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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
freenode #hardfolding 4
EFnet #berniesanders 4
QuakeNet #hobby-rhetoriker GULUPP 4
QuakeNet #naag 4
Libera.Chat #pizza 4
Undernet #eugen 4
DALnet #borg We are the Borg. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile. 4
QuakeNet #php.se 4
QuakeNet #l15 make irc great again 4
EFnet #miami 4
Libera.Chat #atlanta welcome to #atlanta where the players play while the rest of us sit in traffic | visit #atlanta on snoonet for more people 4
OFTC #debian-unicode 🦖 Unicode for Debian 4
Libera.Chat #nixos-de 4
Libera.Chat #commodore "All about Commodore and Home of A1k" 4
freenode #gentoo-perl 4
Rizon #hadena 4
Libera.Chat #not-##freebsd 4
DALnet #bitcoinshells 4
DALnet #holland Welcome to Netherlands - Koffietijd! is een Nederlands livetelevisieprogramma dat van 1994 tot 2001 werd uitgezonden op RTL 4 en werd gepresenteerd door het duo Mireille Bekooij en Hans van Willigenburg. 4
Undernet #hitman Everything, as it begins, eventually comes to an end. ( The adventures we share. The people we share them with. ) 4
QuakeNet #sita 4
Rizon #devhosting Welcome to DevHosting// Where we will host CHEAP webhotels for CHEAP prices, And guaranteed 99,999 % UPTIME // NEWS: DevHosting wishes YOU a MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2022 =) http://www.devhosting.org 4
OFTC #java OFTC Java Community - Welcome! 4
OFTC #debian-community planets are up again, please report any nonworking stuff - content needs update... | http://www.debian-community.org/ - feedback and help welcome | subscribe to the d-community-discuss list | http://wiki.debian-community.org/ToDo/ | svn://svn.debian.org/svn/d-community/trunk/ 4
Libera.Chat #pouchdb 4
DALnet #cricket 4
DALnet #muhammadiyah ( Welcome to #muhammadiyah Channel mIRC DALnet )(-Website-) :: https://muhammadiyah.or.id/ ::' 4
Libera.Chat #webkitgtk 4
IRCnet #ef_moe 4
freenode #unvanquished Get game on https://unvanquished.net • see https://unvanquished.net/chat for details about chat 4
OFTC #vsido Welcome to the VSIDO Linux OFTC IRC Channel - Forum & Downloads: http://vsido.org/ 4
Rizon #doujin_play Позвольте представить вам Кеньджиро, человека со шрамом в виде созвездия Северной Зdезды || Стрелялки, Маджонг и другие. Скачать и играть бесплатно! 4
IRCnet #koszalin 4
Undernet #peshawar 4
OFTC #buildroot-commits 4
Undernet #dalnet Mirc /server Tulcea.home.ro:6667 ( Web Chat http://Tulcea.home.ro ! ) 4
freenode #freedv Moved to libera network 4
Libera.Chat #nomadbsd NomadBSD: Quick and easy FreeBSD Desktop on a (USB) stick --> https://nomadbsd.org/ 4
OFTC #armdev Poke at arm and x86 things until it does something useful. Yes I know the channel name is _ARM_ dev, but that doesn't mean we can't be flexible. 4
freenode #bolix 4
QuakeNet #ajuda Seja Bem Vindo(a) ao #Ajuda da rede QuakeNet - Faça sua pergunta/s no canal e aguarde pela resposta/s! - http://quakenet.blogspot.com.br/ 4
QuakeNet #warpdrive 4
OFTC #survex 4
Libera.Chat #sysadministrivia 4
OFTC #why2025-press WHY2025 Press room 4
Libera.Chat #solr-dev 4
QuakeNet #4on4.css 4
QuakeNet #rscript 4
QuakeNet #studioblabla 4
freenode #systemd-unregistered 4