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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #crashlab https://crashlab.nl/ 5
EFnet #!doomed 5
freenode #bitcoin-gentoo 5
Rizon #cryptotalk "Join to discuss any Crypto Currency News Etc, - Rules are no flooding, no shilling, no colours, no stupid ascii crap, no repeats/spam, NO ALL CAPS TYPING, no stupid behaviour, no illegal crap like CP etc.." 5
Libera.Chat #fedora-ruby 5
freenode #sickbeard 5
freenode #debianfork 5
SkyChatz #scriptkiddie 5
OFTC #haskell-by 5
Libera.Chat #sysarmy-gaming 5
EFnet #aflac 5
freenode #kdenlive 5
Rizon #nevodka nevodka fan club! 5
Undernet #arl 5
Libera.Chat #chatservices The "official" unofficial channel for ChatServices, the fork of Atheme. Primary support channel is located at #ChatServices at irc.chatlounge.net | ircs://irc.chatlounge.net:6697/chatservices 5
Libera.Chat #armbian-commits armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | Github/Jira feed | This channel is moderated. You may not chit chat here :-) 5
Undernet #slobozia welcome ( ! ) 5
Libera.Chat #notthewtf 5
QuakeNet #bit-tech 5
freenode #datadog 5
freenode #mpc-hc 5
Undernet #vaktbua 5
Libera.Chat #wikibooks-sr Добро дошли на IRC канал Викикњига на српском језику! D:D | Посетите: https://sr.wikibooks.org/wiki/Главна_страна | Скорашње измене: irc://irc.wikimedia.org/sr.wikibooks | Викимедија Србије: https://rs.wikimedia.org https://wikimedia.rs 5
OFTC #orga.news https://orga.news % https://wiki.ifcat.org/Orga.news 5
EFnet #hugchan 5
Libera.Chat #7thguard test 5
EFnet #vmware 5
Rizon #rb1_vn https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SHgtstVSVHMWLJrWDApRjH7CDzpeg-ZAxkYaEbB3Mqg https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SKSr5_xY4EnLP_QgLs--WQL6XeLZ7K8VZh4bIVOee-E/edit?usp=drivesdk 5
DALnet #newyork 5
OFTC #debian-devel-id Indonesian-language developer channel. Used when #debian-id is busy. Not a support channel 5
OFTC #openttdcoop.nightly http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Soap | r27656 | !content, !update, !install, !restart, !getsave, !rcon <openttd command> 5
OFTC #vidalia Vidalia | https://www.torproject.org/projects/vidalia.html.en | GeoIP Server Down, Please use at least 0.2.10 | Source Code: https://gitweb.torproject.org/vidalia.git 5
EFnet #budapest 5
freenode #mqtt 5
IRCnet #iapc 5
Undernet #trax 5
EFnet #stavanger 5
Libera.Chat ##k6ka Welcome to ##k6ka - feel free to talk about anything appropriate. | Check out my photography on Flickr - https://goo.gl/vZB9wb | Join my Discord server - https://discord.gg/M3CnNu6c9R | Dec 9 2021 - Check out my photography portfolio website at https://www.enochleungphotography.com/ 5
Libera.Chat #miraheze-meetings Welcome to Miraheze Meetings, a semi-monthly meeting where Miraheze and the community meet to talk about all things Miraheze! | Next meeting: 9 June, 14:00 (6PM UTC/2PM EDT) | More info: https://miraheze.wiki/m/6mu | Participation in this channel is subject to our Code of Conduct: https://meta.miraheze.org/m/PA | Channel is logged | When no meeting is in session, channel is muted. 5
Libera.Chat #blindoe 5
Undernet #wanted wanted .... dead or alive 5
Rizon #truther ||: POLITICS - CONSPIRACY - UFOLOGY - SPIRITUALITY - MAGIC - RELIGION - TRUTH - MUSIC - VST - DAW - GUITAR - MGTOW - REDPILL | NO DEGENERACY | NO SPAM | .help for bot commands | .help command for more help :|| 5
ChatLounge #sports-bar æ,`ææ,`ææ,`ææ, ⚾⚽🏀🏒 Live Sports Score Tits & Ass & News: ⚾⚽🏀🏒 `ææ,`æ,`ææ,`æ 5
freenode #pulseaudio 5
Rizon #animevortex i swear somebody's still here... really... don't join-part 5
Undernet #valeacalugareasca Welcome! mIRC Korona Script v15.4 (Build: 499) - Available! More info at www.alexscript.webs.com ( www.alexscript.webs.com ) 5
EFnet #strangerthings { Stranger Things - Season 5 is in production! RELEASE DATE: ~2025} -- {(shared from IRC4Fun.net amongst several networks)} 5
OFTC #xeninfra 5
Libera.Chat #intel-3d 5
EFnet #intercage 5