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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Rizon #/d/ ( ͡¬ ͜ʖ ͡¬) POO POO PEE PEE 4
freenode #omni4leo 4
Rizon #kelantan The Official Channel Of Negeri Kelantan 4
freenode ##dd-wrt 4
Rizon #randomize BOEING gyrna pisw h estw thlefwna 4
Rizon #twilightzone ¸ø¤°'°¤ø¸ WeLcOmE tO #twilightzone ¸ø¤°'°¤ø¸ 4
freenode #e 4
IRCnet #knbz 4
freenode #unifi 4
Rizon #siriusxm https://www.siriusxm.com/player/for-you 4
freenode #cypher 4
Rizon #taiga Open source, lightweight anime tracker for Windows | http://taiga.erengy.com 4
Rizon #metaphysics Welcome to #metaphysics - The Branch Of Philosophy Channel | Metaphysics - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphysics 4
Rizon #umee [umee] - Site: http://umee.is-fabulo.us - Releases: Shiki 21.5, Deadman Wonderland 11, Black Lagoon 03 XDCC: http://bit.ly/cDzxmI DDL: http://bit.ly/oHU0gJ 4
OFTC #buildroot-commits 4
freenode #litecoin 4
freenode #openstack-nova 4
Rizon #aitvaras 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣🐉🔄🐍2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣ *** Radio Stream - http://80s.lt:8000/live - Testing *** "EUROVIZIJA.LT 2025 - Eurovizijos Nacionaline Atranka" (Finalas - Tiesiogine transliacija is Kauno "Zalgirio" arenos) per LRT Televizija - 2025-02-15 21:30 / Archyvas - https://80s.lt/EUROVIZIJA.LT-2025/ *** 4
freenode ##mahjong Hello legacy users! We have moved the channel: check out grue.world for the current address 4
Rizon #calytmi CALY IS GETTING MARRIED NOV 3 2018!!!11 4
IRCnet #obetomo 4
Rizon #animuxd 4
Rizon #rss RSS Anime Feeds Currently: tokyotosho (!tokyotosho) manga-updates (!manga) 4
IRCnet ##portugal 4
freenode #ubuntu-de-offtopic 4
Rizon #plex 4
Rizon #/mlp/aie 4
DALnet #greece += * Work Tip: Stand up.Stretch. Take a walk. Go to airport. Get on a plane to Greece. Never return. http://tinyurl.com/y7565l3g =+ 4
Rizon #8/a/dventures 4
Rizon #chatworld weLlcome to your Own abuser Free chat worlD 4
Rizon #overcity MGCYOA channel for general RP. 4
IRCnet #muinaistekniikka 20.3. Ark. kenttätyöesittely Hesa, 22.3. Eura esihistoria, 4.4. Ark. Tieteidentalo Hesa, 5.4. Pirkanmaan alta, 17.5. SKAS Satakunnan muinaisjäännösretki 13.-15.6. Hämeen markkinat, 26.29.6. Turun markkinat, 5.-6.7. Pirkkalan markkinat 11.-13.7. Tall 4
freenode #starwars 4
Rizon #adultswim [adultswim] branch channel from the others, looking for new eps or old ones send obake-san a pm. clearly not updating the topic. anyone want ot be an op? yes seriously. msg obake-san 4
freenode #2600 https://2600.net/wall/21-06-2022 4
Rizon #ecchilicious Bots down for a bit; crashed hdd || http://subs.animeblog.nl - Latest: Sengoku Basara Movie: 4-Koma Gekijou - Another Last Party | Triggers: !list & !new [xdcc]Ecchilicious has anime, [VN]Ecchilicious VN's | Parser: http://www.animeblog.nl/xdcc/ 4
Rizon #mgclass MGCYOA backup channel for general RP. 4
freenode #wikimedia-tech 4
freenode #ubuntu-hardened 4
DALnet #mqm Welcome to #MQM The Power of MQM Altaf Hussain (Bhai) M Q M 4
freenode ##twitlive 4
IRCnet #slovakia 4
freenode #fsfe 4
freenode ##openscad 4
Rizon #r-sonic umbreon sucks 4
EFnet #sony 4
Rizon #devhosting Welcome to DevHosting// Where we will host CHEAP webhotels for CHEAP prices, And guaranteed 99,999 % UPTIME // NEWS: DevHosting wishes YOU a MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2022 =) http://www.devhosting.org 4
DALnet #saphir Saphir's unofficial Cloudy Bay, Apple-Cinnamon-Mead, strawberry and Amiga C64 and Atari homebase - welcome :P (Saphir) 4
Rizon #retardationstation Welcome to the most retarded channel on Rizon. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy4xuFhXl-c | The RetardationStation9x Pro has officially entered the prototype stage. It will add advanced voxel-based ray tracing, along with AI-capabilities. Stay tuned. | linuxyo has finally ascended from scripting to retro video gaming... in emulators 4
EFnet #eldenring 4