Libera.Chat |
#wikimedia-cl |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#toorcamp |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#wikipedia-yue |
粵語維基百科 | Telegram: |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#tg.tfc | | |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#freeorion |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#ps2dev |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#43oh |
4 |
QuakeNet | |
4 |
freenode |
#kismet |
4 |
freenode |
#openocd |
4 |
DALnet |
#baguio |
4 |
IRCnet |
#radiostacja |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#freeems-dev |
Development channel for devs and testers. Try #freeems for user help. Try #freeems-ot for general social chatter. |
4 |
DALnet |
#españa |
___ Welcome to #ESPAÑA ___ COUNTRY | NO: Advertising, Flooding OR Inviting | OnLy EnGLisH & SPaNisH | Warning: Trespassers will be prosecuted | Web Chat: | Info: | |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#troglobit |
I'm (Joachim) no longer online on IRC, see each respective project for contact information, support, and new releases. Thank you! |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
##spicypeppers |
Colts Daily Update: It's FRIDAY! National "Children's Craft", "Potato Chip", and "Rueben Sandwich" (YUM!) Day.. Also "Pi Day".. Bring on that weekend! |
4 |
IRCnet |
#hamradio |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#moteros-gt |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#diypcb |
DIY PCB Fabrication: Chemistry, Hole plating, machining, etching, drilling, cutting, populating.. | For PCB Software+etc, see ##pcb | For general Chemistry, see ##chemistry | For Electronics, see ##electronics |
4 |
EvilNET |
#routing |
'Routing application status: OPEN - |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#conspiracy |
4 |
EvilNET |
#showbiz |
Welcome to #Showbiz - We have !trivia and !uno - Wanna play? Start/Stop: !trivia - !uno - !unocmds Rules: !unohelp rules and !unohelp prawns |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
##tapiri |
4 |
DALnet |
#psychic |
Welcome to #psychic ... we knew you were coming :) |
4 |
Libera.Chat | |
Discuss the Watt-Wise game jam and/or building low-power software. This channel is bridged to a dedicated channel in the Watt-Wise community Discord. |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#phartes |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#ossec |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
##weather-us-nh |
EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of New Hampshire | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather |
4 |
IRCnet |
#vorarlberg |
4 |
DALnet |
#bt |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#ubiquiti |
4 |
DALnet |
#vhost |
DALnet VHost Channel] Welcome (don't msg @ & idle) | Usage: !vhost pls pm admin ams & ams & Herry or sBNC okey.,or whatsapp admin +60178454837 ams |
4 |
DALnet |
#bnc4you |
:: #Bnc4you :: Request ZNC join *** #Bouncers *** |
4 |
Rizon |
#kosekroken |
Velkommen til Kosekroken Chat! |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#lisp-br |
Lisp-BR - Grupo de Usuários Lisp do Brasil |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#wesnoth-mp-lobby-oldstable |
Wesnoth MP Lobby Logging Channel (Previous Stable Version) | Moderation Interface: "lobby: my server message" (needs voice) or "lobby: /kick spammer" (needs op) | Public Logs: |
4 |
DALnet |
#jmirchelp |
DALnet Recommended support channel for JmIRC Client. [Type: /join #ChannelName to join a channel] [Use /nick newnick for a new nickname.] jmIrc has stopped its version. But still downloadable at Docs here : |
4 |
DALnet |
#saphir |
Saphir's unofficial Cloudy Bay, Apple-Cinnamon-Mead, strawberry and Amiga C64 and Atari homebase - welcome :P (Saphir) |
4 |
DALnet |
#mqm |
Welcome to #MQM The Power of MQM Altaf Hussain (Bhai) M Q M |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#quadaver |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#browserify |
require('modules') in the browser - - 17.0.0 |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#limesdr |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#2026 |
4 |
Rizon |
#hongkong-movies |
=HongKong-Movies= |Movies:|Crypto Storm|Custom Frontlines 2024 |The Goldfinger|Sakra|Dramas|Golden Oldies|Call of Destiny|See Her Again|ICAC 2024|Happily Ever After|Darksdie of the Moon0| |
4 |
freenode |
#octoprint |
4 |
DALnet |
# |
4 |
DALnet |
#binus |
Welcome To #BiNus Bina Nusantara |
4 |
Rizon | |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#quakeservers |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#emacs-tw |
Emacs Taiwan |
4 |