Rizon |
#rogerradio |
ROGERradio///ROGERvision ® 24/7 Radio/Video Stream ® 320k/128k/64k Shoutcast @ https://tinyurl.com/ROGERradio ® ODYSEE stream @ https://tinyurl.com/ROGERvision ® Request Line !OPEN! ® Type $help for more information ® Powered by Super Sexy Roger brand DSP ® electronic, hiphop, chiptunes, drumnbass, metal, indie, music, radio, video, streaming, cryptocurrency, gambling |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#thefallensouls |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#sualdi |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#museun |
4 |
IRCnet |
#theology |
4 |
DarkWorld |
#artea |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#ps3 |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#haxx.fi |
4 |
IRCnet |
#l'aquila |
4 |
Undernet |
#amos |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#pontus |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#spacewars |
4 |
Undernet |
#moinesti |
4 |
Undernet |
#dumbraveni |
4 |
Undernet |
#sighisoara |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#mokkularock |
4 |
Undernet |
#internet |
4 |
#inferno |
4 |
Undernet |
#deutsch |
4 |
Geekshed |
#mirc |
Welcome to #mIRC! | mIRC v7.57 Jul 25th 2019 | Please do not ask to ask, just ask! | Use pastebin.com for long lines of text | Bots are welcome for testing | If you are not testing, please have your scripts disabled | "If you can't remember why you're banned, then you clearly need to be" |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#muenchen |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#wings2 |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#turkey |
4 |
IRCnet |
#$b$i$0$k$c$m$/(b |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#tinaclub |
Channel of the Linux User Group of the Antwerp province. Full info at https://www.tinaclub.be . Live nearby, ICT and/or electronics interest you and you know same basic Dutch ? Pass by ! |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#wikipedia-en-ambassadors |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#jj2 |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#istanbul |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#osgeo-geos |
Geometry Engine Open Source | https://libgeos.org | bridged to https://matrix.to/#/#geos:osgeo.org (chat is logged!) |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#speedxs |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#openstack-infra |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#fz |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#moosemen |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#geoserver |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#rizon |
4 |
Rizon |
#leftypol |
The bot is back |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#c58 |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#master |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#dt.radio |
-=||||||||| xx Welcome @ #dT.radio xx Homepage: www.terrorkom-clan.de xx Clan: #deutscheterrorkom xx |||||||||=- |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#sctfl |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
##asamblea_hss |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#vallasvuo |
https://kuvake.net/klubi/vallasvuo |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#cmm |
4 |
Rizon |
#irchorseracing |
Welcome, type !start to watch the thoroughbreds race. Register /msg IRCHr register password - Login /msg IRCHr login password, IRC dollars are given after registration for betting. Save for a thoroughbred horse and build your stables. Aim to become the Top trainer of the month. Good Luck (https://pastebin.com/7jA60U81, check all horses for sale) |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#2on2.css |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#lemondogs |
www.lemondogs.com |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#sda |
4 |
Rizon |
#blackhat |
ᓚᘏᗢ https://interdo.me/ ᓚᘏᗢ |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#lunduke |
Lunduke Open Source development | https://lunduketeam.github.io |
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QuakeNet |
#fatboylan |
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