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Network Name Topic Users
HybridIRC #gangcam Welcome to #GANGCAM Channel, you can share live camera link to each other. (+18) https://indialivechat.com/ 4
Libera.Chat ##monkeypox Monkeypox/mpox outbreak (bridged with #monkeypox:matrix.org) | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022–2023_mpox_outbreak https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_mpox_epidemic | Trackers: https://ourworldindata.org/monkeypox https://monkeypoxreport.ecdc.europa.eu/ 4
IRCnet #funnyworld 4
Libera.Chat #openbsd-daily 4
Libera.Chat #forkad Fork AD - A FOSS 3D RTS Game forked from 0 A.D. - https://fork-ad.gitlab.io/ 4
EFnet #narcotics 4
Libera.Chat ##parsers 4
Coders-IRC #coders-irc-lounge |§¤*~`~*¤§|§¤*~ -==- [ Welcome to Coders-irc https://www.coders-irc.net/ & https://www.coders-resources.net/ ] -==- ~*¤§|§¤*~`~*¤§| 4
Undernet #deutsch 4
Libera.Chat ##thinclient Thin clients are made to mostly just act as terminals for a central server... but most of them can do a whole lot more than that! | Discussion about both the intended uses and not-so-intended ones is welcome here. | More information: https://www.parkytowers.me.uk/thin/ 4
Libera.Chat ##archlinux-animangames Discussion of all things Anime, Manga, Games. Mostly NSFW. <+> http://arch.har-ikkje.net/gfx/anime-art.jpg <+> Shinryuu is https://a.yiff.moe/fqieux.jpg and https://a.yiff.moe/eaptha.jpg NSFW 4
Libera.Chat #spirit 4
HybridIRC #chatfellas Hello 👋 and Welcome❤️ to the ChatFellas.☺️ 4
Libera.Chat #magyar A cset csati a csetes csacsogo nepnek 4
Libera.Chat #ambassador The IRC client built on the Unified XUL Platform | Current version is 1.3.0 | https://github.com/Ascrod/ambassador | Ambassador needs a new developer! See https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=26883#p215737 for details 4
Libera.Chat #criu 4
Libera.Chat #librazik-equipe canal multi-langues LibraZiK // LibraZiK multi-lingual channel - En cours de test : http://librazik.tuxfamily.org/doc4/manuel/testage#en_cours_de_testage - Développement // Bogue du RSS (pour le bot) : https://github.com/splitbrain/dokuwiki/issues/1520 4
Libera.Chat ##c++-basic 4
HybridIRC #grpcamfuns 4
Libera.Chat #lk The LK Operating System - https://github.com/littlekernel/lk 4
Libera.Chat #wikispecies 4
Libera.Chat ##znc 4
HybridIRC #pc Pc Chat And Help With Software And Much more 4
IRCnet #abt 4
EFnet #chatsubo 4
EFnet #next 4
HybridIRC #worldchat.co.in Welcome to #worldchat.co.in .. you can start chat from now https://www.worldchat.co.in 4
Undernet #internet 4
EFnet #eztv-today 4
Undernet #sighisoara 4
Zeolia #informatique Canal d'aide informatique - Développement / Web / Windows - Pour les questions linux, rejoindre #linux 4
Undernet #dumbraveni 4
Zeolia #france Toute l'actualité politique, sociale, économique, sportive ! 4
Libera.Chat #dmoj 4
Libera.Chat #cfairies ⚧️ computer fairies / http://netizen.club/ ⚧️ | best viewed in 1024x768 4
Libera.Chat #france 4
HybridIRC #monasworld Welcome to Mona's World! | 💜 Welcome Home Russell - Monja sends her love 💜 4
HybridIRC #hindu_cow 4
Libera.Chat #ddnet Web: https://ddnet.org/ GitHub: https://github.com/ddnet/ 4
Libera.Chat #liguros LiGurOS - Linux Operating System - https://liguros.gitlab.io/ - join our chat platform at https://chat.liguros.net/join/pdjwvndytkmvcc2muwunjkq5/ 4
HybridIRC #hotgirls 4
Libera.Chat #foobar2000-de Warum dieser Channel kein Topic?! 4
Libera.Chat #wikinews-zh 中文維基新聞IRC頻道 https://zh.wikinews.org/ | 本頻道已完成 IRC-Telegram-QQ-Discord四端同步。 | IRC端: #wikinews-zh | Telegram端: @wikinews_zh | QQ端: 559203632 | Discord端:https://discord.gg/77n7vnu 4
HybridIRC #grp_funmmfmm 4
Libera.Chat #miraheze-feed-login Recent Changes feed for login.miraheze.org | #miraheze for assistance and #miraheze-cvt for counter-vandalism | Stewards, Global Sysops, and members of the Technology team are opped. Meta administrators may be either opped or voiced upon request. 4
Undernet #moinesti 4
HybridIRC #haryana_mangalsutra 4
EFnet #mp3-sweden PlaY iT agaiN saM ! 4
Libera.Chat ##oss 4
Undernet #amos 4