Random Network
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  • Users: 13,968
  • Channels: 1,630 indexed
  • Top Channel:
    #alpine-linux (549)
  • Last Indexed: Currently Indexing
  • The Open and Free Technology Community aims to provide stable and effective collaboration services to members of the community in any part of the world, while closely listening to their needs and desires.
* related to indexed networks only

Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
OFTC #russian Russian language chat and help || Same as http://russian-freenode.nfshost.com 4
QuakeNet #muropaketti.sc2 4
SkyChatz #kinabalu 4
IRCnet #sadomaso 4
OFTC #void void ofallConversation() 4
IRC4Fun #scrabble try it out i guess? use !word, to get a new word - and what's best? you gotta type it everytime for a new word...because yeah. 4
OFTC #purgatory Purify and make yourself worthy! 4
SkyChatz #channel Channel Room! !port http://exsiteteam.blogspot.com/ copy and pasted from another team remote and make it yours! 4
OFTC #mch2022-shuttle 4
OFTC #mesa-ci the new jenkins is up and running at mesa-ci-jenkins.jf.intel.com. Update your bookmarks! 4
OFTC #chlor 4
OFTC #tor-research 4
freenode #test 4
OFTC #openvas OpenVAS - Open Vulnerability Assessment System - http://www.openvas.org | OpenVAS-9 is out! 4
OFTC #mapreri Channel with the aim to do varius test on IRC releated things by mapreri. If you want information about me or this channel please email me at <mapreri@mapreri.org>. 4
QuakeNet #qlinux 4
Libera.Chat #opensuse-de-chat 4
Libera.Chat #sporks Discussion around the articles at https://sporks.space 4
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-fr-admins 4
IRCnet #leopardo 4
OFTC #debian-js-changes 4
OFTC #ubuntuce Ubuntu Christian Edition | Bring Linux to the Christians | Idle here and help us make an active UbuntuCE community! | Grab iso's now from: http://phillw.net/isos/uce | Things we need to do: http://negativeflare.xyz/htmlize/ubuntuce.html | 4
Libera.Chat #paldo 4
TechNet #dos Disk Operating System (DOS) Channel | Links: http://paste.awesom.eu/H18P | Paste? http://paste.awesom.eu | Behave and have fun! | It is like 2021, only it's really 1993! | 1 KB = 1024 bytes (1 << 10) | QT = QuickTime | SET BAN=OOP;QB64;PYTHON;VISTA+;64Bit;Rust (make this place GREAT for once!) | LOADHIGH CrystalMath, Mysoft 4
SkyChatz #kiosk 4
IRCnet #blueangel 4
Libera.Chat #radare_side 4
TechNet #superfly 4
QuakeNet #lchost 4
IRCnet #radio-leopardo 4
TechNet #ircnow IRCNow: The Open Network (https://ircnow.org) - Type !bnc for a free bouncer, !shell for a free shell account, and !relay for a free relay. Type !help for instructions 4
Libera.Chat #cvn-zh-scan 中文維基计划反破坏监视频道 | 机器人命令: 黑名单 <機械人名稱> bl add/del username x=时间长度(小时) r=理由 | 其他命令 http://zhwp.org/WP:CVN | 一般討論 #wikipedia-zh | CVN #countervandalism 4
IRCnet #leopardo-hot 4
OFTC #exim Unofficial support channel for the MTA exim, official channel with more activity and sometimes devs is on libera.chat 4
IRCnet #leopardo-store 4
QuakeNet #dorka 4
TechNet #tcl Tool Command Language - TCL 4
Libera.Chat #wazuh 4
IRCnet #fotografo 4
Libera.Chat #kui 4
OFTC #debian-nantes Salon public de Debian Nantes | https://nantes.debian.net | Archives du salon sur https://nantes.debian.net/irc/archives 4
QuakeNet #arsch-bande 4
OFTC #beijinglug Beijing GNU/Linux User Group | 北京 GNU/Linux 用户组, 主要讨论 GNU/Linux, FOSS, Online Rights and Privacy 相关话题 | XMPP: add chatirc@beijinglug.club as your friend | Please introduce yourself when first online. 4
OFTC #openpgp-ca In-house, Federated OpenPGP Key Management for Groups - https://openpgp-ca.org/ 4
IRCnet #cornuti 4
Libera.Chat #fuchsbau Unsere WG™✝🌈 4
Libera.Chat #jasper-wm 4
OFTC #monkeys Trumsonaro slashfic 4
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-zh-sports 維基百科運動群︰與Telegram群 @wikipedia_zh_sports 及Discord群77n7vnu (https://discord.gg/77n7vnu)互聯。 4
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-mailman 4