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Network Name Topic Users
Rizon #theautobots #HiGHFiDELiTY | for new music packs; pm deathofme for an invite. 5
Undernet #mordor 5
Undernet #rdl 5
Rizon #mgcyoa FOR INQUIRIES, PLEASE PM Wander | IRC Rules: http://tinyurl.com/MGCYOA-Rules | Linkboard: http://mgcyoa.sync.in/MGCYOA | Thread: Down | AMGC 1.15 Update Vote: http://mgcyoa.sync.in/AMGCVote1-15 | AMGC 1.16 Discussion: http://mgcyoa.sync.in/AMGCupdate1 | OOC: #MGVentilation | RP: #TheWand&Circlet #Overcity #MGChronicle #MGPnP #MGCafe 5
Libera.Chat #vaultwarden 5
Libera.Chat #charybdis 5
Rizon #artificialdiscord »ArtificialAiming Discord« DO NOT PM US [Tydus is in Europe, English Only ] [If he is not here, try again between 6am and midnight UTC] 5
Undernet #tl Mirc /server Tulcea.home.ro:6667 ( Web Chat http://Tulcea.home.ro ! ) 5
IRCnet #tuttoirc 5
Libera.Chat #litecoinpool The First Litecoin PPS Pool | https://www.litecoinpool.org/irc | Type .help for bot commands | Ping pooler or email support@litecoinpool.org for assistance 5
Rizon #baka-raws WELCOME! TO OFFICIAL BAKA-RAWS IRC | TORRENT SITE : http://goo.gl/kzR6J | [ dac~ baka~ baka~ baka~ pure~ ryuk~ ryuk~ ] 5
QuakeNet #unrealed Happy New Year! | #UnrealED 5
Rizon #script-help #Script-Help - Help with mIRC, tcl, perl and other scripting languages | 5
Libera.Chat #dsv DSV@NOD | Mailinglista: dsv@fishface.se. Pm tomodachi för join | http://dsv.noring.org/ | http://sec10.blogs.dsv.su.se/ | http://barkod.se | Gratis saker: https://ptpb.pw/o9ZP 5
Libera.Chat #emacsconf-accessible Q&A videos up on the wiki; quality-checking before uploading to YouTube/Toobnix | EmacsConf 2024 accessibility - help by describing what's happening | Subscribe to https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacsconf-discuss for updates 5
QuakeNet #winamp 5
Rizon #1337kelpies http://soundcloud.com/kelpalots ; http://kelpalots.newgrounds.com ; https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=kelpalots ; https://kelpalots.bandcamp.com/album/ethereal-disaster LE CDs | RULES HAVE CHANGED. HONKER DOWN. #_rizon_#1337kelpies:matrix.org https://scalar.vector.im/etherpad/p/!DiIJdSlRtMSaGuabpH_matrix.org_Kelpalots 5
QuakeNet #hobbybrauer 5
Rizon #derp-subs Derp Subs ― http://derpsubs.wordpress.com | Latest release: Seraph of the End S2 - 12 (END) and S1 BD batch+specials | We're pretty dead, ayup. 5
Libera.Chat #freedesktop-sdk Freedesktop-SDK! https://freedesktop-sdk.io/ https://gitlab.com/freedesktop-sdk/ 5
Rizon #mori XDCC Packlist: http://saberlily.subs.moe/ | Site: http://mori.subs.moe/ | Stream: http://live.subs.moe/ | Type "/msg SaberLily xdcc send NUMBER" to initiate XDCC download DISCORD LINK: https://discord.gg/ZZKvTv6 5
Libera.Chat #madeinfr Entraide francophone DIY 5
Rizon #fku Fairy Knight University | https://mangadex.org/group/2751/ | https://github.com/blankaex/fku-scripts | https://cubari.moe/read/gist/fku-mieruko/ 5
Rizon #kl-channel KeepLiving Channel ["Bollox is back again!" Edition!] !triggers [http://tiny.cc/kl-stats] [http://tiny.cc/BolloxTrigs] [http://tiny.cc/klpic] [http://tiny.cc/klpic-] [http://tiny.cc/trl_] I tried fansubbing as a QC recently. In-short: I was let go :( | Rule1: Be Chill¦Rule2: Obey Rule1 5
IRCnet #coppie 5
Libera.Chat #debianfr 5
Undernet #game Welcome. Here you can play scrabble. Good luck with the points! ( Stats: http://irc.xtrivia.ro/game.php ) 5
DALnet #malita 5
Undernet #lover <3 5
Libera.Chat #pothos 5
QuakeNet #gwn.endless2 5
Libera.Chat #titandev Loliés! | *yiff* | https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/titandev 5
QuakeNet #kewlio 5
Rizon #styx-xdcc Check Packlist at https://xdcc.vodes.pw | This Channel is for XDCC Commands and Announces - Check #Styx for hanging out ^^ 5
Rizon #watashi KiwiSDR http://felineyogi.ydns.eu:8073 | @find or !find 5
Libera.Chat #3liz-infra Infra pour tous nos pb d'infra 5
Rizon #fml Rizon's Fuck My Life Channel - use .fml or .qdb > .help for full internets command list | .fml still broken as of July 6th, 2019. C'mon Rizon. :( 5
Undernet #sighisoara 5
Rizon #master 5
Rizon #neet "If you work, you lose." 5
Undernet #germany Manager has logged back in. Channel unlocked. Please login regularly to avoid getting your channel purged ( http://bankick.de/ ) 5
Rizon #dpchatroom The graveyard of the Drunken Peasants Chatroom|| A memorial to community memories || Banana that ass || Owned by NotTJ / Balthazar_Destroyer / Dr_DICK 5
Libera.Chat #lykos-test This channel is for testing new features and bug fixes in lykos. 5
QuakeNet #palembang 5
Rizon #chat-world Welcome to #Chat-World on Rizon 5
QuakeNet #euroserv | www.euroserv.com | Euroserv est en hibernation. Mais on vous aime quand même ! | Et vous ? :p 5
Rizon #ptfg Pony Transformation General | https://derpy.me/PonyTF | Current Thread: http://boards.4chan.org/mlp/thread/32151241 | Inhabitants: http://imgur.com/a/p4xgT | No spoilers for 24 hours. | Discord: https://discord.gg/fHkrQDg 5
Undernet #irchelp 5
QuakeNet #suomi 5
QuakeNet #allmostpro 4