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Network Name Topic Users
QuakeNet #1x1 Welcome to #1x1 ::: Find your wars for (CSGO/CS 1.6/etc.) 4
Libera.Chat ##vs-code 4
QuakeNet #quakezone 4
EFnet #pythons-attack-y! 4
freenode #selinux 4
DALnet #naga Welcome to City of Naga https://www2.naga.gov.ph/ 4
EFnet #netcore 4
QuakeNet #mikrotuki 4
OFTC #debian-unicode 🦖 Unicode for Debian 4
OFTC #why2025-press WHY2025 Press room 4
DALnet #kgbaru Selamat Datang Ke #KgBaru 50300 K.L - Happy New Year 2025 ❤️🫰 4
IRCnet #youporn 4
Libera.Chat #dmx DMX512 all the things - https://github.com/node-dmx 4
Undernet #vuln 4
OFTC ##matrix-therapy Hate something about Matrix chat protocol? Angry after a regression or a long standing bug report? Share your pain here! Please act kindly towards others in a civil way and keep this room kid-friendly! Secret aim: channel constructive energies towards reporting and fixing issues. Bridged to https://matrix.to/#/#matrix-therapy:matrix.org xmpp:matrix-therapy@conference.movim.eu 4
Undernet #flavi 4
Libera.Chat #nmstate Find some of us in #nm 4
freenode ##buddhism 4
IRCnet #mircaide 4
IRCnet #mircintro 4
IRCnet #mircsupport 4
Libera.Chat #yonle Welcome to #yonle. Feel free to discuss a topic that you would like to talk about || https://yonle.lecturify.net 4
freenode #sympa 4
freenode #kwin 4
IRCnet #popinn 4
QuakeNet #ircforever 4
QuakeNet #graz 4
freenode #usa 4
freenode ##aussies 4
Libera.Chat #weechat-otr 4
freenode #terminator 4
freenode ##vaperhangout 4
freenode #blenderpython 4
Coders-IRC #coders-irc-lounge |§¤*~`~*¤§|§¤*~ -==- [ Welcome to Coders-irc https://www.coders-irc.net/ & https://www.coders-resources.net/ ] -==- ~*¤§|§¤*~`~*¤§| 4
Undernet #autentic 4
Libera.Chat ##arabic "Welcome and مَرْحَبًا. Arabic language and culture channel. To read Arabic properly, set charset to unicode in your client with `/charset unicode. Help our friends and families in Gaza https://crisisrelief.un.org/opt-crisis. Free Palestine! 4
freenode #freeipa 4
freenode #cjeopardy 4
Libera.Chat ##choche007 Vamos a dar las reglas del chat. Primero: no hablar de huevito rey Segundo: Prohibido hablar de mysterion Tercero: Prohibido los insultos Y cuarto: No están permitidos los garabatos y los comu- Y el comunismo. Estamos de acuerdo? Lo quiero toa' a la wena Estamos de acuerdo? Ya les dije nada de insultos porfavor. 4
Undernet #stereohype 4
IRCnet #losers 4
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-zh-entmt 中文維基百科娛樂及藝術分群,与Telegram群 @wikipedia_zh_entmt_and_art 以及 Discord 服务器 https://discord.gg/77n7vnu 互联。 4
IRCnet !a84x5pikkusormi 4
freenode #linux-mediatek 4
Libera.Chat #hklbgd 4
Libera.Chat #austria 4
Libera.Chat #openstack-kolla 4
IRCnet #coreshells 4
Libera.Chat #feneas https://feneas.org | Forum: https://talk.feneas.org | Issues: https://git.feneas.org/feneas/association/issues | CoC: https://feneas.org/coc | Status: https://status.feneas.org | Space: https://matrix.to/#/!TznXPHLOGAYStwBeWZ:feneas.org?via=feneas.org&via=federator.dev&via=jasonrobinson.me 4
Undernet #twlc 4