#russian |
Russian language chat and help || Same as http://russian-freenode.nfshost.com |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#muropaketti.sc2 |
4 |
SkyChatz |
#kinabalu |
4 |
IRCnet |
#sadomaso |
4 |
#void |
void ofallConversation() |
4 |
IRC4Fun |
#scrabble |
try it out i guess? use !word, to get a new word - and what's best? you gotta type it everytime for a new word...because yeah. |
4 |
#purgatory |
Purify and make yourself worthy! |
4 |
SkyChatz |
#channel |
Channel Room! !port http://exsiteteam.blogspot.com/ copy and pasted from another team remote and make it yours! |
4 |
#mch2022-shuttle |
4 |
#mesa-ci |
the new jenkins is up and running at mesa-ci-jenkins.jf.intel.com. Update your bookmarks! |
4 |
#chlor |
4 |
#tor-research |
4 |
freenode |
#test |
4 |
#openvas |
OpenVAS - Open Vulnerability Assessment System - http://www.openvas.org | OpenVAS-9 is out! |
4 |
#mapreri |
Channel with the aim to do varius test on IRC releated things by mapreri. If you want information about me or this channel please email me at <mapreri@mapreri.org>. |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#qlinux |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#opensuse-de-chat |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#sporks |
Discussion around the articles at https://sporks.space |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#ubuntu-fr-admins |
4 |
IRCnet |
#leopardo |
4 |
#debian-js-changes |
4 |
#ubuntuce |
Ubuntu Christian Edition | Bring Linux to the Christians | Idle here and help us make an active UbuntuCE community! | Grab iso's now from: http://phillw.net/isos/uce | Things we need to do: http://negativeflare.xyz/htmlize/ubuntuce.html | |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#paldo |
4 |
TechNet |
#dos |
Disk Operating System (DOS) Channel | Links: http://paste.awesom.eu/H18P | Paste? http://paste.awesom.eu | Behave and have fun! | It is like 2021, only it's really 1993! | 1 KB = 1024 bytes (1 << 10) | QT = QuickTime | SET BAN=OOP;QB64;PYTHON;VISTA+;64Bit;Rust (make this place GREAT for once!) | LOADHIGH CrystalMath, Mysoft |
4 |
SkyChatz |
#kiosk |
4 |
IRCnet |
#blueangel |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#radare_side |
4 |
TechNet |
#superfly |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#lchost |
4 |
IRCnet |
#radio-leopardo |
4 |
TechNet |
#ircnow |
IRCNow: The Open Network (https://ircnow.org) - Type !bnc for a free bouncer, !shell for a free shell account, and !relay for a free relay. Type !help for instructions |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#cvn-zh-scan |
中文維基计划反破坏监视频道 | 机器人命令: 黑名单 <機械人名稱> bl add/del username x=时间长度(小时) r=理由 | 其他命令 http://zhwp.org/WP:CVN | 一般討論 #wikipedia-zh | CVN #countervandalism |
4 |
IRCnet |
#leopardo-hot |
4 |
#exim |
Unofficial support channel for the MTA exim, official channel with more activity and sometimes devs is on libera.chat |
4 |
IRCnet |
#leopardo-store |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#dorka |
4 |
TechNet |
#tcl |
Tool Command Language - TCL |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#wazuh |
4 |
IRCnet |
#fotografo |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#kui |
4 |
#debian-nantes |
Salon public de Debian Nantes | https://nantes.debian.net | Archives du salon sur https://nantes.debian.net/irc/archives |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#arsch-bande |
4 |
#beijinglug |
Beijing GNU/Linux User Group | 北京 GNU/Linux 用户组, 主要讨论 GNU/Linux, FOSS, Online Rights and Privacy 相关话题 | XMPP: add chatirc@beijinglug.club as your friend | Please introduce yourself when first online. |
4 |
#openpgp-ca |
In-house, Federated OpenPGP Key Management for Groups - https://openpgp-ca.org/ |
4 |
IRCnet |
#cornuti |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#fuchsbau |
Unsere WG™✝🌈 |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#jasper-wm |
4 |
#monkeys |
Trumsonaro slashfic |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#wikipedia-zh-sports |
維基百科運動群︰與Telegram群 @wikipedia_zh_sports 及Discord群77n7vnu (https://discord.gg/77n7vnu)互聯。 |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#wikimedia-mailman |
4 |