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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
EFnet #wcgames 4
Rizon #foss Official Channel for freely open source software | RIP LordTerry 4
Rizon #hercules Welcome to Hercules! - http://herc.ws/board/ | https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules | Join our testers team on #Hercules-Testers 4
Rizon #tlc 4
EFnet #beer.buddies 4
EFnet #priiloader 4
Rizon #shenlong-subs [Shenlong-Subs] trustable subs for the "Dragon Ball" anime series — Website: www.shenlongsubs.wordpress.com — All Releases: https://nyaa.si/view/408296 (Son Goku Arc 1-28) - https://nyaa.si/view/477326 (Red Ribbon Army Arc 29-68) - https://nyaa.si/view/1055399 (Fortuneteller Baba Arc 69-83) Latest releases: Dragon Ball - 83 - Dragon Ball Super - 002 4
EFnet #grateful 4
Rizon #cjsun 4
EFnet #thecity 4
Rizon #mgpnp MGCYOA channel for general RP. 4
EFnet #coreiso 4
EFnet #arstechnica "God save the Queen, man" 4
Rizon #alphaanime AlphaAnime's HQ channel, where the minions unite and rebel against nothing in particular. !list and @find are OK here. Stay in channel to receive files from fServers. 4
Rizon #incomplete-chat There are no bad questions, just bad answers (and we have lots)! 4
Rizon #perak Welcome to #Perak Darul Ridzuan... 4
EFnet #wire 4
Rizon #mgschool MGCYOA backup channel for general RP. 4
EFnet #freenode 4
EFnet #midn1tetest 4
EFnet #d4rk3gg 4
EFnet #downunder Welcome to #Downunder 4
EFnet #2¸000 4
Rizon #erepeus Canal Oficial de Euskadi de eRepublik 4
EFnet #english 4
EFnet #mp3-sweden PlaY iT agaiN saM ! 4
EFnet #next 4
EFnet #narcotics 4
Rizon #animexe we're back motherfuckers and older than ever #irc4lyfe 4
Rizon #teamiroha 4
Rizon #teaparty The New Tea Party 4
EFnet #mayham 4
Rizon #tomodachi [Tomodachi] Blame Echo_C Edition ! Hmmm... Giant BonBons 4
EFnet #warriors 4
EFnet #incomplete-list Timed Display of #incomplete Request List - Active 4
EFnet #outlaws 4
EFnet #🐇 4
EFnet #dice 4
Rizon #noctem Believe in us, and we'll believe in you. 4
Rizon #litecoin Welcome to the unofficial Litecoin IRC Rizon Channel|Wallet: https://litecoin.org/#download |Block Explorer: https://litecoinblockexplorer.net/ |no flooding, no colours, no stupid ascii crap, no repeats/spam, NO ALL CAPS TYPING 4
Rizon #mgcafe MGCYOA channel for casual RP. 4
EFnet #berniesanders 4
EFnet #elizabethwarren 4
EFnet #yang 4
EFnet #wiimc See also: #SwitchHack #wiibrew #gc-forever #SteamDeck 4
Rizon #pahang "((( Pahang Darul Makmur 4
EFnet #mozilla 4
EFnet #site 4
EFnet #seo 4