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Network Name Topic Users
IRCnet #2021 4
QuakeNet #bd 4
Libera.Chat #foobar2000-de Warum dieser Channel kein Topic?! 4
Rizon #xtremelounge XtremeLounge - The Lounge IRC Web Client & Service powered by Xtremeprovider.com - Get started for Free: !adduser <username> to register your account. https://thelounge.xtremeprovider.net 4
Libera.Chat #liguros LiGurOS - Linux Operating System - https://liguros.gitlab.io/ - join our chat platform at https://chat.liguros.net/join/pdjwvndytkmvcc2muwunjkq5/ 4
QuakeNet #projectreality 4
Libera.Chat ##archlinux 4
Libera.Chat #ddnet Web: https://ddnet.org/ GitHub: https://github.com/ddnet/ 4
freenode ##science 4
Libera.Chat #france 4
freenode #cloudflare 4
Rizon #animexe we're back motherfuckers and older than ever #irc4lyfe 4
freenode #redmine 4
IRCnet #atx 4
Libera.Chat #cfairies ⚧️ computer fairies / http://netizen.club/ ⚧️ | best viewed in 1024x768 4
Undernet #nicks 4
QuakeNet #hattrick.fi 4
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-la EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of Louisiana | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 4
Libera.Chat #christianfaith Keep yourselves in the love of God and wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. On those who waver, have mercy; 4
QuakeNet #riitasointu 4
freenode #bind 4
QuakeNet #superninja 4
Rizon #alphaanime AlphaAnime's HQ channel, where the minions unite and rebel against nothing in particular. !list and @find are OK here. Stay in channel to receive files from fServers. 4
Libera.Chat #bronsonville THE MULLATA, THE BUNDA, THE SAMBA - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY_l0zsdpzg 4
freenode #bitcoin-de 4
Libera.Chat #calyxos-dev Matrix Bridge has been disabled, https://gitlab.com/CalyxOS/calyxos/-/issues/1936 4
freenode #lowendtalk 4
Libera.Chat #dmoj 4
IRCnet #christian-chat-chalice-german 4
QuakeNet #irc.fi 4
DALnet #lobby Welcome to #Lobby ;) 4
Libera.Chat #coe - { Centre of Excellence } - { https://coebuxtehude.de/ } - { Am 17.03 im Rasa. } - 4
Undernet #santana Oras Santana Jud. Arad 4
Libera.Chat #javascript-social there is no spoon 4
DALnet #tuaran WeLcome To #TUARAN DALnet Happy New Year 2024.. hope this 2024 is our lucky years.. 4
Libera.Chat #opendev 4
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-cs Status: OK | https://cs.wikipedia.org | Potrebujete spravce? Napiste !spravce nebo !admin 4
DALnet #metromanila WeLcOmE !!! HaVe A NiCe ChAt & HaVe FuN !!! ▂▃▅▆█ Join #Metromanila ~¤~"Enjoy the Bliss of just Being...Without being dependent on anything! :) ,1 4
QuakeNet #aq2.no 4
IRCnet #$b%n%y%k%2g[?.it20(b 4
QuakeNet #diabotical 4
Rizon #hackthebox General Discussion Chan | Hack The Box - https://www.hackthebox.com | HTB Blog - https://www.hackthebox.com/blog | 🥡 4
Libera.Chat ##znc 4
Libera.Chat #lk The LK Operating System - https://github.com/littlekernel/lk 4
IRCnet #bored Tu comprends ce que je te dis ? - Non. Mais ça fait un joli bruit 4
QuakeNet #midair.pug 4
Libera.Chat #seenthis 4
Libera.Chat ##c++-basic 4
Libera.Chat #librazik-equipe canal multi-langues LibraZiK // LibraZiK multi-lingual channel - En cours de test : http://librazik.tuxfamily.org/doc4/manuel/testage#en_cours_de_testage - Développement // Bogue du RSS (pour le bot) : https://github.com/splitbrain/dokuwiki/issues/1520 4
QuakeNet #egghelp 4