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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #opennic Welcome to OpenNIC | http://www.opennicproject.org/ | Be respectful. This is a low-traffic channel so please ask your question and wait patiently on the channel for an answer. | Mailing list: https://lists.opennicproject.org/info/discuss | Search Engine: http://grep.geek/ 60
OFTC #musl-distros musl distros consortium | bringing musl libc to the world | list (and instructions): https://distros.musl.libc.org/archive/ 60
freenode #nginx Nginx - Web Server / Reverse Proxy / Load Balance / Mail Proxy / HTTP cache. https://nginx.org/en/download.html [are you an nginx virtuoso? if so /msg Neo] 60
OFTC #debian-devel-br Canal Matrix: #debian-devel-br:matrix.debian.social | Reunião Semanal: Quintas às 19h no https://meet.debianbsb.org 60
Libera.Chat #codeberg 60
Libera.Chat #libera-bots /invite ozone if spambots on your channel (voice your bots) | /invite litharge (channel ban management) | https://libera.chat/guides/bots 60
Libera.Chat #latenightlinux hello world 60
Libera.Chat #mame MAME 0.274 | https://mamedev.org/ | Off-topic chat in ##mame | You must be identified with a verified account to talk 60
Geekshed #theshed TheShed - General Discussions of a geeky nature | There is no topic, only chat 60
DALnet #darkside os.system("sudo -u#-1 "+ binary) 59
Libera.Chat ##fdroid This is an unofficial discussion channel about F-Droid (https://f-droid.org). The official channel is #fdroid on OFTC. A bot will announce repository updates. 59
Libera.Chat #emacs-beginners See https://emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsBeginnersChannel for tips, code of conduct | Go ahead and ask your Emacs question. People will reply if they can. It might take a while, so please be patient. | Treat people with respect. No sexism, racism, homophobia, or discrimination of any kind. | http://emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsNewbie 59
Libera.Chat #coffee Coffee chat: home roasting, brewing, equipment, espresso, beaky, etc. || The longer you stay, the better your chance of an answer || The beverage, not the scripting language || http://brewmethods.com/ has nice guidelines on brewing || get a cup of coffee and chill out https://vimeo.com/159612274#t=30s 59
KampungChat #awek Selamat Datang ke #awek dengan limpah kurnianya masih lagi kita dpt mengeratkan ukhwah disini.. didalam keriuhan terselit kesunyian.. dalam kekasaran terselit kelembutan.. kita bersahabat saling melengkapi sesama sahabat. 59
Undernet #drobetaturnuseverin Bine ai venit la #DrobetaTurnuSeverin , distractie placuta! ( www.ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drobeta-Turnu_Severin ) 59
Libera.Chat #exherbo https://exherbolinux.org/docs/gettingstarted.html | EAPI: https://is.gd/qgzh48 | ML: https://lists.sr.ht/~alip/exherbo-dev | No support without a complete build log | git format-patch --stdout -M -C -C -1 | wgetpaste -r | Workflow: https://is.gd/0IR6qB | systemd howto: https://is.gd/CWin9q | Using Gitlab: https://is.gd/rro9fw | Play the SydB☮x CTF: https://is.gd/zXRvQR 59
IRCnet #europe Welcome to #Europe -=[ https://ppnetworks.it ]=- get 300$ for VM -> https://www.vultr.com/?ref=9722961-9J 59
Undernet #suceava Bun venit la #suceava ( Radio Online FM: https://www.radiotop.ro/ ) 59
Libera.Chat #peertube ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser 59
DALnet #chinese Welcome to DALnet's Largest Chinese Community Channel - #Chinese 59
Libera.Chat #kvirc KVIrc | Latest release: https://github.com/kvirc/KVIrc/releases/tag/5.2.6 | Nightly builds: https://git.io/visAJ | FAQ: https://github.com/kvirc/KVIrc/wiki/FAQ | Bug tracker: https://github.com/kvirc/kvirc/issues 59
Libera.Chat #mediawiki-core 🌻 MediaWiki Engineering Team https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_Engineering_Group • For community support: Try #mediawiki about installing and operating MediaWiki yourself; Try #wikimedia-tech for questions about templates and tools for the Wikimedia movement. • Channel is publicly logged at https://wm-bot.wmcloud.org/browser/index.php?display=%23mediawiki-core 59
