* related to indexed networks only

Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #naev 4
Libera.Chat #mechkeyboards 4
Rizon #irchorseracing Welcome, type !start to watch the thoroughbreds race. Register /msg IRCHr register password - Login /msg IRCHr login password, IRC dollars are given after registration for betting. Save for a thoroughbred horse and build your stables. Aim to become the Top trainer of the month. Good Luck (, check all horses for sale) 4
Rizon #blackhat ᓚᘏᗢ ᓚᘏᗢ 4
QuakeNet #osp 4
Rizon #vamb 4
Libera.Chat #openfoam-irc 4
Libera.Chat #novavideoplayer 4
IRCnet #kekeradio 4
Libera.Chat #cps Nim CPS discussion room. Bridged to Matrix at and is publicly logged. 4
Libera.Chat #nixops 4
QuakeNet #natt&liv 4
Rizon #werewolf To use the bot: /msg nr rpm WereWolf message 4
Libera.Chat #mageia-board 4
Libera.Chat ##creativeworks 4
Libera.Chat #3liz-qgis 4
QuakeNet #bepu 4
Libera.Chat ##botted continue the idling. 4
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-ct EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of Connecticut | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 4
DALnet #muhammadiyah ( Welcome to #muhammadiyah Channel mIRC DALnet )(-Website-) :: ::' 4
EvilNET #dragonrealm DragonRealm@EvilNet - Home of the DRAGON.. Enter at your own risk! 4
Rizon #/vr/men All talk of CRTs and console/games up to 1999 is allowed. Dreamcast is included. Please read the rules: Funposting (and any posting) is allowed! 4
Libera.Chat (et toutes ses petites soeurs à côté pour board, epub, img, share, svgtex, etc.) 4
IRCnet #schiave 4
Rizon #risingsons Chapter Master Quest | | Next Session of Chapter Master Quest is scheduled for ~7pm GMT on Sunday 2nd April 2023 | Current thread: 4
QuakeNet #amplified 4
DALnet #cricket 4
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-mi EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of Michigan | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 4
Libera.Chat ##vintage welcome to #vintage classic computer related stuff 4
DALnet #holland Welcome to Netherlands - Koffietijd! is een Nederlands livetelevisieprogramma dat van 1994 tot 2001 werd uitgezonden op RTL 4 en werd gepresenteerd door het duo Mireille Bekooij en Hans van Willigenburg. 4
Libera.Chat #hydrabus HydraBus firmware & TaskList: 4
Libera.Chat #kairos 4
DALnet #bitcoinshells 4
Rizon #mafiazone If you want one of the bots added, have your channel owner leave a message here and I'll add one as soon as I'm at the computer 4
QuakeNet #pink Goest and fucketh thyself. 4
Rizon #mibbit Help channel for Mibbit clients | For questions regarding the Rizon network please /join #help .:. Please forgive any turbulance - adding a new executive washroom 4
Rizon #tonari. Idle in der Cloud: | Projektstatus: ded. ||| XDCC: !list ||| Aktuelle Folgen: Senyuu. S2 EP7 | Tsuritama EP6 | Hibike! EP2 | Sabagebu! SP3 | Kochinpa! EP01 - EP02 QC ||| Besucht uns doch auf 4
QuakeNet #dbprefaith 4
IRCnet #pldhelp 4
QuakeNet #group 4
Libera.Chat #theuberleets 4
Libera.Chat #tms-samp Welcome to TMS SA-MP IRC channel! All buddiez welcome ^__^ 4
Undernet #dragasani 4
IRCnet 4
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-en-cbngfeed 4
Libera.Chat #stardewvalley Welcome to #stardewvalley! || || Wiki: || GOG: || Steam: || Forums: || Please report Bugs on 4
IRCnet 4
freenode #joseon 4
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-ca EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of California | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 4
DALnet #borg We are the Borg. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile. 4