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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
OFTC #mch2022-shuttle 4
OFTC #mesa-ci the new jenkins is up and running at mesa-ci-jenkins.jf.intel.com. Update your bookmarks! 4
EFnet #classical 4
DALnet #dallas 4
OFTC #chlor 4
freenode #octave 4
DALnet #cocacola Psshhhhhhh Tsck...pshh...fwshhhhhhhhh... you know what I mean ;) 4
Libera.Chat #libregaming Head into #libregamenight | libregaming.org 4
DALnet #labschool <><> W'come to #LaBs! HaVe A NiCe Chat ! <><> HaPPy B'day to our friend Mr.Civics, levodextro, ubedilahbadrun, Faireza & sAskiAa !! (15 Mar) <><> ( http://www.labscorner.org ) <><> 4
SwiftIRC #vhost Do not PM/highlight the ops. Please request a vhost in the channel and be patient. Domain ownership must be verified for actual domains; non-domains are advised. Duplicates must be justified. 4
OFTC #haiku-fr 4
QuakeNet #lchost 4
DALnet #athens Welcome to #Athens , the capital and jewel of Greece (http://www.greece-athens.com) 4
freenode #libvirt 4
IRCnet #christian-chat-chalice 4
Newnet #net342 NET342 - Northern Alberta's Fidonet Hub 📡 | Official IRC Channel | Connect with us: https://net342.region17.net | Your gateway to local and global discussions. Join now! 4
OFTC #tor-research 4
IRCnet #jesus 4
IRCnet #filozofia 4
freenode #pyramid 4
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-ri EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of Rhode Island | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 4
Libera.Chat #9p 4
OFTC #openvas OpenVAS - Open Vulnerability Assessment System - http://www.openvas.org | OpenVAS-9 is out! 4
Libera.Chat #mageia-forums liberachat channel for the Mageia Forums Team. 4
freenode #secp256k1 4
Libera.Chat #widelands-news 4
OFTC #mapreri Channel with the aim to do varius test on IRC releated things by mapreri. If you want information about me or this channel please email me at <mapreri@mapreri.org>. 4
Libera.Chat ##grumpy-bastards home of the grumpy old bastards 4
EvilNET #dragonrealm DragonRealm@EvilNet - Home of the DRAGON.. Enter at your own risk! 4
OFTC #debian-js-changes 4
IRCnet #stindenmokinalakerta 4
OFTC #ubuntuce Ubuntu Christian Edition | Bring Linux to the Christians | Idle here and help us make an active UbuntuCE community! | Grab iso's now from: http://phillw.net/isos/uce | Things we need to do: http://negativeflare.xyz/htmlize/ubuntuce.html | 4
Libera.Chat #piraten-kaost 4
DALnet #taipei Welcome to #Taipei - Enjoy your stay and have a nice chat! 4
Libera.Chat #opensolaris-fr 4
DALnet #italia []<>()<>[]  Benvenuti su #italia  []<>()<>[8] 4
freenode #gentoo-security 4
EvilNET #idlerpg /msg IdleRPG REGISTER <char name> <password> <ability(b, w, p or r)> <char class> Webpage http://evilnet.idleirpg.site/players.php | #irpghelp 4
QuakeNet #istanbul 4
Undernet #athensops 4
Libera.Chat #packetfence 4
Libera.Chat #armbian-broadcom armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | Broadcom SoC | www.armbian.com | This channel is relayed to the equivalent Discord channel 4
Libera.Chat #pandorabox-fr 4
IRCnet #squathki 4
OFTC #exim Unofficial support channel for the MTA exim, official channel with more activity and sometimes devs is on libera.chat 4
EvilNET #showbiz Welcome to #Showbiz - We have !trivia and !uno - Wanna play? Start/Stop: !trivia - !uno - !unocmds Rules: !unohelp rules and !unohelp prawns 4
Newnet #retrodigital RetroDigital IRC – Dial into Nostalgia 📟 | Official Channel | Visit: http://rdnetbbs.com | Explore: https://retrodigital.net | Let's spark a retro chat! 4
Undernet #women 4
Undernet #countrymp3 4
freenode #gitolite 4