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Network Name Topic Users
Rizon #somnolescent one! two! you know what to do! 4
Rizon #chonkybonk cHONKy bONk iN 2o24 ! | #bonkychonk 4
Libera.Chat ##openweb2 <mat> Kyrgios est parfait 4
freenode ##adventofcode 4
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-tn EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of Tennessee | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 4
Libera.Chat #criu 4
DALnet #networking Technical advice and discussion. 1) Google. 2) Ask questions in English; paste at www.pzt.me; do not PM. 3) Act responsibly; no trolls, no criminals, no refunds. 4
QuakeNet #nos 4
Libera.Chat #ambassador The IRC client built on the Unified XUL Platform | Current version is 1.3.0 | https://github.com/Ascrod/ambassador | Ambassador needs a new developer! See https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=26883#p215737 for details 4
IRCnet #new2irc ^Dara^: Welcome to IRC. Ask in the channel, and be patient (may take a while) :o) Or try out our help system, type: !help 4
QuakeNet #hobby-rhetoriker GULUPP 4
QuakeNet #naag 4
Undernet #gays 4
Rizon #0day 4
Rizon #unrealircd 🚨 WEE WOO 🚨 UNREALIRCD REIGNS SUPREME 🚨 WEE WOO 🚨 Install UnrealIRCd today! It's even got an Administration Webpanel! How crazy is that!? https://unrealircd.org 4
Libera.Chat #haum {HAUM} HAckerspace au Mans -- https://haum.org ||| Voices are Hackers ||| Forum: https://forum.haum.org ||| Venez nous voir dans notre nouveau chez nous ! 4
Libera.Chat #magyar A cset csati a csetes csacsogo nepnek 4
Rizon #super-vps 4
QuakeNet #php.se 4
freenode #0xday 4
QuakeNet #l15 make irc great again 4
DALnet #crazy_wisdom RIP Danny aka Master200 - 1982-10-15 to 2022-06-01 - we will miss you 4
Rizon #nova-casual-chat 4
Libera.Chat #spirit 4
DALnet #mauritius Welcome to #Mauritius ::: Ene Sel Lepep Ene Sel Nation ::: Quote: "The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." (Dolly Parton). 4
Libera.Chat #linuxac غرفة الدردشة الحية لمنتدى مجتمع لينكس العربي Linux Arab Community www.linuxac.org | قنوات تلغرام https://t.me/aosus 4
freenode #social 4
ChatLounge #adults Welcome to #Adults | Get off of my lawn! | Place for grown-up/adult talk, intended for 18+ - No XXX pics or roleplay, sex discussion is probably okay. 4
ChatLounge #chatlounge-dev Official ChatLounge IRC Network Software Development Channel | Repositories: https://bitbucket.org/chatlounge/ | Test Net: irc.test.chatlounge.net:9967 or 9997 for SSL | #ChatIRCd for ChatIRCd | #ChatServices for ChatServices | You probably want to join the respective software channels instead. 4
Libera.Chat #nixos-infra 4
Libera.Chat ##archlinux-animangames Discussion of all things Anime, Manga, Games. Mostly NSFW. <+> http://arch.har-ikkje.net/gfx/anime-art.jpg <+> Shinryuu is https://a.yiff.moe/fqieux.jpg and https://a.yiff.moe/eaptha.jpg NSFW 4
DALnet #chats Welcome to #chats 4
ChatLounge #zncmonitor2 Private ZNC Monitoring Channel for Ben. If you are not authorized to be here, you will likely be K-Lined. 4
IRCnet #$b>e3$hla[e7(b 4
IRCnet #informatica 4
Libera.Chat ##fastlizard4 4
IRCnet #$b$a$g$m(b 4
Rizon #besty 4
Libera.Chat ##parsers 4
QuakeNet #sita 4
DALnet #singapura The English name of Singapore is derived from the Malay word Singapura, hence the customary reference to the nation as the Lion City. 4
Libera.Chat #irix 4
Libera.Chat #moonfish 4KB of nonsense! https://git.sr.ht/~zamfofex/moonfish 4
Libera.Chat #forkad Fork AD - A FOSS 3D RTS Game forked from 0 A.D. - https://fork-ad.gitlab.io/ 4
freenode #postfixadmin 4
DALnet #adamson 4
freenode ##rutorrent 4
freenode #hackspace 4
IRCnet #hdf HDF 21.3.2025 (ikke ledig 28) 4
Libera.Chat #baugsburger-bubs 4