #fluentd Fluentd Centralized logger and FluentBit - https://www.fluentd.org/ https://fluentbit.io/ 5
Libera.Chat #bitmetas 5
IRCnet #hamburg 5
Libera.Chat #sbug Subcarpathian BSD User Group / Podkarpacka grupa użytkowników BSD / Podkarpatská skupina užívateľov BSD 5
Libera.Chat #microsoft 5
Libera.Chat #turkusec TurkuSec :: https://turkusec.fi 5
Libera.Chat #infobot infobot 5
IRCnet #torun 5
Libera.Chat #geekspace9 5
Libera.Chat #pharo 5
Libera.Chat #reactos-dev Welcome to ReactOS | https://reactos.org | To join our chats, use Mattermost at https://chat.reactos.org or Matrix at https://matrix.to/#/#talk:reactos.org 5
Libera.Chat #france 5
DALnet #birmingham Welcome to #Birmingham !!! Oh, I know, Lady Percy will never come to my show. https://starboom.in 5
Libera.Chat #voidlinux-fr 5
Libera.Chat #lug/ip 5
Libera.Chat #intel-3d 5
Libera.Chat #fedora-classroom RPM packaging classroom link: https://redhat.bluejeans.com/473822117/3398 5