Undernet |
#ktm |
4 |
Undernet |
#luckyone's |
4 |
DALnet |
#palace |
!Welcome to ZaRNaH's Palace !!! |
4 |
DALnet |
#italia |
[]<>()<>[] Benvenuti su #italia []<>()<>[8] |
4 |
freenode |
#hackerspaces |
4 |
freenode |
#backspace |
4 |
IRCnet |
#rpg |
4 |
IRCnet |
#tokyotowers |
4 |
freenode |
##nlp |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#vandalism-fr-wp |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#frnog |
4 |
IRCnet |
#nemoprod |
4 |
freenode |
#sql |
4 |
Rizon |
#cappuccino |
Official channel for playing with cappuccino. Spam the bot as much as you want, just avoid pinging people | https://github.com/FoxDev/cappuccino |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#wesnoth-mp-lobby-dev |
Wesnoth MP Lobby Logging Channel (Development Version) | Moderation Interface: "lobby: my server message" (needs voice) or "lobby: /kick spammer" (needs op) | Public Logs: https://irclogs.wesnoth.org |
4 |
IRCnet |
#goettingen |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#wikimedia-irc |
Cloak form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc9f95s72cfLD-pTZrTxCD-Kyb9umm5XVz_JOWtazADYkjpvA/viewform | Queue: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gsNELQEUbJjlT5CnsQWpWPXRxHqXMjEKWYG95WJgHgI/edit# | https://wmopbot.toolforge.org/fn2libera | https://wmopbot.toolforge.org/cloakqueue |
4 |
IRCnet |
#pirate-galaxy |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#chataway |
4 |
DALnet |
#shellhosting |
https://CoreShells.net - Psybnc, Eggdrop, Shells, Vps, Hosting, Domain Provider. - ( www.ShellHosting.co.uk ) || For contact admin order : Dew |
4 |
Undernet |
#klasickumputerz |
4 |
Undernet |
#ubops |
Welcome to #UBOps ( www.solloman.ro ) |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#jazzband |
Welcome to Jazzband. We’re all part of this. | https://jazzband.co/ | GitHub: https://github.com/jazzband |
4 |
freenode |
#lazarus-ide |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#playground |
ツ ?info |
4 |
DALnet |
#cunts |
4 |
IRCnet |
#bar |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#chipsters |
4 |
Rizon |
#osu! |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_LuqWm4hJ8 | http://puu.sh/nMIQH/cb9275c752.mp3 | ₍₍ (ง ˙ω˙)ว ⁾⁾ Feel the rhythm ₍₍ (ง ˙ω˙)ว ⁾⁾ Feel the rhyme ₍₍ (ง ˙ω˙)ว ⁾⁾ Get on up ₍₍ (ง ˙ω˙)ว ⁾⁾ Its osu! time ₍₍ (ง ˙ω˙)ว ⁾⁾ |
4 |
IRCnet |
#montefiascone |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#d78 |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#fak |
http://qtv.quakeworld.nu/ <> GAYCROSOFT WINBLOWS 7 |
4 |
Undernet |
#proc |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#elberto |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#stutter |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#zhdel |
已删百科管理员联系频道 | https://zhdel.miraheze.org | 收集中文维基百科上被删除的内容 | 机器人活动监视:https://zhdel.miraheze.org/m/4LL |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#spice.priv |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
##oss |
4 |
IRCnet |
#kiipiminen |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#miraheze-feed-login |
Recent Changes feed for login.miraheze.org | #miraheze for assistance and #miraheze-cvt for counter-vandalism | Stewards, Global Sysops, and members of the Technology team are opped. Meta administrators may be either opped or voiced upon request. |
4 |
DALnet |
#miri |
|Services |Online| Welcome To DALnet #Miri | Selamat Datang Ke | **| [ M ]-[ I ]-[ R ] [ I ] |
4 |
Undernet |
#blood |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#ethersex |
Welcome to ethersex.de - the universal AVR firmware |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#wikinews-zh |
中文維基新聞IRC頻道 https://zh.wikinews.org/ | 本頻道已完成 IRC-Telegram-QQ-Discord四端同步。 | IRC端: #wikinews-zh | Telegram端: @wikinews_zh | QQ端: 559203632 | Discord端:https://discord.gg/77n7vnu |
4 |
DALnet |
#feu |
4 |
DALnet |
#greece |
+= * Work Tip: Stand up.Stretch. Take a walk. Go to airport. Get on a plane to Greece. Never return. http://tinyurl.com/y7565l3g =+ |
4 |
Rizon |
#erevan |
Welcome to the IRC channel #EREVAN! |
4 |
ChatLounge |
#chat-overflow |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#georchestra |
geOrchestra SDI https://georchestra.org |
4 |
DALnet |
#area51 |
4 |