DALnet #venture Welcome to #vEnTuRe- when you dare .... do it! 59
DALnet #bdsm Welcome to #BDSM. 18+ only. 59
Libera.Chat #daala https://github.com/xiph/rav1e | Weekly meetings on Mumble @ Monday 12:00 PST / 20:00 GMT | Rainbow Vomit Tiger: https://media.xiph.org/tdaede/a.png 59
KampungChat #selayang we hide in our world... coz only here its prove dat we have for each other.... becoz of u,i laugh a little harder,cry a little less,n smile a lot more.. 59
Undernet #ateneo \\'elcome to #Ateneo! - Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam ( http://www.ateneo.edu ) 59
Undernet #mp3servers Dream Theater|The Weeknd|Moby|Neil Young|Alicia Keys|U2|Deep Purple|Adele|Ed Sheeran|Limp Bizkit|Coldplay| 59
freenode #ansible Ansible - open source, command-line IT automation software [ https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/ ] 59
Rizon #randommusic RIP Cuckoo <3 We miss you! | Come share music!  Stream is located at http://cytu.be/r/MusicBox .  Add songs by linking youtube, bandcamp or soundcloud! 59
Undernet #pampanga (vagina) set Malaus ko pu sa #PAMPANGA.. Play trivia type !start, to end trivia type !stop.. 59
Libera.Chat #netbsd-code NetBSD 10.1 released! 59
Libera.Chat ##engineering we like to talk about making stuff | preferably in SI | '"The odds are good, but the goods are odd." ~ said by girls in engineering schools.' | sometimes it takes a while to get an answer - longer if you don't ask the question | <quiliro> it's been a while since the topic has changed 59
Libera.Chat #tor Unofficial Tor discussion channel | Official channel is #tor on OFTC https://oftc.net/ | FAQ: https://support.torproject.org/ | It's 'Tor', not 'TOR' | https://libera.chat/guides/connect#accessing-liberachat-via-tor | irc.libera.chat -> libera75jm6of4wxpxt4aynol3xjmbtxgfyjpu34ss4d7r7q2v5zrpyd.onion 59
OFTC #tor-anticensorship Tor Anticensorship Team - meetings Thursdays 16:00 UTC @ #tor-meeting 59
QuakeNet #legends 59
EFnet #znc Current Version: 1.9.1 | https://wiki.znc.in/ChangeLog/1.9.1 | Official Channel @ Libera Chat | Need Hosting? Check out www.ZNCHost.com 59
EFnet #port80 port80 & TNGnet wishes you all a happy 2025! 59
Undernet #radioclick Welcome to #RadioClick try .start 4 Trivia ( http://live.radioclick.ro:8008/listen.pls https://www.radioclick.ro ) 58
Libera.Chat #hspoz hspoz working group (unformalized) meow 58
Libera.Chat #html HyperText Markup Language | Welcome! | https://html.spec.whatwg.org | #css for styling | No WYSIWYGs | Validate first: http://validator.nu | HTML reference: say e.g. `html div | Paste links, not code: `paste 58
DALnet #malang Welcome to #Malang ~ Enjoy Your Stay And The Game, Type !start to play scramble and Type !uno to play UNO. Good Luck! PUBG Hack https://t.me/CHETOSHACK 58
Libera.Chat ##deutsch Deutsch als Fremdsprache | German as a foreign language | For posting of longer texts please use https://pad.okfn.de/ | For off-topic discussions please join ##deutsch-offtopic 58
Libera.Chat #pypa 58
Rizon #anime-supreme [ www.Anime-Supreme.com ] !new !triggers [a-S]New-Releases: [nothing][The Ancient Magus' Bride 1-24, The Ancient Magus' Bride Those awaiting on a Star 1-3, The Ancient Magus' Bride The Boy from the West and the Knigh of the Blue Storm 1-3][El-Hazard The Wanderers 14-26][El-Hazard The Wanderers 1-13] 58
AfterNET #linux Not just Linux - Tech discussions with all OS & Hardware - We are glad to help if you WAIT. - Don't ask to ask, just ask 58
HybridIRC #chat-nepal æææææææææ Namaste and Welcome to #chat-nepal! https://www.chat-nepal.com Let's connect, chat, and share our thoughts. Feel free to use our voice conference for real-time conversations. Enjoy your stay here in #chat-nepal æææææææææ 58
Undernet #rebelyell 58
Libera.Chat #gentoo-base Gentoo Base System project | https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Base 58
Libera.Chat #xorg 58