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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #pandorabox-fr 4
Libera.Chat #tizen 4
EFnet #uptime 4
Libera.Chat #fsfepotteries Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) Potteries | Information: https://fsfe.org/potteries | Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#potteries:fsfe.org | A local group based in the UK around the North Staffordshire region, part of the wider European Free Software movement. 4
OFTC #tor-ipv6 https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/roadmaps/Tor/IPv6/PrivateIPv6TestingNetwork | current branch: master 4
EFnet #party 4
freenode #rider ¡|[Welcome to #Rider unlimited friendship for everyone, tranks you visit]|! 4
Undernet #forward 4
Libera.Chat #macintosh Try ##mac 4
Libera.Chat #prismbreak PRISM Break https://prism-break.org/ https://gitlab.com/prism-break/prism-break/ 4
freenode #devhosting Welcome to DevHosting// Where we will host CHEAP webhotels for CHEAP prices, And guaranteed 99,999 % UPTIME // NEWS: DevHosting launches soon! =) 4
Undernet #kezdi Registered on Dec 24 2001 03:23:39 ( http://kezdi.info http://www.kezdi.ro ) 4
Libera.Chat ##yano channel of yano | https://tidal.com/ 4
freenode ##vegan 4
Libera.Chat #blug 4
EFnet #instagram 4
Libera.Chat #freebsd-vbox 4
EFnet #computer 4
Libera.Chat ##photoshop 4
freenode #blug 4
Libera.Chat #quassel-irssi 4
freenode ##vs-code 4
FreshChat #lovechatpk 4
freenode #vertcoin /!\ This channel was abandoned /!\ You may still chat here, and ask for help, but the Official VertCoin team are no longer here :( 4
Libera.Chat #icecap 4
Libera.Chat #easybuild https://easybuilders.github.io/easybuild - 6th EasyBuild User Meeting (virtual, Jan 25-29 2021), see https://easybuild.io/eum21 - EasyBuild v4.4.2 is now available! 4
Undernet #masterhack 4
HybridIRC #delhi 4
Undernet #spirituality 4
Libera.Chat ##ibmi-hw 4
OFTC #vmdb2 https://liw.fi/vmdb2/ - create Debian disk images for real and virtual machines 4
Libera.Chat #weboob 4
Libera.Chat #argv 4
freenode #apertus 4
OFTC #df-alarms Monitoring Debian-Facile 4
OFTC #polimi è darti addosso | Gattuso: il proiettore HD, il microonde, le foto della macchina | http://cl.ly/3O1l1v0e0i1V0I1t0x08 | http://otacon22.it/upload/aperitivo.jpg | Discuss: http://piratepad.net/Rxs2IyIFIM | Workshop interni: http://piratepad.net/ilqHH2e0vx | Avete bagnato in punta? | Canale di backup moderato, per ora restiamo su Azzurra! 4
freenode #bsdchat 4
Libera.Chat #qi-hardware 4
QuakeNet #zappenduster ››› Welcome to Team-Zappenduster eSports Community -—- visit: https://www.team-zappenduster.org -—- TeamSpeak Server: ts3.zappenduster.team ‹‹‹ 4
freenode #libp2p 4
freenode #lfs 4
OFTC #scilab "Scilab - https://www.scilab.org - https://scilab.io - https://wiki.scilab.org - http://mailinglists.scilab.org | Please be patient when asking a question | Scilab 6.0.1 has been released!" 4
OFTC #christ Open-Source Bible: https://breadofgod.org Official IRC Server: irc.breadofgod.org (6667/6697) Forum: https://breadofgod.org/forum All chats are relayed 4
TechNet #devhosting Welcome to DevHosting / http://www.DevHosting.org / Launching SOON. / First 3 customers get 1 month free webhosting! / Logo: Coming. Please bear with us, a wonderful site comes up soon :). //News: 4
Libera.Chat #supybot Try #limnoria on this network, or #supybot on OFTC 4
EFnet #milf 4
QuakeNet #nörtit 4
Libera.Chat #ormaaj 🐄 4
freenode #csc-exec 4
freenode ##snappy 4