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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Rizon #blackhat ᓚᘏᗢ https://interdo.me/ ᓚᘏᗢ 4
Libera.Chat #pandorabox-fr 4
Undernet #baler 4
EFnet #liberty 4
ChatLounge #chatlounge-dev Official ChatLounge IRC Network Software Development Channel | Repositories: https://bitbucket.org/chatlounge/ | Test Net: irc.test.chatlounge.net:9967 or 9997 for SSL | #ChatIRCd for ChatIRCd | #ChatServices for ChatServices | You probably want to join the respective software channels instead. 4
QuakeNet #vallasvuo https://kuvake.net/klubi/vallasvuo 4
Libera.Chat #hadoop 4
QuakeNet #sctfl 4
Rizon #cappuccino Official channel for playing with cappuccino. Spam the bot as much as you want, just avoid pinging people | https://github.com/FoxDev/cappuccino 4
freenode #conservancy 4
QuakeNet #dt.radio -=||||||||| xx Welcome @ #dT.radio xx Homepage: www.terrorkom-clan.de xx Clan: #deutscheterrorkom xx |||||||||=- 4
QuakeNet #master 4
Libera.Chat #lunduke Lunduke Open Source development | https://lunduketeam.github.io 4
EFnet #thedawn 4
Libera.Chat ##asamblea_hss 4
Rizon #irchorseracing Welcome, type !start to watch the thoroughbreds race. Register /msg IRCHr register password - Login /msg IRCHr login password, IRC dollars are given after registration for betting. Save for a thoroughbred horse and build your stables. Aim to become the Top trainer of the month. Good Luck (https://pastebin.com/7jA60U81, check all horses for sale) 4
Libera.Chat #dsp 4
QuakeNet #c58 4
QuakeNet #rizon 4
Libera.Chat ##2afreedom PRO-GUN and PRO-FREEDOM 24/7 - SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED - FOSS GUN COMMUNITY || ...:::|||>>>Join us on OuchNet! irc.ouch.chat be there!<<<|||:::... 4
Libera.Chat #sualdi 4
Undernet #tutorials 4
Libera.Chat #xpenology 4
Libera.Chat #momw-umo Channel rules: https://rentry.co/omw_rules 4
EFnet #eldenring 4
Libera.Chat #momw-configurator Channel rules: https://rentry.co/omw_rules 4
Libera.Chat #sporkhack Topic preserved for posterity; this project was long ago subsumed into #nethack | 2/22/15: sporkhack.com temporarily down because its host box is switching colos | http://sporkhack.com for info, telnet://sporkhack.com to play, svn://sporkhack.com/nh for source | Sporkhack stable versions now hosted by NAO! telnet://nethack.alt.org | Last update 8/29 4
Libera.Chat #dunno 4
Libera.Chat #arcana-game 4
OFTC #alpine-conf 4
Libera.Chat #emacs-tw Emacs Taiwan https://emacser.tw 4
CollectiveIRC #buzzard Welcome to #Buzzard 4
Libera.Chat #troglobit I'm (Joachim) no longer online on IRC, see each respective project for contact information, support, and new releases. Thank you! 4
Libera.Chat #libreoffice-gsoc 4
Undernet #partyfm ssNakie is LIVE @ http://overdueradio.com 4
QuakeNet #warpdrive 4
ChatLounge #zncmonitor2 Private ZNC Monitoring Channel for Ben. If you are not authorized to be here, you will likely be K-Lined. 4
Rizon #lagout.org 4
Libera.Chat #67736095-411d-4ec0-9b62-7294047a0411 4
Libera.Chat ##usa Welcome to ##USA Offtopic and Social Chat Channel for Americans 4
Libera.Chat #openrsc 4
Libera.Chat #forester 4
Libera.Chat #monado 4
QuakeNet #archetype 4
Libera.Chat #twentytwotown Let's meet up at port 22 to celebrate, experiment, and learn about text-based, smol computing along with the OpenBSD operating system. What can you do in here? Let's figure it out together! | Code of conduct on gemini://twentytwo.town 4
Libera.Chat #bio Bio programming language 4
Libera.Chat #javascript-social there is no spoon 4
Undernet #dwshells 4
OFTC #tor-ipv6 https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/roadmaps/Tor/IPv6/PrivateIPv6TestingNetwork | current branch: master 4
Zeolia #xena Le salon pour les filles par les filles - En cours de design : https://xena.zeolia.chat - Faites vos commentaires 4