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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat ##darkside Welcome to ##darkside. A small chan for darker topics. Enjoy your visit. We trust what is said here will stay here. Respect and Trust are crucial. 4
freenode ##elixir-lang 4
Geekshed #blaster Topic: Nothing to see here, move along. >_< blaster is coding something interesting. >_< Live video at www.blaster.tv/live -off-air- 4
Libera.Chat #javascript-social there is no spoon 4
freenode #everyminer 4
Undernet #muierapid Bun venit pe canalul unde toti se pisa pe rapid la infinit 4
Libera.Chat #nix-bitcoin 4
Libera.Chat #monado 4
Libera.Chat #slitaz 4
Libera.Chat #openrsc 4
freenode #unix All UNIX Systems # 4
DALnet #bbc Welcome to Dalnet's Finest #BBC Channel!! 4
freenode #icewm 4
Geekshed #nintendo [Anything Nintendo] :: [If you have a question, please ask and be patient. Not all of us are always looking. Thanks] 4
Libera.Chat #troglobit I'm (Joachim) no longer online on IRC, see each respective project for contact information, support, and new releases. Thank you! 4
EFnet #grateful 4
OFTC #linuxpowered Open discussions about GNU/Linux 4
freenode #mexico Pos un canal pa'gente de mexico y así vedá 4
Libera.Chat #emacs-tw Emacs Taiwan https://emacser.tw 4
freenode #brazil 4
QuakeNet #thunderdome 4
Libera.Chat ##tapiri 4
Libera.Chat #diypcb DIY PCB Fabrication: Chemistry, Hole plating, machining, etching, drilling, cutting, populating.. | For PCB Software+etc, see ##pcb | For general Chemistry, see ##chemistry | For Electronics, see ##electronics 4
Libera.Chat #pengbot 4
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-mir 4
Libera.Chat #sporkhack Topic preserved for posterity; this project was long ago subsumed into #nethack | 2/22/15: sporkhack.com temporarily down because its host box is switching colos | http://sporkhack.com for info, telnet://sporkhack.com to play, svn://sporkhack.com/nh for source | Sporkhack stable versions now hosted by NAO! telnet://nethack.alt.org | Last update 8/29 4
OFTC #git GIT - Tree history storage | The primary git channel is on Libera 4
Undernet #c C Programming :: JUST ASK! (ENGLISH) paste code -> http://codepad.org :: FAQ: ( http://www.c-faq.com ) 4
EFnet #priiloader 4
EFnet #beer.buddies 4
Undernet #triviapoint 4
IRCnet #oty.hallitus 4
OFTC #debian-sponsors 4
Libera.Chat #moteros-gt 4
freenode #sstic 4
HybridIRC #mumbai 4
EFnet #wcgames 4
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-yue 粵語維基百科 zh-yue.wikipedia.org | Telegram: https://t.me/wikipedia_yue 4
Libera.Chat #bunkinc 4
DALnet #binushacker 4
freenode #synology 4
EFnet #ags Aylesbury Grammar School | /msg JamesOff or jms, or /join #exeter 4
Libera.Chat #d-gdc GDC development channel | Source: http://gcc.gnu.org/git/?p=gcc.git | Overview: https://wiki.dlang.org/GDC | Bug Tracker: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla | D v2.076.1 | GCC Releases: 9.x, 10.x, 11.x 4
freenode ##imagemagick 4
EFnet #abmm 4
IRCnet #bochnia 4
Libera.Chat #iasbim 4
freenode #tuffpoo 4
Libera.Chat ##oodnet [oods.net] gamedev programming tech homebrew 4
DALnet #gianyar Selamat Datang di Gianyar - Bali 4