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Network Name Topic Users
EFnet #lundis 4
EFnet #apple 4
Rizon #pizzaclub 4
EFnet #theswamp 4
Rizon #cryptotalk "Join to discuss any Crypto Currency News Etc, - Rules are no flooding, no shilling, no colours, no stupid ascii crap, no repeats/spam, NO ALL CAPS TYPING, no stupid behaviour, no illegal crap like CP etc.." 4
EFnet #freethought2 .... 4
EFnet #bakrommet 4
EFnet #eztv-today 4
EFnet #chatsubo 4
Rizon #tonari. Idle in der Cloud: https://discord.gg/5buvcwG | Projektstatus: ded. http://goo.gl/n7z4gB ||| XDCC: !list ||| Aktuelle Folgen: Senyuu. S2 EP7 | Tsuritama EP6 | Hibike! EP2 | Sabagebu! SP3 | Kochinpa! EP01 - EP02 QC ||| Besucht uns doch auf https://tonari.ga 4
Rizon #mibbit Help channel for Mibbit clients | For questions regarding the Rizon network please /join #help .:. Please forgive any turbulance - adding a new executive washroom 4
EFnet #onepice I don't wanna conquer anything. It's just that the person with the most freedom on the sea is the pirate king 4
EFnet #dayz 4
Rizon #mafiazone If you want one of the bots added, have your channel owner leave a message here and I'll add one as soon as I'm at the computer 4
EFnet #piracy 4
Rizon #risingsons Chapter Master Quest | twitter.com/ChapterMasterQ | Next Session of Chapter Master Quest is scheduled for ~7pm GMT on Sunday 2nd April 2023 | Current thread:https://boards.4channel.org/qst/thread/5624532 4
EFnet #talk 4
EFnet #dune 4
Rizon #kumple 4
EFnet #!@ 4
EFnet #dickshouse 4
EFnet #865 4
Rizon #minecraft Welcome to #minecraft! Official channel located at irc.esper.net/#minecraft | Need help? Is no one responding? See: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com | 1.10 has been released on June 8th 4
Rizon #kedah " *KEDAHSelamat datang ke negeri #Kedah Darul Aman. Negeri Jelapang Padi. 4
Rizon #lilies Trump confirmed for #1 anime of all time 4
EFnet #q* the conspiratorium of Q star 4
EFnet #bastards 4
EFnet #amigaguiden 4
EFnet #jsmess 4
EFnet #killah-p 4
Rizon #werewolf To use the bot: /msg nr rpm WereWolf message 4
EFnet #os2world 4
Rizon #bear http://i.imgur.com/SWgpaBz.jpg | idle so hard you miss the channel's birthday | im gay | ok | bike chat | HAPPY BIRTHDAY #BEAR!!!! 4
Rizon #atug 2025 IS HERE AND SO IS OUR PLEA, TO THE SEA WE CHARGE, NO TURNING BACK, NO GUARANTEE, BUT STILL WE MARCH, TO THE BOUNDLESS SEA | Ferret - Neverending March ~ https://dorohedo.ro/up/lrpfcoxsbnsj.mp3 ~ https://dorohedo.ro/up/ovkgoaurfkuy.jpg 4
Rizon #leftypol The bot is back 4
EFnet #pyrexhosting https://www.pyrexhosting.com :: shells :: ircd :: znc :: psybnc :: web & email hosting :: irc hosting :: premium internet services :: 4
Rizon #vamb 4
Rizon #blackhat ᓚᘏᗢ https://interdo.me/ ᓚᘏᗢ 4
EFnet #preppers 4
Rizon #irchorseracing Welcome, type !start to watch the thoroughbreds race. Register /msg IRCHr register password - Login /msg IRCHr login password, IRC dollars are given after registration for betting. Save for a thoroughbred horse and build your stables. Aim to become the Top trainer of the month. Good Luck (https://pastebin.com/7jA60U81, check all horses for sale) 4
EFnet #l serving efnet for 30 years 4
EFnet #🇨🇦 🇨🇦💪 4
EFnet #k3-add 4
Rizon #lagout.org 4
Rizon #trivia !topic HKM HAMSTER KAFFIR MIDGET 4
Rizon #zeonic-corps #Zeonic-Corps| R.I.P. Deacon_Blues | Keeping our composure since 2004! 2014; 10 year anniversary!| ZC Fansubs: Mobile Suit Gundam (0079) - [DVD/JP audio/ENG sub]: http://bit.ly/1jq2aQx | [Blu-ray/JP+ENG audio/ENG sub]: http://x.co/4qBO7 4
EFnet #tones.be Tijd voor een nieuw topic. Dat werd tijd. 4
EFnet #snacks you write for the atlantic and you have fewer followers than me, a guy who writes plays about energy drinks and boners. 4
EFnet #mrdirty 4
Rizon #kawaii-scans Welcome to Kawaii Scans! | Visit http://kawaii.ca for New Releases | Latest Releases: Ohana Holoholo Ch. 11; Virgins Empire Ch. 27; Moon, World, and Stars Ch. 4 4