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Network Name Topic Users
Undernet #famagusta 4
Rizon #pontianak Selamat datang di #Pontianak 4
Libera.Chat #dreamhost This is not an official support channel for DreamHost. Please use the Contact Support page in your Web Panel for any issues you are having. Thanks! 4
Libera.Chat #ryzom Welcome to Ryzom Core! | Wiki: https://wiki.ryzom.dev | Source Code & Assets: https://github.com/ryzom | Ryzom Forge: https://gitlab.com/ryzom | NeL: #nel 4
DALnet #adamson 4
Rizon #maybe Happy 4th Room Anniversary founded on 1/30/16 4
freenode #lainchan 4
IRCnet &servers SERVER MESSAGES: servers joining and leaving 4
Rizon #siege 27th Division, base of operations | Overview https://dynode-io.ipns.dweb.link/uidx.html#siege | Brief https://0x0.st/HpQk.pdf | Tools https://git.coom.tech/node/chaos-suite 4
FreshChat #lovechatpk 4
Libera.Chat #hackucf 4
Libera.Chat #openbsd-daily 4
Rizon #/waifu/ /wAIfu/ - Vtuber AI chatbots. Free free to talk about whatever you want. + Visit #/vt/ for more activity and general vtuber talk (https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.rizon.net/#/vt/) 4
Libera.Chat #postgresql-docbot 4
Libera.Chat #monado 4
Libera.Chat ##alloy 4
QuakeNet #ajuda Seja Bem Vindo(a) ao #Ajuda da rede QuakeNet - Faça sua pergunta/s no canal e aguarde pela resposta/s! - http://quakenet.blogspot.com.br/ 4
DALnet #mtr Welcome to Mataram 4
QuakeNet #warpdrive 4
Rizon #vtubers sex z vtuberkami 4
Rizon #dailyship Day 2 of learning Rust by myself 4
Rizon #wcw #WCW - Where the Big Boys chat! WCW Wrestler of the Week: Sgt. Craig Pittman 4
freenode #secp256k1 4
Libera.Chat #openrsc 4
QuakeNet #4on4.css 4
QuakeNet #rscript 4
QuakeNet #studioblabla 4
Libera.Chat #libssh 4
Libera.Chat #eff 4
Libera.Chat #weboob 4
Libera.Chat #mythtv-commits 4
Libera.Chat ##ibmi-hw 4
DALnet #pagadian Welcome to #Pagadian City - Pagadian began as stop-over for traders who plied the road between the old Spanish fort-town of Zamboanga City on the southwestern tip of the Zamboanga Peninsula and other bigger towns to the north of the old Zamboanga Province. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pagadian 4
Libera.Chat ##ubuntu 4
QuakeNet #terrorkom-server -=||||||||| xx Welcome @ #terrorkom-server xx Homepage: www.terrorkom-server.de xx Radio: #dT.radio xx |||||||||=- 4
DALnet #ranau Selamat Datang Ke Ranau :)~~~ 4
IRCnet #23 4
Libera.Chat ##yano channel of yano | https://tidal.com/ 4
Libera.Chat ##marxism-dnd 4
Libera.Chat #macintosh Try ##mac 4
QuakeNet #warzone.nu [ Welcome to #warzone.nu home of Warzone.nu / Warzone Short Valley ] [ Discord: https://discord.gg/KUEqc4s7Yn ] 4
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-uk Канал україномовної Вікіпедії | Ukrainian Wikipedia channel | https://uk.wikipedia.org 4
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-gnome 4
Libera.Chat #libreoffice-telegram Welcome. 4
Libera.Chat ##spoonfed 4
DALnet #ceu 4
Rizon #tngnet https://www.tngnet.com/ - The Next Generation Network - TNGNET B.V. 4
Rizon #aapu https://i.imgur.com/89EbhY4.png 4
DALnet #pinoybnc Welcome to #PinoyBNC! in Light, Harmony and Truth! IOFG Philippines 4
Libera.Chat #iasbim 4