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Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #cl-patterns cl-patterns, thundersnow, + related projects | cl-patterns is a common lisp algorithmic music sequencing library: https://github.com/defaultxr/cl-patterns ; thundersnow is a mcclim/lisp-based digital audio workstation & live coding laboratory, currently in early stages of development: https://github.com/defaultxr/thundersnow 4
Libera.Chat #comcast 4
Libera.Chat #euro 4
Libera.Chat #police 4
Libera.Chat #vpsnet VPS service at Unbeatable Prices (e.g 2x3 GHz vCPUs, 2GB RAM & 20GB SSD for $2.99!). We are not resellers, we run our own DC. Check us out https://www.vpsnet.com/en/ https://twitter.com/infoVPSnet [Contact ertz for more info] 4
Libera.Chat #framework-laptop 4
Libera.Chat #asterisk-social The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform (asterisk.org) Social Chat -=- Code of Conduct: bit.ly/1hH6P22 4
Libera.Chat #kairos 4
Libera.Chat ##vintage welcome to #vintage classic computer related stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3VoEyaqMoc 4
Libera.Chat #idsbl 4
Libera.Chat #buffet support for my projects 4
Libera.Chat #podman-desktop 4
Libera.Chat #gnome-bugs 4
Libera.Chat #gnome-control-center 4
Libera.Chat #gnome-evince 4
Libera.Chat #gnome-files 4
Libera.Chat #gnome-guadec 4
Libera.Chat #gnome-polari 4
Libera.Chat #gnome-software 4
Libera.Chat #gnome-tracker 4
Libera.Chat #pastebinit Pastebinit .:. Latest version: 1.7.1 .:. https://github.com/pastebinit/pastebinit 4
Libera.Chat #siscd https://www.siscd.org/ 4
Libera.Chat #freelance 4
Libera.Chat #gparted GParted - a free partition editor for graphically managing your disk partitions | http://gparted.org/ | 🎂 20th birthday https://gparted.org/news.php?item=254 4
Libera.Chat #hugoh Welcome to the Zerbaib help channel 4
Libera.Chat #raku-rakuast 4
Libera.Chat ##osu tilde.chat: #osu | libera.chat: ##osu 4
Libera.Chat ##habrok 4
Libera.Chat #lightingwizard 4
Libera.Chat #jakotakisystem (Untitled) 4
Libera.Chat #wikiforge-sre 4
Libera.Chat #si-games 4
Libera.Chat #awesomewm.de Willkommen im deutschsprachigen awesomewm Chandel meine Themes https://github.com/lcpz/awesome-copycats die ich am liebsten nutze 4
Libera.Chat ##fpc-alt FreePascal Offtopic. Rules: Treat your fellow channel inhabitants as you'd like to be treated. 4
Libera.Chat #voidlinux-es Canal no oficial de Void Linux en español. Siéntete libre de hacer preguntas o ayudar a otros en lo que puedas. | Telegram: t.me/voidlinux_es | Matrix: #voidlinux-es:matrix.org 4
Libera.Chat #fedora-ai-ml AI/ML/HC/HPC in Fedora; Join us to collaborate on integrating best tech into Fedora. End-users and developers welcome. 4
Libera.Chat #qutebrowser-dev 4
Libera.Chat #pses-cinema 4
Libera.Chat #ugjka Home of https://ugjka.net | Use !help to toy with bots 4
Libera.Chat #pses-hall 4
Libera.Chat #neovim-treesitter 4
Libera.Chat #fedilinks The Fedi Links Project | https://fedilinks.org/ | Current status: check the feature matrix on the website | Public channel logs at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/fedilinks/ 4
Libera.Chat #lith-test 4
Libera.Chat #kdtest 4
Libera.Chat #philadelphia 4
Libera.Chat #selflang Self Programming Language - http://selflanguage.org - Wiki: https://github.com/russellallen/self/wiki - https://lists.selflanguage.org/archives/list/self-interest@lists.selflanguage.org/ 4
Libera.Chat #procyberian https://procyberian.xyz Next Generation Free Software 4
Libera.Chat ##randomstuffhere 4
Libera.Chat #kolkata-glug কলকাতা (Kolkata) GNU/Linux User Group official IRC channel | https://kolkata-glug.github.io/ | https://rentry.co/kolkata-glug-logs/ 4
Libera.Chat #connor.zip 4