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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat ##photoshop 4
QuakeNet #root24 4
IRCnet #vwbus 4
Libera.Chat #qi-hardware 4
IRCnet #bible 4
IRCnet #arioli 4
Libera.Chat #ormaaj 🐄 4
IRCnet ##christian 4
IRCnet #gospel 4
IRCnet #liberty 4
IRCnet #christianity 4
Libera.Chat ##lednet Unless you're +i, you don't belong - therefore beat it 4
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-uk Канал україномовної Вікіпедії | Ukrainian Wikipedia channel | https://uk.wikipedia.org 4
SwiftIRC #portugal Bem-vindo(a) ao #Portugal 4
DALnet #christianops This is a resolution channel, for debate and chat please join #Christiandebate | Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32 | “Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. 4
Libera.Chat #armitage 4
Libera.Chat #hydrabus HydraBus firmware https://github.com/hydrabus/hydrafw & TaskList: https://github.com/hydrabus/hydrafw/wiki/Task-List 4
QuakeNet #y 4
IRCnet #physik 4
Libera.Chat #bemarc 4
QuakeNet #dorka 4
Libera.Chat ##polyphasers Welcome to the unofficial community channel for polyphasic sleep! Ask away, but be patient for a response. You can also use https://ubersleepchat.herokuapp.com/ to gain invitation to puredoxyk's ubersleep slack.com group. 4
Libera.Chat #weechat-otr 4
QuakeNet #lolbottest 4
QuakeNet #lchost 4
Libera.Chat #openpnp 4
DALnet #thornhill Welcome To #Thornhill - http://www.ThornhillHistoric.Org | http://www.ThornhillFestival.Org 4
Libera.Chat ##mathematica 4
QuakeNet #muropaketti.sc2 4
Libera.Chat #wesnoth-mp-lobby-oldstable Wesnoth MP Lobby Logging Channel (Previous Stable Version) | Moderation Interface: "lobby: my server message" (needs voice) or "lobby: /kick spammer" (needs op) | Public Logs: https://irclogs.wesnoth.org 4
IRCnet #magdeburg 4
SwiftIRC #vhost Do not PM/highlight the ops. Please request a vhost in the channel and be patient. Domain ownership must be verified for actual domains; non-domains are advised. Duplicates must be justified. 4
IRCnet #tor 4
Libera.Chat #chipsters 4
DALnet #hyderabad Welcome to #hyderabad. Please enjoy your stay. For further help msg/memo Sirisha or Romeyo or huzi. 4
Libera.Chat #blackchamber https://www.ntppool.org/en/join.html 4
Libera.Chat #winswitch Please move to #xpra (on Libera) 4
Libera.Chat #hacker 4
IRCnet #programatori-before-40s 4
IRCnet #hexchat 4
Libera.Chat ##psychology-offtopic 4
QuakeNet #div99 4
Libera.Chat #radioastronomy 4
Libera.Chat #pwnies 4
IRCnet #catania&provincia 4
Libera.Chat #coronavirus Please chat in ##coronavirus 4
Libera.Chat #amiga-ie Welcome to Amiga Ireland - Next event: January 16th & 17th 2026 in Athlone 4
Libera.Chat #clnoobs 4
QuakeNet #esreality 4
Libera.Chat #crosvm 4