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Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #fightclub 4
Rizon #okaysubs Sora No Woto: Quintet of Maidens English Translation patch is out! https://ocv.me/snw/ 4
RetroNode #ritmm Добро пожаловать на канал музея вычислительной техники в Молдове (Retro IT Museum in Moldova) || Внимание, на канале установлен мост в Телеграм-группу (@ritm_m_chat) || Последний сюжет: https://youtu.be/8or4LriGAZA 4
RetroNode #osdev Operating System Development 4
RetroNode #nederlands 4
RetroNode #hamradio VHF/UHF, HF, DMR, LoRa/Meshtastic, APRS, Amateur radio satellites 4
RetroNode #sci A place where you can talk about Sierra Creative Interpreter (SCI) code and hang out 4
RetroNode #test <script>alert("hello!")</script> 4
RetroNode #physics 4
RetroNode #security SECURITY Did you know that *FONTS* can contain viruses?! What you don't know CAN hurt you: https://googleprojectzero.github.io/0days-in-the-wild/0day-RCAs/2020/CVE-2020-15999.html SECURITY 4
Rizon #tubes 4
RetroNode #palestine State of Palestine | Israel is an illegal terrorist organization occupying the sovereign territory of the State of Palestine and it must be abolished 4
RetroNode #paranormal Welcome to #paranormal, the channel about paranormal and/or unexplained phenomena: Ghosts, Psychics, Aliens, UFOs, ESP, the Afterlife, Cryptids, Crop Circles, Conspiracies, Illuminati, the Occult, ... 4
RetroNode #retronode-ru Официальный канал поддержки и обсуждения сети RetroNode на русском языке 4
Rizon #((((tulpa)))) NO EARS GANG 4
RetroNode #turkey Hoş geldiniz! 4
Rizon #mdcx sasami will be back soon, re-building the box it was on 4
ChatNPlay #discord Welcome to ChatNPlay’s Discord to IRC Relay Chat! - https://chatnplay.org/ - https://discord.gg/Akg5bv2GW4 - News: Relay is working, let us know what other channels you want to be added to it! 4
ChatNPlay #home Blowfish key: bXcN4ZKJ9ElZmdWXNc33dDl8YUdFZ9ex :: Current version: 3.0 :: https://github.com/Y4kuzi/ProvisionIRCd :: Please report bugs with a detailed report to Github. 4
ChatNPlay #nintendo Nintendo - https://nintendo.com - News: New Nintendo Switch announced! 4
ChatNPlay #openrct2 ChatNPlay OpenRCT2 Server - https://openrct2.org/ - To be added please note your user-hash. 4
CollectiveIRC #collective R.I.P. Chopin, you will be missed. 4
CollectiveIRC #buzzard Welcome to #Buzzard 4
CollectiveIRC #routing CollectiveIRC Routing (Jobe's lair) 4
CollectiveIRC #mysteria You are always welcome here Chopin 4
DeltaWorlds #lobby Welcome to Deepspace.org Irc Network! 4
LibertaCasa #bots 4
LibertaCasa #annie /topic books are stupid | sleeping is boring | psyko is gay | not all heroes wear pants | "what type of music you into?" ... "oh, just bass." 4
EFnet #ps3downgrade 4
EFnet #ace 4
Rizon #247hd 247HD Fantasy Football League: ybal46 & 07l1ai // REGISTRATIONS ARE OPEN!!!! // Streampage - http://www.247hd.tv/forums/view.php?pg=webtemplate // Mobile streampage - http://www.247hd.tv/forums/view.php?pg=m-webtemplate 4
Rizon #cats #cats is not a channel for sexual deviants, please leave 4
Rizon #naruto-arena :::: Welcome to #naruto-arena - Where morons and assholes used to be banned instantly :::: - :::: Where I ShAmPi got more pm's telling me I was going to get killed than times I could breath :::: Nontheless ShAmPi & Sunago are still the 2 sexiest persons in this universe! :::: 4
Rizon #shinkirou Touhou 15.5 v1.10c http://www.tasofro.net/touhou155/index.html | Wiki: https://aocf.koumakan.jp/Touhou_Hyouibana_Wiki | Rules: http://pastebin.com/rYS8BiwC | Character unlock https://bit.ly/2HuYLDq | Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/716710/_Antinomy_of_Common_Flowers/ 4
EFnet #dj 4
EFnet #tradewars 4
EFnet #miami 4
Rizon #ebookchat Für ein friedliches Miteinander aller Leseratten 4
EFnet #sailormoon things, specifically, in a general sense 4
EFnet #sack 4
EFnet #powershells 4
Rizon #crypto #crypto - chat about anything crypto related - coins/tokens/nfts/prices/exchanges/farms/pools 4
Rizon #akiba-subs Akiba-Subs ~ http://akiba-subs.org ~ XDCC Botliste: https://akiba-subs.org/xdcc || Neu: Touhou Musou Kakyou 3 4
EFnet #krazm [Server online] | MTX-Cubie | rec | 4
EFnet #classical 4
EFnet #anime&videogames 4
Rizon #/d/ ( ͡¬ ͜ʖ ͡¬) POO POO PEE PEE 4
Rizon #kelantan The Official Channel Of Negeri Kelantan 4
Rizon #randomize BOEING gyrna pisw h estw thlefwna 4
Rizon #twilightzone ¸ø¤°'°¤ø¸ WeLcOmE tO #twilightzone ¸ø¤°'°¤ø¸ 4