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Network Name Topic Users
DarkWorld #peru 4
Libera.Chat #fedora-ai-ml AI/ML/HC/HPC in Fedora; Join us to collaborate on integrating best tech into Fedora. End-users and developers welcome. 4
QuakeNet #ng-intern Happy Baby Day 22.08.2022. Congratz! (❁´◡`❁) 4
DarkWorld #murree 4
QuakeNet #playground ツ ?info 4
DarkWorld #dark-dev 4
QuakeNet #geospasstischegromkygesellschaft 4
Libera.Chat #rml Richmond MakerLabs makerspace/hackspace in Richmond (Ham), Greater London United Kingdom 4
OFTC #asm 4
Undernet #unionlatina Regresamos ./s -m irc.unionlatina.online 4
Libera.Chat #voidlinux-es Canal no oficial de Void Linux en español. Siéntete libre de hacer preguntas o ayudar a otros en lo que puedas. | Telegram: t.me/voidlinux_es | Matrix: #voidlinux-es:matrix.org 4
HybridIRC #worldchat.co.in Welcome to #worldchat.co.in .. you can start chat from now https://www.worldchat.co.in 4
HybridIRC #pc Pc Chat And Help With Software And Much more 4
DarkWorld #thezone 4
Libera.Chat ###bots about bots 4
Libera.Chat ##fpc-alt FreePascal Offtopic. Rules: Treat your fellow channel inhabitants as you'd like to be treated. 4
Libera.Chat #awesomewm.de Willkommen im deutschsprachigen awesomewm Chandel meine Themes https://github.com/lcpz/awesome-copycats die ich am liebsten nutze 4
Undernet #fps 4
OFTC #ubuntuce Ubuntu Christian Edition | Bring Linux to the Christians | Idle here and help us make an active UbuntuCE community! | Grab iso's now from: http://phillw.net/isos/uce | Things we need to do: http://negativeflare.xyz/htmlize/ubuntuce.html | 4
Libera.Chat #widelands-news 4
HybridIRC #grpcamfuns 4
Libera.Chat #si-games 4
OFTC #debian-js-changes 4
QuakeNet #fak http://qtv.quakeworld.nu/ <> GAYCROSOFT WINBLOWS 7 4
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-uk Канал україномовної Вікіпедії | Ukrainian Wikipedia channel | https://uk.wikipedia.org 4
Libera.Chat #wikiforge-sre 4
Libera.Chat #monochrome https://perkele.cc/software/monochrome | version 1.4.4 4
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-app-devel 4
Undernet #banat Bun venit pe #banat ( https://Radio-Earth.live ) 4
OFTC #mapreri Channel with the aim to do varius test on IRC releated things by mapreri. If you want information about me or this channel please email me at <mapreri@mapreri.org>. 4
Libera.Chat #jakotakisystem (Untitled) 4
freenode #mpd 4
freenode #wiiubru 4
Libera.Chat #lightingwizard 4
Libera.Chat #dosystems 4
Undernet #snowflake 4
HybridIRC #chatfellas Hello 👋 and Welcome❤️ to the ChatFellas.☺️ 4
OFTC #portugal Bem-vindo(a) ao #Portugal - http://znc.serv.monster - em, contacto com #portugal/##portugal em outras redes atraves do "redetuga" 4
Libera.Chat ##habrok 4
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-wy EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of Wyoming | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 4
OFTC #openvas OpenVAS - Open Vulnerability Assessment System - http://www.openvas.org | OpenVAS-9 is out! 4
DarkWorld #dapps Decentralize Applications (DApps) 4
Libera.Chat #alcove Le chan des anciens Alcoviques 4
QuakeNet #spice.priv 4
Libera.Chat ##osu tilde.chat: #osu | libera.chat: ##osu 4
DarkWorld #dwnews ....::: Welcome to DarkWorld News: :::.... │ So, here we report live news, and from RSS feeds, directly trough our Web-Site https://www.DarkWorld.Network , when we put up news, it`ll show here too =) │ We totally believe its important to get the news & the truth out there. =) |" more stuff is coming" | 4
Libera.Chat #raku-rakuast 4
Undernet #twlc 4
DarkWorld #dwznc 4